Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Little Finger Signal What Means


... There are people who, after being killed by a vision of life too' romantic ', they become cynical (at least in the eyes of the world). I also keep at a distance all that seems too corny, and I try to not express more affection than I think necessary, and especially not to demean or trivialize it. And hate to appear 'romantic'. Why is this premise? Because I read a book that forces me to leave me a little 'go to an act of deep affection, recalling a long time. There are books that, in fact, life-changing for me there have been: 'Steppenwolf', 'Illusions', 'One man' .... This time it was 'Open up Paideia', had given me one of the authors over a year ago, but obviously I had to read it at this time. I read it for a competition (another coincidence?), Made me reflect on the key to all our education and our life. I understood, or remembered me, because I will not give ever. Because, at least in degraded, especially in human terms, school environment (but it's just an example of what happens out), I can stand "outrages, the slings and arrows of iniquity luck", as well as all those things, even better Shakespeare makes the character say Stefano Benni of his novel:
"I remain just that, a teacher, that dignity which is so small but is enough to lower their gaze, and this is the way, master, where I found myself at the end of the meekness that you teach. Who now will defend offense committed against those who can not defend themselves, and order the soldier scared and deleted or mocked the pain, ask the servants of servants killers whenever you're cynical and talk of realism and common sense will call you selfish and indignation and pipes for the crimes of others while your every day prepared with care, and thanks god I kill because I do not feel anything, but I feel everything, and so here is my dark street, then to me, yes, but not to Leo, you were not to do e neanche a Lucia, non vedete la crepa nel muro, le figure nella polvere, non si può sopportare tutto questo, dio dio come sei lontano da me, dio, non si può uccidere una persona così, questo cambia il mondo per sempre”.
Chi difenderà le offese? Soprattutto, da educatori, chi insegna davvero a difendersi dalle offese? Chi si preoccupa davvero di insegnare, tra le tabelline e la grammatica, a difendersi dalle offese della vita e del mondo? Quelle della vita sono inevitabili, quelle del mondo si potrebbero evitare, almeno in parte. Insegno a tutte le alunne e a tutti gli alunni, prima o poi, il motto “la vita è dura ma noi di più”, se lo ricordano quasi tutte/i anche dopo molti anni. Magari to some or served. But what is really needed, what would really provide for the shield, as well as the sword, all these beings that we face and that really think that we can be of help? This book that I 'should' read, 'he said things that deep down I felt' skin '. 'Open up Paideia' about who changes your life just for her 'being' human, because it puts one, especially in the relationship with the educator and that is why he is remembered, not for having taught some discipline. Why has helped to address and understand a little 'better life, and perhaps he understood better, too.
"Bella, mae '! "# # #, the former student who greets me like a friend with the passing motorcycle while I go out of the garage with the car. "Bella, ###!", answer.
those you meet and you have to do the driving test, I will have to make a supervisor from the university. Both with a little 'pre-exam tension. She has the same smile when it was primary school.
are two among the s many s, I could not stop writing if you were talking all s, because I remember them all / i, remember things they have forgotten. And the exchanges on Facebook, that many times even with my friends ... The
kickboxing champion, that 'somebody' was going to murdering a child in the name of 'good manners', and that always reminds me how lucky we were to meet (I, too, ###...).
What, a few years after the end of school, I was scolded that my favorite, and it was just what I looked more like character. And then, years later, "Creon was right! Those
s coming to visit me at school and reassure my students, and above all my pupils, "he said to us that we were all mussels.
What, for four years, I had to wonder if I wrong to trust (and other 'educators' I suggested to choke it off, I miss it a serial killer), and that now "Mae 'you to let me in the head you have been crucial." I was right to trust, then comes to see me with the scarf Magica Roma, grew well ... I was angry
Those pretending not to believe that writing poetry so beautiful, "up, pulls out the book where you have copied! - "Mae ', the book is not!" (later we published the' Poems of the book that there is' no, of course).
one with whom I have behaved worse than the sergeant in Full Metal Jacket (with different ending for me and his fortune) because it could not find other ways to get him out of a china
dangerous ... What for years has left me letters and poems in his mailbox, I keep all (keep all his writings, sooner or later I'll have to move house).
Those who saw me from a state of shock because it arrived a text message was from my not so pleasant (the puzzled face of # # # that he had just solved a problem on the blackboard: "Mae '... the problem?". I, pale and completely 'out': "What problem ?..."). What
imitated (terribly well) all my girlfriends (real, alleged or frequently attributed only), attaching a tag with the name of your choice and ask to be with intriguing look
question ... those that are with emotion while talking about friendship, taking such a wonderful episode with a friend of mine passed away, pretended to believe that was my really entered a gnat in the eye when I'm away for a moment ...
And the tragedies, sorrows, what adults consider 'serious' (separation, bereavement, etc ...) and those who consider it a 'very serious' (in love, arguments with their friends). I've never been able to distinguish much, I ended up thinking that the pain is always pain, never 'not serious'. And make no mistake, I met and tried to take seriously, and if I could dry all tears, not caring if things were due to 'serious' or 'not serious'.
one that, while I spoke of the feelings and lessons, began to weep. "Mae ', you know why ... I just been dumped." That day I stopped being a lesson, and we talked.
The only lesson that I would do really well this year with my students and future university students / teachers are, is precisely to understand what kind of unhealthy categories continue to maintain in the school (and life). And again ...

