Friday, February 4, 2011

Dark Flaky Skin On Dog Belly


Come sempre chi governa questo Paese, crede di poter fare quel che gli pare, fregandosene delle Istituzioni e delle regole del gioco democratico.
E' successo di nuovo.
Dopo che la cosiddetta " bicameralina " (ma dove diavolo li tirano fuori 'sti nomi), aveva sostanzialmente fermato il federalismo fiscale, poichè la votazione si era conclusa in parità and then, according to the rules, the proposal would have to return to the Chambers for a more thorough discussion, the Prime Minister well thought of entering a leg straight and still promote a legislative decree. Of course this was a necessary condition for him to placate the League and avoid last-minute reversals, so much so that Bossi said "p ortiamo home the result." Series: no matter how we got here, but we got there.
Knight's move is not liked it at the Quirinal Palace (fortunately there is still the President of the Republic), which is interventuo preventing this unfortunate process.
As yet we put up with this bad habit? This sort of soft dictatorship where, who's in charge, think they can afford everything that goes around your head? Obviously
Berlusconi has thundered from Brussels against a country " paralyzed from the attorney." Of course, when you're allergic to the rules and you do not like to hear you say no, t'incazzi with those who enforce the rules and try to convince the rest of the world, and these rules are useless.
We want to give us a cut?



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