Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brown Discharge Smelly Pee

March 17: Feast of the Unification of Italy

What squalor, Mr. Prime Minister, your Government can not even seem cohesive on holiday for the Unification of Italy proposed for March 17. Before
all agree, apart from the Marcegaglia (and this may also be, by a contractor), to celebrate the proclamation of the unification of Italy March 17, 1861. Then a few League, prior anesthesia, realizing the slips began to inveigh against the Tricolore and the Republic, mindful of his Celtic roots. To this, a few days late, were added in the Calderoli and Bossi, who has annotated "In some areas of the country the party is perceived differently." And also why we can stand by the exponent of a breakaway party. But the only question that should hearten his celoduristi, after the failure of federalism, is strong. It is especially strong frustration for the Italian people receiving different directions every day by members of the government itself: there is no common line and everything is translated into a statement and in his sudden correction. Last
in chronological order è arrivata la Gelmini, che dopo aver dichiarato scuole chiuse per il 17 Marzo, ci ha ripensato.
Ma le pare serio, Presidente del Consiglio? Lo Stato dovrebbe essere tale per tutti e non in balìa di schizofrenie tristi, di persone che non sanno più da che parte sbattere la testa.


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