Nothing yet, maybe you'll update the list a little 'time, why are so many memories, and faces as well, the ones I see now 'grown up', and those who do not see anymore. 'There is no better account,' says Flack, but one day I will, I'll try to write a book about them all. Or maybe not, not do it, just a really good poet could set the memories of something that was and is so alive.
I never thought the students as children, but as fellow travelers. Future friends here, according to the highest idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship, Aristotle: the friendship ', or find similar or makes similar'. We were not similar, there is no friendship possible if one never has the power and the other not. And I had the power of the teacher (che tante/i maledette/i usano peggio dei criminali). Ora che, rispetto a loro, non ho più quel potere, posso pure andare a farmi una birra con loro o scherzare alla pari. Anche se loro continuano a chiamarmi maestro…ma posso sopportarlo.

E finalmente grazie, ve lo dico come augurio di buon anno e buona vita, vi voglio bene a tutte/i… mie e miei alunne e alunni, ed ex, e quelle/i che adesso sono su Facebook, e quelle/i che ancora devono andare alle medie: le mie e i miei attuali lupette e lupetti (che cercano continuamente di contattarmi su Messenger, non gli basta il reciproco tormento scolastico). La vera comunità educativa siete voi.
Vi saluto da zingaro (ho scoperto che forse, sotto sotto, è one of my intake):
For the heart I gave you.
And for all you gave me you.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good Books About Pioneers

Sant'iGloo 3

Pare inverosimile, e invece per il terzo anno ci ripetiamo.
Terzo Sant’iGloo. Paura.

Per chi salva i nostri comunicati in una cartella a parte del proprio computer (non sono pochi, garantisco), non sfuggiranno alcune anomalie.
La prima, più palese, è senz’altro quella che contraddice quanto da noi asserito un anno fa.
Ovvero che l’iGloo natalizio del 2009 sarebbe caduto il 28 dicembre (in quanto il primo Sant’iGloo fu il 26, e il secondo il 27). Falso. Sarà il 26. E ai nostalgici ricordo che fu proprio il 26/12 del ‘91 il giorno in cui il Soviet Supremo sciolse formalmente l’URSS.
La seconda contraddizione è che, diversamente da quanto annunciato all’ultimo iGloo fest, questa serata NON sarà dedicata the second of three archetypal words (CIAA, fear, 'n fact). There slam.
igloo will be the Christmas and will be de cugggini from the vices of Pellicano, the only archer in Emilia Romagna to carry the name of a bird from the apparent Christological symbolism. Tie.
For you and for us and also for those who will be there (including of course include: Alfred Hitchcock, Sebastiano Serlio, my daughter, Steve Albini and the mayor of Zocca) from 22.00:

bass'n roll / mquestionmark

Thee Piatcions
rock'n roll / theepiatcions

Giancarlo Frigieri
acoustic'n roll / miomarito

As of END: 5 € with drink and buffet, erbazzone joy etc etc etc etc + dj set by Tamara NakedSmile etc etc etc etc etc etc excellent craft beers etc etc etc etc vaults blasted

Our organization is so extreme that we can already tell you what the dates of the agenda in 2010 that probably still do not have (like me): + 13 February 5 February. Really scared.

