Thursday, December 23, 2010

Zebra Pattern Metal Core Wheels

Italy: environmental successes and failures

Vorrei rilanciare un paio di interessanti notizie lette sull'ultimo numero di " Internazionale ", e relative all'ambiente ed all'inquinamento italiano.
Il primo articolo, a firma di Gerhard Mumelter (corrispondente del quotidiano austriaco der Standard ), ricorda che dal primo Gennaio 2011 sara' vietata la produzione industriale delle buste di plastica , e potranno essere invece prodotte solo buste biodegradabili. Certo avremo un certo intervallo di tempo, durante il quale i supermercati utilizeranno ancora i soliti sacchetti per far fuori le scorte, ma lentamente ed inesorabilmente le buste di plastica dovrebbero scomparire: un bel passo epocale, no? Considerando che l'Italia produce ogni anno circa 20 miliardi di buste , quasi European quarter of the total product, I would say yes'. In parallel, however, 'the use of plastic and' still quite common in daily practice, especially in the form of bottles of mineral water: they do out of nearly 12 billion a year.
The second article 'hand signed by Michael Braun (corresponding to the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung Berlin ), where he extolled the hidden (almost unthinkable) praise of the Italian system for the production of clean energy. In 2010, in fact, the electric power from renewable sources (wind and photovoltaics, to be precise) and installed in our country has reached an unexpected level until a few years ago, placing in pole position Green energy market along with Germany, China and the United States. The numbers speak for themselves: 5 GW (gigawatts) installed for the 2 GW wind and photovoltaics. I believe that they are targets. Considering that every family has at home, on average, a switch from 3 kW connected to the national grid, it means that more '2.3 million households enjoy electricity from renewable sources .
Of course the system and 'even better: the wind is still, unfortunately, fighting against the aesthetics of the environment, while the PV has low yields, high production costs and disposal after fifteen to twenty years' life of the panels, but nevertheless believe that this is an important signal that should be communicated and amplified.



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