Thursday, December 30, 2010

Princess Gwenevere And The Jewel Riders Watch

Subsidiarity: keywords CL

As I got to tell ( here) in this society Thinking, was released book Ferruccio Pinotti "The Lobby of God," the first book on investigation and Communion release and the Company of Works.
Santa has read my letter, and well he thought it was the case I read up about it, so I have found under the tree volume, purchased strictly from Feltrinelli.
I have not read the headlines, but right now the two key words to describe and understand the world and CL are moral subsidiarity, which is otherwise perfectly returned with certain behaviors of my fellow neighbors to move.
" I do not care that the Premier is a mafia or a mason ," he said from the teeth out a colleague with whom one day we were discussing the concept of prime minister, "if he does well his work and good ideas for me okay. " Clearly, this idea è profondamente sbagliata, perché getta completamente in secondo piano la questione morale ed il fatto che un determinato comportamento sia giusto o sbagliato; è però perfettamente coerente con il totale superamento, per l'appunto, della morale nel movimento ciellino, così come ben documentato da Pinotti. Quest'ultimo cita alcuni passi di un articolo di Gad Lerner, apparso su Repubblica il 28 Agosto 2010 ed incentrato sul Meeting di Rimini, dal titolo " La crociata di CL contro il moralisti ", proprio sulla questione morale internamente a CL. 
Il secondo concetto fondante è sussidirietà , cioè l'affidamento della gestione di servizi sociali (e non) institutional levels to increasingly close to the public, or private. In this mechanism, the State delegates to the regions, which delegate to the provinces, which delegate to municipalities: the state ultimately does not provide services (as in its structure type INPS, to make a name), but helps to ensure aid to a network with deeply rooted in the territory. This cascade mechanism in CL has put his entrepreneurial strength, thanks mainly to the fact that over the years has managed to set up his men in key roles for different levels of this pyramid. From the European Parliament (Mario Mauro, chairman of the Members of the PDL in the European Parliament), Government (Wolves is perhaps the most clear and obvious reference) and the Presidents di Regione (Formigoni su tutti), ai Sindaci (per esempio, qui a Padova, Flavio Zanonato), dai Banchieri (Corrado Passera, amministratore delegato di Intesa Sanpaolo), alle cooperative (ahimè la COOP, con Vincenzo Tassinari suo Presidente per l'Italia). Questo per citare solo alcuni nomi, che compaiono nelle pagine di Pinotti. 
Da queste poche righe, si può già intuire come la struttura ciellina (sia organizzativa interna che come presenza sul territorio), sia tale da consentire un sistema di deleghe e, per l'appunto, sussidiarietà ad imprese amiche, a persone fidate, e società vicine al movimento, in quasi ogni ambito della vita civile. Certo questo non accade dappertutto, e forse l'esempio clearer and more striking is the Region of Lombardy, where Formigoni has built his empire on this basis. To cite
Pinotti " in Lombardy, for example, does not privatize the nationalized public but private, centralizing control " ("The Lobby of God ', p. 30)..


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brazil Bleckpinky To Work

year-end accounts

Like everyone, I too would like to make two accounts summarizing the last year before doing his best wishes to all those brave who, from time to time, I do visit and read what I write.
In a couple of weeks my daughter and I will take a year, increasingly, I wonder about that the world I'm leaving behind. I speak not only of the political crisis, energy industries or the economic-financial, and these are things which, alas, I do not think you can affect that much, as they are tied to projects and decisions that are made above my head. I think instead pollution, what all of us, day after day, we download on our environment and therefore, on balance, on future generations. I know it sounds repetitive speech, and it probably is, in short, I have no ambitions to write new things on the theme or truth and propose solutions, but I just want to bring my experience, because I believe that change can and should begin by our education and our daily behavior.
As a new father, like any new dad, I found myself having to do with my daughter's diapers. As all parents know fairly well in the first year of life a child uses about eight diapers per day, at least in the early months, to five or six years to the life (at least that's what I see with Maja) . We, as I've got to bring companies Thinking about this, we are often entrusted to cloth diapers. For several months now while we used only those, either because the production increases with age, either for the holidays, we often come back to disposables.
On a year of life, I can say I have used cloth diapers on average three or four a day, which roughly corresponds to 50% of the total. Of course this is only a qualitative reasoning, are not so sick myself pinned, day after day, the precise consumption of diapers, but I can still make the idea.
on 365 days in total, then, about 180 were completely covered with cloth diapers: diapers with an average daily consumption of about five or six, this corresponds to roughly a thousand disposable diapers that are not finished environment.
Now, I understand that for those children not familiar with these numbers we may have little meaning, but a thousand diapers in less around the world I think a significant number for a single household, especially if we think of what might emerge if more people were engaged in this practice.
Another direct example is the way that I will return that I use to go to work most days except for hail, heavy rain or snow I'm talking about my bike.
My bike is 2003, and is a Euro 1 against the law for motorcycles, which means it probably pollutes more than a modern car Euro 4 and Euro 5, at least in absolute terms. But what the politicians and people often do not realize is that even the use of an old Yes Piaggio comporta un periodo di permanenza nel traffico cittadino (specialmente nelle ore di punta, che è il momento in cui tutti o quasi andiamo al lavoro o torniamo a casa), decisamente inferiore rispetto ad un'automobile, spesso inchiodata in code infinite. 
Questi sono solo due esempi di quotidianità, ma penso possano rendere l'idea di quanto ognuno di noi potrebbe fare per l'ambiente in cui vive, alla faccia dei soliti cinici, che vivono sulle spalle degli altri e, secondo i quali, nulla potrà mai cambiare.