Here, finally, who was born December 26, we recommend viewing, whose message of entry decision: This site was created with the intent to speak, share and share experiences of those born Dec. 26, like me. How often, for example, happened to celebrate his birthday with a few friends because they went on vacation, and then how many times we will not receive the double success of gifts (Christmas and birthday)? Do not cry

starlet, December 26 Sant'iGloo there is everything to you.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Realtive Bradicardia Definition

igloo Reparty - Fear

_ Sept. 27, 2009 from 16:00 to 23:00

Some time ago I had planned Sollo and vocabulary essential for bar talk or musicians - types improbably similar. The vocabulary consisted of three words, which - according to our own - would be enough to weave and carry out any kind of discussion.
The three words were:

1. CIAA (both as a greeting, and as "Leave it to stay '")
2. 'n fact
3. Fear

For example.
- Oh good.
- Heard of the new Fine Before You Came?
- Fear.
- Split.
- 'n fact.


- Day of shit, look
- Fear?
- I was planting the pc, I lost 5 hours of work
- I'm going to ubricarmi
- 'n fact

After a hiatus, September 27 we want to restart is essential vocabulary is the igloo, kicking off a trilogy that will see three festivals each in each of the three archetypal words. The first will be dedicated to
Fear . And so we will

Fine Before You Came (MI) - who have made a record of fear
Buzz Aldrin (BO) - a disc that will be afraid of
Crash Rhinos (UK) - Fear!
Gazebo Penguins (Correggio-Zocca) - che hanno paura

dj Set Federico Bernocchi (Dispenser Radio2)– che fa paura
e Vinn Manfuoco (riff) – da Berlino, Furcht!

Apertura cancelli: ore 16.00 .
1° gruppo: 16.45 / 2° gruppo: 17.30 / 3° gruppo: 18.15 / 4° gruppo: 19.00
Ogni gruppo suonerà insindacabilmente 7 canzoni .
Ingresso: 5€ con consumazione e assaggio di erbazzone.
Dobbiamo tirar su qualche soldo per pagare la trasferta agli inglesi. Perciò avanti popolo, diffondete.
Ci saranno pure dei banchetti con robetta fatta a mano, dischi, verdura, ghiaccioli, various types of tape. If you want to come with a banquet let us know: it will be an indescribable joy for us to feast with you. If someone wants to eat must be booked until Thursday, September 24 . After dinner there will be music, drink, and campfire activities.
All even in the event of rain, except the harvest. Yo.

Sollo 3405702119 3395211519

mail to:

on the web: / igloocollective

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Is Some Picnik Quotes

17:18 October to Sonnino, Latina.

Emiliano Zaccaria, First Defence

Dear friends, began a new period of events for the summer holidays Difesa.Dopo Before we leave and we should be ready to take every situation that can make us grow. We are more than 1200 today and we are many but we must grow and become more and more to make it clear to everyone and see that behind all the police and security, we are there ready to defend and to stand alongside those who risk their lives to protect that of others. After opening the first site of First Defence in Fiumicino, after the presentation of the book of the G8 summit in Genoa Bonini we expect other very, very heavy commitments. These and others are the reasons why I ask you to talk to as many people as possible to First Defence and invitatio to join the group, but the Association (you do everything online from the website you download all the modules, including the payment ). I invite you personally to come as more possibile the 17 and 18 October in the province of Latina in SONNINO in the village square during the day along with all the security where the police forces we will be there , to let us know and to make our voices heard. We wait for you all, greetings and thanks to you all.
Emily Zacharias

Transgender Charlotte Nc

Kabul, still dead Italians.

Afghanistan, military attack on the Italian paratroopers of the Folgore six killed, four wounded.

