Monday, December 24, 2007

Pokemon Doujinshi Ash And Dawn


... maintain friendships, listening to good music, maybe a jazz of Charlie Parker, read a book, watch a lot of movies (copyright?) honor your father and your mother ... travel often, to eat colossal rivers to drink wine, make love ... make love ... This is my wish for you all ... Happy New Year! Luca

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sigmatel Audio Driver Mixer

December 26 -> i-Gloo Holy

Some of the information contained in this release are false.
On 26 December there will be an igloo last year.
On 27 December is a Thursday.
We will exchange Christmas gifts.
will not be a Christmas party. It will be an igloo like everyone else, only that it falls during the Christmas holidays.
Earlier this year the team of the igloo is located in a cellar in the countryside of Correggio with 6 liters of marzemino and giving away what will be the dates of the igloos to be implemented during the year.
attended last igloo 1314 persone.
Questa volta l’iGloo vedrà potenziato il reparto gastronomico: chi viene entro le 22.00 potrà degustare montagne di falafel fatti in casa, verdeggiante erbazzone casereccio, cornucopia di torte salate, focacce variopinte, confortante zuppa di fagioli. Fino ad esaurimento.
Regaleremo una bottiglia di Negramaro a chi verrà senza scarpe.
I concerti cominceranno alle 23.00.
Avevamo pure costruito un bagno enorme con vasca, ma una mandria di cinghiali ce lo ha devastato.
Sotto le volte a botte dell’iGloo si alterneranno (nel senso che faranno un pezzo a gruppo a rotazione, come a pallavolo)

Gazebo Penguins The Rituals
... / therituals
GoDownMoses ... / godownmoseshq
and now "must" group by surprise! (The group is one of them a surprise: Sting

Hell Demonio
Sex offenders seek salvation

Don Caballero and guess who wins the group in advance of a surprise)

Dj set_ EnzoPolaroid ... / polaroidblog

All groups will play blindfolded.
Lefties have to do without the thumb.
As always, conterremo 80 people: better book.
Who is father of his cap Christmas does not enter.
Who is Santa Claus with the cap does not pay.

info and reservations:
goat: 3405702119
Sollo: 3395211519

Monday, December 17, 2007

Side Effects Of Frequent Erection

Soon ... inspired by the homonymous film by Todd Haynes and spectacular .... "I'm not here" my tribute to Bob Dylan, prophets, poets, musicians E. .. MYTH!!

How Do I Know If It Is Sk Or Sc?

La vie bohème

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What Kind Of Tattoo Can You Get For 100.00

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Effective Glutathione Brand

"Lord Remember these servants
disobedient to the laws of the pack
not forget their faces"
from "huge prayer" Fabrizio De Andre

Velveeta Pasta Commercial Recipe


As in that film in which Alberto Sordi, antique dealer in Perugia goes to London to star in 'tired of the haute bourgeoisie in provincial narrow-mindedness which she lived ... but that was "London fog" ...