Saluti a tutti e buon anno

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Zebra Pattern Metal Core Wheels

Italy: environmental successes and failures

Vorrei rilanciare un paio di interessanti notizie lette sull'ultimo numero di " Internazionale ", e relative all'ambiente ed all'inquinamento italiano.
Il primo articolo, a firma di Gerhard Mumelter (corrispondente del quotidiano austriaco der Standard ), ricorda che dal primo Gennaio 2011 sara' vietata la produzione industriale delle buste di plastica , e potranno essere invece prodotte solo buste biodegradabili. Certo avremo un certo intervallo di tempo, durante il quale i supermercati utilizeranno ancora i soliti sacchetti per far fuori le scorte, ma lentamente ed inesorabilmente le buste di plastica dovrebbero scomparire: un bel passo epocale, no? Considerando che l'Italia produce ogni anno circa 20 miliardi di buste , quasi European quarter of the total product, I would say yes'. In parallel, however, 'the use of plastic and' still quite common in daily practice, especially in the form of bottles of mineral water: they do out of nearly 12 billion a year.
The second article 'hand signed by Michael Braun (corresponding to the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung Berlin ), where he extolled the hidden (almost unthinkable) praise of the Italian system for the production of clean energy. In 2010, in fact, the electric power from renewable sources (wind and photovoltaics, to be precise) and installed in our country has reached an unexpected level until a few years ago, placing in pole position Green energy market along with Germany, China and the United States. The numbers speak for themselves: 5 GW (gigawatts) installed for the 2 GW wind and photovoltaics. I believe that they are targets. Considering that every family has at home, on average, a switch from 3 kW connected to the national grid, it means that more '2.3 million households enjoy electricity from renewable sources .
Of course the system and 'even better: the wind is still, unfortunately, fighting against the aesthetics of the environment, while the PV has low yields, high production costs and disposal after fifteen to twenty years' life of the panels, but nevertheless believe that this is an important signal that should be communicated and amplified.


Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Shorten Curtains Without Sewing

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Block Call Digital Time Warner

MAURIZIO Lamorgese
16.12.2010 / 16.01.2011 gallery
RAISE. Via the first princess. Rome

"Drawing the world is a way to investigate the structures of being, is tying his conscience with the rest of the universe, drawing is an instrument of knowledge, a kind philosophy.
The geometric shapes are the measure of that relationship, mental tools with which makes the experience of reality. Who can come to the purity of the synthesis has identified a relationship between the infinitesimal and the whole of reality, a figure that represents and is a form Space, that expression of wholeness.
But in the genesis of these drawings lies a core mysterious, enigmatic, mystical, that does not let them. As if a breath more than he had given so unstable equilibrium ready to be re-generated. Each creation has a real strength of independent living, the ability to act, beyond time and consciousness of those who gave it to light. It has active energies, and there contributes to the growth of spiritual life. The sign is the shape, the color is. The semantic content of the forms are like strings of a guitar, Maurizio Lamorgese makes them vibrate, aware of the infinite possible combinations that the meeting between interior and exterior can generate. These
designs have achieved a harmony between the emergence of the whole world and all of the self, between the infinite variety of appearances and the completeness of being. Nothing may change in these compositions without compromising its balance. And it is a balance soft, sweet, curvilinear, satisfying the ever-changing appearances. There is no break between outside and inside, the author is in the world the world is in him, I do not conquer the outside and is not conquered. E 'identity. "(G / December 2010)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Can A D & C Remove A Fibroid

at birth was all a bit more squashing ...

December 26
Sant'iGloo IV
At Christmas we are all more squashing.

But like, you, you'd say that, four years ago?
I do not. And yet. Looks a bit '. That stuff. Bulkhead.

Today I get some good speeches structured, because last night I saw 10 to 10 shooting stars and tell you I'm still a bit 'dazed.

Il primo sant’iGloo era questo qua:

Then after that we did it to Pellicano, then there must have been another in the middle, but I do not remember. But if I look nice with a spotlight, and I write: Sant'igloo 2009 ... tac! I will mail out a year ago. Indeed. Even last year at the Pelican ...

BEHOLD! Geometry! The igloo

Christmas following a pattern that is seen from above, as the crow flies, Victor Hugo. A square. Two sides in an igloo, the two sides away from home. A four-year series. And every four years is a step further, forming a chain Social (G. Leopardi) all around Correggio. Ok, crap. However, to the igloo correggesi They come rarely. So come on you. Let them see.
played by a band of Correggio and two outside the home.

The Death Of Anna Karina
great return: the new line up, new album, new shoes Fang
Cusack (MI)
first time in Correggio: new split with our pets Laser Geyser
Nurse! Nurse! Nurse! (TN)
first time in Correggio: the first time a duo of bass / drums igloo. Say little.

Aucan's had to come, but the package has arrived.
€ 5 input, consumption and erbazzone.
On this occasion we finally have the beer at km 0. And yet it breaks. Three different artisan beers Dada Correggio. Tie: If you want to take the
pandoro ago 'as well. If you want to bring a box of wood is' as well. Or an overdrive, a gift for Esther, the ammonium bicarbonate, a new screen for relief.
See you, do not skimp just because we do not know, is not a good excuse.

This time also we will enjoy the kind cooperation of the regaz Meme. Tie:
The flyer of this year that attack is the work of posu père, whom we thank. Tie:
Let's stop here. We see, then, before this Friday, and then the 26. It will be nice?

The friendly link:
http:// / /
3405702119 / 3395211519
always smaller
as great?