Car bombs at two armored Lynx on the road to the airport in the capital.
Two of the victims returned today Kabul.La the Taliban claim.
over 20 civilian deaths.
KABUL - It 's almost noon in Kabul when all hell breaks loose. On the way to the airport, a car with 150 pounds of explosives at two armored spear Italians. The blast is heard from miles away. Die six paratroopers of the Folgore, four other soldiers (three paratroopers and an airman) are injured. Many are also victims among civilians, more than 20 Afghans who crowded a nearby market were killed and 60 others were injured. Two soldiers recently returned from leave. The convoy was part attacked the headquarters of the ISAF contingent at the airport after picking up a couple of paratroopers just disembarked from them taken back to Kabul at the end of a license in Italy. At the height of the checkpoints that control traffic to the airport, the white Toyota loaded with explosives was hurled against the first half of the convoy. It 'been a massacre. No soldier on board that had armored escape. The flames reached the second Lynx, on which another soldier died and four were seriously injured comrades who were with him. The names of the dead and injured. They belonged to 186esimo Parachute Regiment stationed in Pisa , four corporal, a sergeant and the lieutenant who commanded the two armored vehicles. With them are 21 soldiers dead start of the mission in Afghanistan since 2004.
The victims of today are: Lieutenant Anthony Fortunato, 35, a native of Lagonegro (Potenza), the first Corporal Matthew Mureddu , 26, of Solan, a small town in the Sardinian province Oristano, younger brother of Stefano, who was also military, the former corporal David Curley, 26, native of Glarus (Switzerland); Sergeant Major Roberto Valente, 37 years Naples , the former corporal Pistonami Gian Domenico, Orvieto 26 years, the former corporal Massimiliano Randino , Salerno, 32 years. field hospital in the French corporal Rocco Leo, 26, Brindisi; Sergio Agostinelli, 32 years, born in Switzerland and living in the Salento; Good Ferdinand, 30, of Naples, the Air Force sergeant Calandriello Felice, 58, Sassano (Salerno).
are all in shock but senza altre gravi ferite.

Un cratere sull'asfalto: "Sembrava la fine del mondo".
Un'esplosione devastante. Decine di veicoli hanno preso fuoco. Lo scoppio è stato così violento che sull'asfalto ha provocato un cratere profondo quasi un metro. Khuja Hedayatullah si trovava nel bazar a pochi metri di distanza dal luogo dell'attentato: "Sembrava la fine del mondo". In quel momento il mercato vicino era affollato di gente che faceva la spesa per la fine del Ramadan. "Prima c'è stato un fragore enorme - racconta il testimone - e poi piccole esplosioni dall'interno del blindato. Tutto intorno, sulla strada, c'era gente che implorava aiuto, sanguinava e gridava. Molti erano morti. The air was filled with smoke and flames were very high. "The Taliban claimed responsibility. The attack was claimed by the Taliban. On the official website of the militants is written with triumphalist tone:" He drove the car bomb of a hero ' Islamic emirate, the mujahid Hayatullah ". the massacre of civilians they accuse the military:" It 's the fault of the occupation force that after the explosion, they started to shoot blindly hitting many of the on-site. "The journalist escaped to 'attack. The two armored Lynx were returning from the headquarters of the quota in the company of two fellow soldiers just returned from Italy. Balotelli Cristina, a journalist for Radio 24-Il Sole 24 Ore, had arrived at the airport Kabul on the same flight on which he had traveled the soldiers. Exit from the airport were the paratroopers. "They told us: now bring our headquarters. Then go back and come and get him. We were loading the luggage into a container - remember the reporter - when we heard the thud of a distant explosion and we saw a rise column of smoke into the sky. "

The expert: "The Lynx has no rivals."
explodes And the controversy about the reliability of Lince.Dopo armored attack in July in which the corporal died Alessandro Di Lisio , the artifice of the Thunderbolt victim of a bomb exploded under the armored vehicle near Farah, the jeeps were reinforced, but it was not enough. Experts, however, repeated that the tanks are still the best Italian: "Saying that the Lynx are not sure - said Native Andrea, director of Rid, Magazine Italian defense since 2000, and in 2008 of Risk - is a needless controversy. If someone find me half of the genre that resists better to the bombs, the prize. Worldwide, the Lynx has no rivals. "Karzai. The suicide attack occurred just minutes after Afghan President Hamid Karzai had signed a press conference dedicated to the disputed results of elections . "It 'a barbaric attack and anti-Islamic," said Karzai. "Afghans will never forget the service that the Italian soldiers are making for peace and security in our country. "Six years ago, Nasiriyah. What in Kabul is the most serious attack suffered by Italian troops from massacre in Nasiriyah, Iraq, of November 12, 2003 . Then the explosion of a tanker base in front of the Italian Carabinieri MSU caused 28 deaths, 19 Italians (12 carabinieri, five army soldiers and two civilians in a crew that ran a documentary) and nine Iraqis.
source: laRepubblica

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brian Saunders A Place In Greece

i-Gloo Recording? It's coming!

"... They Told me that the Classics never got the style but ...
They Do, They Do;
know my baby, I never thought That we do too ... "

so begins one of the greatest records in the history of modern rock and hardcore, so we hope to start
we, in short, really short.
while we begin work ... i-Gloo


PS: coming soon!
PPS: Here are some photos

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Directions For Bionicles

First Defence with the G8.