......................... 13:37 pm As my gaze falls prey at auction dei paesaggi scandinavi, butto giù due righe per raccontare la mia esperienza, il mio viaggio...
La penna me l'ha prestata il conducente del pullman. la mia è smarrita, persa nell'abisso di di follia e disordine dell'alloggio di Karlstad... Roberto starà dormendo come un bambino mentre io, animato dalla mia solita testardaggine, sono saltato sul primo pullman con destinazione Oslo, Norvegia, la terra di Munch!
Così, mentre sull' i-pod( un regalo!!!) passano come frecce le note di "Aida" di Rino Gaetano io m'abbandono (e 2!!) a scrivere su quest'agenda che prima di me fu di Hemingway e Picasso (non proprio questa!). E in testa ho 1000 pensieri; com'è facile scappare da un posto di 90000 abitanti, com'è difficile scappare da se stessi (neanche se sei Eddie Mercx!)...
E ora penso: "cazzo Luca... ti fai 'sto viaggio a 250000 km di distanza, conosci un sacco di gente, di culture diverse e non riesci ad uscire dal tuo piccolo mondo del cazzo? NO... NO... NO!!!!!!
Libera l'istinto, hai la possibilità di viaggiare, di vedere cosa c'è fuori e la licenza poetica per scriverne... Kerouac non aveva radici in nessun posto... lui doveva andare... il vecchio Jack!
Pensi forse che Ernest Hemingway una volta dentro la Boteguita del Medio, nel bel mezzo dell'Havana, nel cuore di Cuba, si fosse messo a pensare ad altro? NO!!!! Il vecchio hem se ne stava lì a scolarsi il suo buon rum e scoparsi qualche beautiful Cuban grills in the head, in the 'waiting to plant a bullet in the head with a rifle!
But back to the trip ... The inspiration came to me! I turn off the i-pod (I do not want Rino ...)
only contact with the real world, technology ...
writes ... WRITE .... Writes ...
Oslo is the most expensive city in Europe said ... attentive to the wallet! I do not care ... not really have much to spend ... I hope I have been a good friend to Robert ... sure that my visit gave him pleasure, a little less my habits ...
"God only knows if this city has trees" (homage to Verdena crazy!) Las
people of Karlstad, Karlstad or better lives, ordinary people having fun with little m'è came in like a blast of pure heroin in their veins! (Homage to Kerouac's crazy, "the street")
I 'sorry to leave' is madhouse. But this is another chapter, this is ......... The Swedish flat
I just lost a small Swedish cemetery where the souls of the dead rest in peace under 2 feet of snow!
I was saying ... I am sorry to leave Karlstad, unassuming town, enlivened by the party of foreign students (but not strangers) came here in search of themselves (they will be found?)
Sor Matteo L., Rome, Parioli-bored-lover- of extreme-sports-but without weighing her social status ... a simple guy end ... I spent more time with him than with getting to know Rob is also the other side, the good of the average upper middle class Roman.
The girl, a Mery peperino all lesbian, sexual ambiguity! A very nice girl ... FUN! Francesca
reminds me a little, the girl Ale.
Mike Ros, a silhouette! Dutch, nicknamed Yogi Bear for the way he talks ...
And then ... Eelco Zijl, the English (Alba and her friend intriguing of which I will never know the name!)
Andreas Johansson, Martin Nilsson, the Dutch Rosenborg (without words ...), the French (Tanguy, Sevan, Mathieu) , the Chinese, Mexican and Katie ... Estonian Finnish mother with whom he could birth to a beautiful friendship if only I had not been so taken by her and other so ... Talkative ... nice anyway .... very
14:11 pm The speaker of the bus, ripping me away from this tender moment ... are in Norway! We still lack an hour in Oslo ... I get back to writing ... I said that Mike Ros Never remove the cap, which prepare eggs and bacon in the strangest of times, playing folk music! A nice guy, say that housing has spoken with me than with any other, say that little talk.
I take a ... I have to ask permission from the old hem? > I wonder if you ever get tired of writing, you old drunk!
Bah ... I resign myself to contemplate the Norwegian woods ...
A dopo

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tawnee Stone What Happened

Post Tribulation - Evening heart'o core i-Gloo!

will be the 304th day of the year.
will be the evening of Halloween igloo.
But we decided to make that day there without knowing (or rather not remember) that it was Halloween.
without thinking. Missing 61 days remaining. Even at this we thought.
Some of us remember that Bud Spencer was born on October 31. Another retorted that it was also the date of death of Egon Schiele, and 49 years after
toccò a Camillo Sbarbaro, e infine fu la volta di Federico Fellini e di Marcel Carné. Pace all’anima loro.
Dimenticatevi anche voi che sarà Halloween, saremo tutti più felici.
E dimenticatevi altresì che, fin dal 1924, il 31 ottobre è la giornata MONDIALE del risparmio.

Perché noi ce ne dimenticheremo, e anche stavolta ci roviniamo.

1. da Bologna:
lsr gsr _ tié:
2. da Verona:
afraid! _ tò:
3. da Caen (che sta in Francia)
SugartownCabaret _ tò mo’:

Plus there will be a 4 th supergroup that will burst at some point during the evening, when many will be in the bathroom or already gone home or out and groped to remember a portion of Pianissimo Sbarbaro ...

Trim nails. Bring a candle funeral.
As always, the sneers of savings, € 5 to be our own.

Erbazzone, tigelle the first to arrive, homemade pizza.
Chef d'exception.
In every way.

E - like the old days - it would be best to book your attendance at the event.

here or here Or here
340 5702119 or 3395211519 here or here: / igloocollective
Or here:
Enough. It starts at 21.30

In most of dj7 Skarfo (from Julie's Haircut) and ?? (in the sense that we do not know yet but certainly will be remembered as the start of Pianissimo Sbarbaro ...)

"Father, if you were not my father ,
me if I was a stranger, for

yourself also love you.

