Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Love Quotes In Samoan

Cesare Battisti: moralism and hypocrisy all Italian

Cesare Battisti, almeno per il momento, non tornerà in Italia. Questo lo sottolineo con una certa nota di rammarico, perchè la giustizia dovrebbe essere uguale per tutti e la certezza della pena una cosa scontata, non un tira e molla politico dettato esclusivamente da interessi di calsse o categoria.
Lo dico con una nota di rammarico, anche alla luce delle manifestazioni di ieri a Roma e Milano, delle dichiarazioni di fuoco di Ministri Ignoranti come Frattini and Russia, and the propaganda outlets of the Premier, hunting for votes and credibility for himself and his circus government. If you really
all, regardless of their political ideology or by membership, were convinced that the Law should be equal for all, because Di Pietro, the demonstration in Rome yesterday, was apostrophe with epithets like "Terrorist " and " Fool "? The same girl comrades of Santanchè woman so fascist as vulgar and coarse, which are, however, always been allergic. Why the protesters against the reform Gelimini are even advised not to waste time and think about studying or working, while the nostalgic Republicans do a flip like a bit of masclazoni 'goliards?
But this is not the point.
The point is that people, including Premier, should be careful in the selection that is accurate in deciding who should be punished and who is not, because you risk ending up like those Valley, ready to lynch the Maghreb guilty of murdering Yara , to discover a few days after the publication of "interception " that he had not, and that investigators had done a wrong translation. Cesare Battisti
must be brought in Italy and has to pay for what he did? Certainly. But they should also pay the Premier and all his friends in collusion, as well as ordinovisti (Terrorists of the New Order), which produced the great slaughter of Square in those years in which Cesare Battisti was the armed proletariat.
short, in Italy you do not waste the chance to be hypocritical and selective in the reviews, so is our collective memory that our ability to judge are now to a minimum.



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