First Defence at the forefront .
First Defence in the forefront, not "front", just "opposite" of the First Defenders.
First Defence propina or fails to settle the usual echo of solidarity too inflated, but by words alone ...
First Defence is effectively puts "opposite" of all those who are called upon to perform a service for ' whole community, for the homeland, for the people, always king of this great nation. The daily service of
by law enforcement is a delicate and complicated.
Does not hide the difficulty of managing that is done with few resources available, and many will.
Operators workers employed in services that bring the body to the limit, the mind is engaged in thousands of details that sometimes stress on the operator who incredibly, retains the lucidity necessary for a possible intervention, perhaps relief.
The long and endless overlapping shifts during the long and endless days that evoke bad memories and prevent new tragedies advised by the most alarmist.
Perhaps in this G8 the only real enemy would be able to identify with a new violent earthquake, however, it seems these days that God has granted to the world and all people of good will of an additional, perhaps deserved chance ...
First Defence in this case to ensure that those working in this summit "to guarantee other people's" solidarity and the guarantee of legal security for all components of the protection of freedom.
Freedom is the only bastion of those who look for and who pays to keep it that way.
not forget, because even for those shows is secured by law enforcement officers.
First Defence guarantees all workers the legal protection because they should be granted emotional well-deserved release from the G8, due to a -of-fact insensitive justice than in previous years was not so fair, just and impartial.
First Defence, defends those who defend the institutions.
Operators engaged in this delicate task is to get a single word: " Thanks! "

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Honda Front License Plate Mount Press - National Conference first

panoramic photo of the Conference
Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-

Press - National Conference
First Defence was baptized by the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa and Mr Franco Cardiello.

The Russian Minister and the Hon. Cardiello.
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
The June 24 us in the prestigious Conference Room of Palazzo Marino, was held in Rome on the First National Congress of the association of social promotion: First Defence.
Association, presented to the public by the RAI journalist Paul Notari, started work with il Presidente di Prima Difesa , Simona Cenni (ex coordinatrice di Azione Sociale), la quale, ha aperto il Convegno con un discorso che ha commosso tutti i presenti: “Onori al Poliziotto Nicola Calipari, onori al Poliziotto Filippo Raciti, applausi per i caduti di Nassirya e per tutti i caduti nell’adempimento del Dovere in nome della Libertà!”.
Presentazione dal giornalista RAI Paolo Notari
Foto di proprietà: Prima-Difesa®2009
panoramic photo of the Conference
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
If there's classification in a uniform, there is no distinction for the man who wears, "Angels and Demons" in a Uniform.
An Angel too often "demonized " because of the service without providing a schedule designed to elide the risks, " demonized" for the decisions it takes a few seconds, " demonized" for all those decisions " not " could take a few moments.
a man almost always "demonized" But never, never "beatified"!
Police Officer, Policeman, Financier, anyone who wears the uniform as well as being a servant of the state is a Man. 'Man is a Woman, and a father, and mother, and a brother, a cousin and a friend, for many it is simply "the next door," he is a human being every day, driven by a high sense of duty, voluntarily pays his life for a good social life, without asking anything in return. "What's" First Defence "? So
you said the President : "First Defence was founded on the will and courage to some women. Women who are mothers, wives, daughters and companions by law enforcement and armed forces. The ambitious project of the latter, almost afraid to approach the institutions, driven by the now famous "esprit de corps, soon joined by many by law enforcement, believe that First Defence is extremely necessary in a historical period marked by confusion. Together, the brave, the ones and the others are addressing this adventure called First Defence, all safe, once again, to be useful in the eternal dilemma that grips the cittadini, paradossale se vogliamo, in cui da sempre si perde la risposta, ovvero: “…Ma, chi difende i difensori?”.