Which reminds me of a winter morning

the first violet on the opposite wall

found out your window

and we pray for happy news.
" (Pianissimo, C. Sbarbaro)

Tribolo Post: It is with great distress that we must communicate that the owner of the igloo that we want it to borrow for itself. To purchase a new one we will have to shell out 950, € 00. Part of which will be funded by groups that regularly try igloo. The rest try to pick it up with the concerts - which usually moves very little. We'll hire a pro offers. Who cares that the igloo go ahead, will throw your subscription pence. Amen.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Enlarged Uterus But Not Pregnant

igloo fest

gets back into the igloo Careggi.
We waited for the first rains that revive the grass around the house and waited patiently for the mosquitoes to leave the place early in the morning dew. And mo 'we.
First: the second festival. In
secundis: second season. What
, viciously, we want to open just as we closed the first. Col
festival. Festivalino. Less emphasis, more emotion.
And the appetizer.
Question: How to build your own igloo Bars?
should go via Campagnola 40 in Correggio (RE),
that is exactly where we were the last igloo
possibly Sunday September 16,
obtain the slide and follow the following:

three groups
a young man, a young man, a so-so
a sound, a no, a so-so
a pool, an inside, a so-so
5 Euris, first drink free, so-so erbazzone

igloo opens its doors at 17.00 (not 16:59, not 17:01) and take
AlbiBello APX & DJ SET
and miss is a bit like a dj set to miss AlbiBello
then be without question.
to follow captive live:


to ... make igloo, igloo us, we do not earn anything, but it's nice
So, so. No come on, it's nice

infos: / igloocollective
Sollo: 3395211519

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dongle Dumper For Sentinel Rainbow Dongle

5.0 i-Gloo Fest! ... If you do that ... it's beautiful.

compañero ... friend ... If you do that ... is beautiful.
Peter Falk, Wings of Desire. He said rubbing his hands, holding a hot cup of coffee.

If you do that is good .
If there are groups that play to play and nothing else, it's nice .
If you write the name on the cup, and it supports the filing glasses on a strip of adhesive tape, and then you remember where you put it, and reuse it again. E ' beautiful.
The brew house is beautiful .
An old country house, uninhabited, a little 'shabby, remained uninhabited for several decades, whose owner is named Aldo, near St. Louis, where in December we make a crib-sized man, the clearing behind the house , across from the cornfield in the background of the aqueduct Mandriolo. E ' beautiful.
Rake the grass mowed to prevent the exhaust of cars appicchino fire, and do so at one-half of a Sunday in May, a small blister on the first phalanx of the thumb to remember for four to five days will not make the farmer. Very nice .
Twenty still be deleted mail in the Inbox to determine where to put the bar, where to buy the glasses, as erbazzone this time, whether or not to take a chemical toilet. Very beautiful could almost not gate.
My dog \u200b\u200bat his first concert.
Cooking in the store next to the builders of the test room, the grill sizzles, the scent of moldy cheese crumbles in the Tuscan hills to keep my grandmother, my legs a bit 'begin to give in, to make room for hot plates in 'only remaining power strip comes off the first refrigerator. Beauties.
See Julie's that load amps in the light of a single neon hanging from a branch, the faces of Zoe Lea that they apologize for not being able to stop for dinner, Albi Bello dividing the pasta with his girlfriend, who becomes FedeMc a lamp before the fire a hot sausage.
The last exchange of glances before you start putting it all in, including me, relief, liga, coffee, beautiful, architect, cunning, Chiussi, tuna, to establish that it is made. There are still a couple of hours of stuff to move, but it is made.
Why all this? Why is
If you do that, it's nice .

Bella history

ps: pictures? here
pps: you have photos? would be nice to share not? ... beautiful
PPPS: a guide really nice of FedeMC? here

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

San Antonio Gay Cruising Areas

Gloo i-FEST! 4.0

was November 18, 2006 when there was the first igloo.

Now we are in May, and May 20 is the igloo fest.
We chose May 20 for four reasons.

First, because in 1874, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis received a patent for blue jeans with copper rivets. According
, in 1902 Cuba gained independence from the United States (sic).
Third , 20 May have been born Damage Aiello, Cher, Diego Abatantuono, Joe Cocker, John Stuart Mill and Pietro Bembo, and they are also dead Cristoforo Colombo, Stephen Jay Gould and Paul Ricoer.
Fourth, it's Sunday.

wanted to finish the season with a Festivalino igloo made of crepe paper like we do with erbazzone, tall grass, the bags of trash in the yard yet, crates of bottles hydro, mice that shit into a glass of beer (joke).
But no. No, I do not think it will be closing. And to mark this step we will make a hybrid Festivalino hybrid crepe paper.

half in and half out, as the sirens. Desinit in piscem, mulier formosa supernal. A little 'because it starts getting hot, and inside you sweat more, and probably will play those who want to sweat more, and a little' because three days I have a dog, puppy, that pisses and shits of great vigor, and outside is better.
Here's the point: there are 7 groups.
3 of them will play indoor, outdoor and 3 of them will play a sound that no one knows where.