Il Ministro Ignazio La Russa
Foto di proprietà: Prima-Difesa®2009
L’intervento del Ministro On. Ignazio La Russa è stato decisivo, confortante e decisamente pregno di significato e non sono mancate addirittura le richieste.
Il Ministro ha infatti chiesto a Prima Difesa to commit its own resources in civic education also formational of so-called "pockets of resistance" curves of the stage, being the Ultra violent and extremist figures, almost the last bastion of social miseducation, suggesting that attack them culturally.
Another social issue that has touched the Social Centers, the Anarchists and disobedient, delicate band of protesters who see Police a enemy "rather than" friend "of the people.
Picture of the Conference
Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Countless references to the years of protest, to the years of lead, G8 in Genoa.
The Minister La Russa ended his speech by putting ourselves at the disposal of all the initiatives that First Defence undertake arduous path in its capital.
First Defence born in a historical moment in which cen'era absolute need First Defence stems from the desire of civilians who selflessly show friendship and solidarity to all those who give their make better lives for our country , our State.
And speaking of the state, was the extraordinary intervention of Don Found Walter, Chaplain of the State Police who spoke on the topic of ethics out of Man on the uniform.
Don Walter Fountain.
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Don Walter said the primary asset of the State, namely the family. "Do not else state without a family! " and again: " We have already lost their identity for human consumption defined "resources", since man is not a resource, the Man is the end, not half the man! " , referring to the redefinition of ' Personnel Office of the State Police in : Office of Human Resources. These statements of
Religious who received the most moving and heartfelt applause. And yet the technical operations of Lawyers Piero Porciani, Eugenio Pini and Constantine Cardiello on sensitive issues related to daily difficulties and professional about the risks and relations with citizens in the mode of action, not always focused or included by the user.
Lawyer Porciani
Photos of property: First-Difesa2009C

And yet the theme of "Protecting the Operator during the service to finish with a sad note, that the management of media events: the organizational strategy to contain the manipulation of the media. It was debated on the possible liability journalists' interpretation of the facts and the obvious differences in the interpretation of the news by the press.
L ' Lawyer Porciani concluded his speech with a question: "Who defends the defenders? Who defends the defenders of the defenders? We hope that this policy will allow us to defend you! " referring to all Lawyers who defend the filthy sub by law enforcement, victims themselves of certain terrorist retaliation and, not least , a degree of adversity judiciary "biased".
Finally, the intervention of ' Honourable Mr. Franco Cardiello has encouraged and reassured the tens of by law enforcement present, the' Mr fact, focusing his intervention on the judiciary shameful episode the G8 in Genoa, eviscerated several inconsistencies and illogic objective ascribed in the judgments of convictions of the 7th Police Riot Unit Mobile Unit of Rome, almost all present to agree .
Minister Ignazio La Russa, President First Defence Simona Work
Mr Franco Cardiello. Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-
L 'Mr concluded his speech by ensuring that lawyers would have done more than a First Defence, indeed, he stated: "Dear Agents, Inspectors, and friends, some courts have decided adversity and condemnation to the work of the Police Force of the G8, our lawyers right now, we guarantee that we will not just" First Defence ", we guarantee you right now that will appeal to the barricades, yes, we in the classroom faremo le barricate di difesa affinché veniate assolti, così com’è giusto che siate!”; “Noi ci siamo schierati come si sono schierati alcuni giudici, noi siamo schierati con le Forze dell’Ordine, noi Avvocati difensori dei Poliziotti del G8 abbiamo deciso di difendere i difensori perché voi e solo voi ci garantite la libertà, ora sta a noi Avvocati garantirvi la libertà con la migliore difesa!” .
Un lunghissimo applauso ha congedato l’ Onorevole Cardiello , il quale, sentitamente commosso, dopo il convegno si è intrattenuto con i vari Operatori delle Forze dell’Ordine presenti.
Among these may be mentioned and thanked the Secretary General of the various police unions (fearing that perhaps the most curious and really interested ...) and all those who, by their presence, have supported the first real adventure First Defence .
Singles, last but not entirely unexpected, the absence of some politicians and some journalists invited (such as Giuliana Sgrena) regularly invited to the conference by ' Press Office First Defense .
The social role played by them, the mere physical presence at the conference would confortato tutti gli Operatori delle Forze dell'’Ordine presenti con la speranza del dialogo.
Purtroppo però, molti di loro (se non tutti…), sono andati via disillusi dalla forte motivazione della ricerca dialogo che li ha spinti a presenziare.
Ed è noto che dietro le semplici apparenze, si celano sempre grandi misteri.
Forse è il caso di citare Morgan Forster , egli disse: “Avere dei segreti presenta questo inconveniente: perdiamo il senso delle proporzioni e non ci rendiamo più conto se il nostro segreto è importante o no!”
Il Direttivo Nazionale
Ufficio Stampa Prima Difesa

Friday, June 19, 2009

Silly Names To Write On Tombstones

"the end is not the end" (cited in: the rest)

As some keen supporters already know, we have been involved
, we igloo in a situation
to put it mildly annoying and devastating to the nerves.

Abbiamo avuto nell'ultimo anno una persona all'interno dello staff
che non solo si è finta amica per arrivare ad ottenere
un minimo controllo sull'i-Gloo, ma oltre ad aver avanzato pretese assurde,
oltre ad aver provato a rovinare amicizie ben più salde e durature della sua breve apparizione, oltre ad aver cercato di portarci e di portarvi via i-Gloo,
oltre a tutto questo, oltre agli insulti, oltre alle minacce, dopo aver abbandonato tutto e tutti è persino giunto a pretendere dei soldi.

Mi sembra non ci siano parole per descrivere quello che è stato il nostro umore,
i nostri sentimenti e quello che abbiamo passato, con rabbia, in questo periodo.

Non ci sono not even words to describe the relief that now pervades us,
now, with a little less money, but we are full of desire to leave everything behind, to forget names and faces of those who have endangered the life of this wonderful place born from the synergy of friends who remain, like synergy and full and ready to explode again, again.

So then now that we have removed the rotten tooth, i-Gloo wants to be reborn from its ashes, more brilliant and unique before.

We look forward to the next-Gloo that promise will be soon.

"A winner never leaves, and those who abandon
never wins."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hammerhead Twister Buggy

the premiere of "Dark Room"

“Camera Oscura” è un noir di 15 minuti partorito dalle folli menti di Luca Imperiale, Ermete Ricci (che poi firmerà la regia) e Alessandro Signorini. E’ la storia di Leòn, arrogant and narcissistic photographer, photographer investigation, those who sell stolen shots at faithless wives: wives of politicians, doctors, in fact people of high society. He dreamed of a life as an artist but his dream has collapsed, along with his soul the day when his girlfriend, Adele, has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Since that day, Leon lives in a world where between drugs, dreams and visions feel the world go next. The jazz and art are only fuzzy appearance as much as his dreams and his obsession: Adele! A mirage that appears and disappears.
One day Leon gets a call from an unknown client that gives them a time and address of a hotel in which appear to document a very important meeting. Tickled by curiosity and in the bill, accepts the assignment. But when you meet a man and a woman accomplice in an attitude far, are killed. Leon photographed the bodies of the victims but can not see the murderess. Start a search for truth that led him to having to exonerate himself from the accusations of the shrewd Inspector Bernardi: a trip to the post-modern Roman memories and monumental discoveries during which Leon will have the daunting task of investigating the murder mystery in which assisted the solution of which will eventually make it free.
a complicated and intriguing story meant to be turn (thanks to the efforts of TAE Ricci, a small family production) under the watchful eye of executive producer Sabrina Lumicisi. The choice of interpreter
Leon falls initially on Filippo Timi but refused due to other work commitments. At that point, under indication of the casting is fitting that the face is just what Fabio Ghidoni (Alex mortified by the scripts in "I Cesaroni" el'esilarante Cassio's mediocre "Iago"), which accepts without hesitation after reading the script . The rest of the cast brings together actors that are discrete from the television and some film experience behind Fabrizio Buompastore ( l’ispettore Bernardi, “La squadra” e “Distretto di polizia”) , Daniele Grassetti ( Filippo Scanetti, “Il bosco fuori” di Gabriele Albanesi), Beatrice Orlandini (Irene Loi, “La velocità della luce” di Andrea Papini) e infine Anita Tenerelli (Adele Mattei) attrice teatrale con qualche apparizione nel cinema. Un cast di tutto rispetto per un cortometraggio autoprodotto che in campo tecnico si affida alle ottime prestazioni della troupe del Service “4 you video” ed in particolare all’occhio esperto di Marco De Marco come direttore della fotografia.
Le riprese sono state effettuate dal 1 al 5 marzo a Roma, tra Piazza Vittorio, il Pigneto e via della Magliana. For the scene of the abandoned factory was to be rebuilt within an environment of a real scientific laboratory!
the end, the story has found a transposition cinematografca: there are different versions about what it means: some like to think we are talking about space and time travel, someone else is fascinated with the idea to walk 20 minutes to the meanderings of a troubled mind . Darkroom noir is not only an unusual and unsettling: it is a profound reflection on the need to accept themselves (and their past). The truth is that there is a correct version: the story lends itself to multiple interpretations and can be left stunned after the short the first vision. Nothing earth-shattering because there are certain steps that not even the same writers have a clear idea! Seriously, Luca Imperiale, one of the creators of history, is writing a prequel / sequel to this short film even more convoluted is set in the death of Adele. It is a long-term project, which according to its author could develop into a feature film directed by himself ... but it is still early to talk about it!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Milena Velba Giant Hooters