groups of Festivalino are: Julie's Haircut
, Zoe Lea , M? , Afraid! , Irma Vep , Wolther goes stranger & Calorifer is Very Hot

All comincerà alle 16.30, e le 16.30 saranno le 16.30, e comincerà così:
La scaletta dei gruppi della giornata verrà estratta prima di cominciare.
Mancare al sorteggione sarebbe come mancare al funerale di tuo nonno, alla prima apertura della tua gelateria preferita, alla sagra del borlengo di guiglia, e perciò non mancare o ti mancherà.
Ogni 40 min un gruppo, di filata, dentro e fuori, e mentre da dentro si esce o da fuori si entra, FedeMc e AlbiBello renderanno pingue di dischi il transito e non solo.
Apertura cancello (se riusciamo ad aggiustarlo) ore 16.00.
Alle 20.30 (max 21.00) il gong finale decreterà la chiusura del festivalino, followed by staff groups and the social dinner in memory of Christopher Columbus, but of course nobody will prevent the dj to continue to entertain you.
As always opt for a € 5 entry (the last igloo has gone below 5 €, to 'mo'), with a complimentary drink (the food is free of course).
There will be some young Correggio FreeSBIE team that will sell beer from the hops of the window sills of Corso Mazzini.
The driver that comes with a car + 4 people in and who was present at all previous igloo will have another drink for himself and his friends.
Since we are outdoors, and there's space is something to desire, there is no reservation required.
But if you want to call us for a chat on hot, the independent scene, Paul Ricoer el'ermeneutica demystifying as it gets igloo, or you can not find parking (in which case service will be made a "shuttle") go ahead: - \u200b\u200b3405702119 - Capra - \u200b\u200b3395211519 - Sollo
Yes, one last thing. To make the igloo, igloo us, we do not earn anything, I mean in monetary terms. Some groups have told us though that was the best opportunity in which they played.
just say, not cheap. Forward as well.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Order Of Service For Catholic Confirmation

20 \\ 04 \\ 07 -> i-Gloo Part 3 -> hearth 'or core

Third appointment as the crow flies to the igloo.
Date: Friday, April 20
Guests: Hell Demon + The Death of Anna Karina
concerts Starting time: h23
bolt Opening: h22
Cost of Admission: € 5
room with kitchen kitchen, bedroom, hallway, storage room, large veranda, large parking, beautiful view, quiet leafy area, adjacent to the rehearsal room TDOAK. Nothing
bathroom. But
Do not bring Corinthum Licet omnibus.

The third evening of the igloo is moved to the territories of Wrange Wrange.
The new restaurant, recently renovated by our heroes, sings the best of hospitality and gifts that exist at the bivouac evenings iglooiane.
You can bring pillows and hot drinks, shortbread, books and old videotapes. For tonight we open the console of the willing djset: if you take the iPod or Cidda aut similar and placed it there, you will have 25 minutes of time to accompany the tasting of typical products correggesi.
If there was a grandmother in the audience would be the best.

As always, it is necessary to participate booked. - 340 5702119 - 3395211519

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Can I Use A Deplitory On My Vulva

New i-Gloo Flikr page

due to a small technical problem we had to open a new Flickr account for the i-Gloo!

at this address ->

you can also find the latest photo updates on work in progress i-Gloo.

news soon for the new i-Gloo nights!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

What Medicine Helps A Tight Chest?

20 \\ 01 \\ 07 -> i-Gloo part 2 -> no more lonely people ...

Here we are at the second stage. The fix
for January 20.
Steering gender, and viriamo towards electronics.
This time we have the honor of hosting three different projects, 3 one-man bands, from belonging toghether, the three shady characters, all the gang Gardens Miro - the night before they play at Covo.

1. Pillow
2. Nuccini!
3. Die Stadt der Romantische punk

To accompany the pre-post dinner concert before its time, the disks of many .

philosophy does not change.
(If you do not remember the philosophy read further down, the first post of our short history.)
Possibly accept any reservation in più, abbiamo visto che lo spazio c'è.
Obbligatoria la prenotazione. Parola d'ordine: erbazzone.
Sempre 5 euro, per alimentari e birra, e questa volta tentiamo anche col celeberrimo gnocco di Benassi.

(ah: chi decide di venire da carpi, a un certo punto, se vuole esser certo delle nostre indicazioni, non prenda per correggio, ma segua scropolosamente)
Oportet support. Ma non tropp.