Defense: Press 1.1.I °. A.2009




In short, the program will be published congevno. Join

no. Print First Defence

Monday, May 11, 2009

Environmental Issues In Bryce Canyon

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

L’ i-Gloo e i Gazebo Penguins sono un po’ come i rinomati personaggi del romanzo di R.L. Stevenson,
data 1886, del cui autore consigliamo con sommo trasporto I Racconti, 2 vol. ed. Einaudi.
Quando c’è l’iGloo, non ci sono i Penguins.
Quando ci sono i Penguins, non c’è l’iGloo.
Ora è un bel periodo per i Penguins, ergo l’iGloo è in standby.
Ma non tarderà.
Ci facciamo vivi noi.

Per ogni cosa ci sono due parole, una che ingrandisce e una che rimpicciolisce.
(R. L. Stevenson, Il master di Ballantrae)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Diarrhea And Calorie Absorption


Patti Smith and Jim Carroll

There will always be a poem
I will climb on top of it and come
In and out of time,
Cocking my head to the side slightly,
As I finish shaking, melting then
Into its body, its soft skin
--Jim Carroll, "Poem"
from Void of Course (1998)

Jim Carroll (born James Dennis Carroll, August 1 , 1950 in New York City ) is an author , poet , autobiographer , and punk musician . Carroll is best known for his 1978 autobiographical work The Basketball Diaries , which was made into the 1995 film of the same name with Leonardo DiCaprio as Carroll.

Raised in New York City and of Irish descent, Carroll attended Roman Catholic grammar schools from 1955 to 1963. In fall 1963, he entered public school , but was soon awarded a scholarship to the elite Trinity School (a private school ). He entered Trinity High School in 1964.

Apart from being interested in writing, Carroll was an all-star basketball player throughout his grade school and high school career. He entered the "Biddy League" at age 13 and participated in the National High School All Star Game in 1966. During this time, Carroll was living a double life as heroin addict who prostituted himself to afford his habit. By age 15, Carroll was using heroin, but was also writing poems and attending poetry workshops at St. Mark's Poetry Project.

Carroll attracted the attention of the local literati, and published his first book, Organic Trains, at age 17. Several of his poems have been published in such magazines as Paris Review and Poetry. In 1970, his second collection of poems, 4 Ups and 1 Down was published, and he started working for Andy Warhol . At first, he was writing film dialogue and inventing character names; later on, Carroll worked as the co-manager of Warhol's Theater. Carroll's first above-ground publication, the collection Living At The Movies, was published in 1973.

In 1978, Carroll authored The Basketball Diaries, an autobiographical book concerning his life as a teenager in New York City's hard drug culture . Diaries is an edited collection of the diaries he kept between the ages of twelve and sixteen, detailing his sexual experiences, high school basketball career, and his addiction to heroin, which began when he was 13.

Also in 1978, Carroll formed The Jim Carroll Band, a New Wave / punk rock group, with encouragement from Patti Smith . The band was formerly called Amsterdam, based in the San Francisco Bay Area . The musicians were Steve Linsley (bass), Wayne Woods (drums), Brian Linsley and Terrell Winn (guitars). They released a single "People Who Died", from their 1980 debut album, Catholic Boy ; the album featured contributions from Allen Lanier and Bobby Keys . The song appeared in the 1982 blockbuster film E.T. , as well as 2004's Dawn of the Dead , and was covered by John Cale on his Antártida soundtrack . Later albums were Dry Dreams (1982) and I Write Your Name (1983), both with contributions from Lenny Kaye . Carroll has also collaborated with musicians Lou Reed , Blue Öyster Cult , Boz Scaggs , Ray Manzarek of The Doors, Pearl Jam , and Rancid .

In the mid-1980s, Carroll returned to writing full time and Began to appear regularly on the spoken word circuit. Since 1991, Carroll has performed readings from His unfinished first novel, tentatively titled The Petting Zoo