Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kathy Van Zeeland Diaper Bags

poetic license - "ENERGY mutability"

"L’amore vero, tu lo sai,
è volere la gioia
di chi non ci appartiene
è questo uscire, traboccare da se stessi
come il sangue dalle vene
per un taglio,
is indispensable
love forever mutable energy asset. "

Giuseppe Conte

Monday, September 22, 2008

Program Template Confirmation Catholic

skin called igloo!

On the day Bob Dylan, the year 1961, he debuted for the first time in public, he decided to move the igloo
of 5.74 km, of which Highway 00:00 .
More specifically, by way of Fosdondo Ronchi (Fosdondo that is a fraction of Correggio;
and rhonchi were once called the blind alleys;
or maybe those places that needed use of the hatchet;
which is a sickle to cut the leaves pour more woody,
that to be honest i am rhonchi then also the sounds that produce b-rhonchi
when the mucosa is a bit 'decomposed; ALE).

correggese local drive that can boast at the rural aesthetic of the igloo, where the groups have dinner with ceramic dishes and drinking good wine,
where the vaults are sanded to perfection and
are some of the best beers in the region.

The Vices of the Pelican, in fact.

Location difficult to access, but it will be a wandering country roads
- including wineries, bell and earthquake lush vineyards -
worth the time spent in cars.

And when you arrive, to welcome you, we will, from 19.00:
cocktail - buffet throughout the evening
perenne - perennial

DJ set on stage:
- Monsieur Gustavo Biscotti
lashes without guitar Uberto din
- The Tunas
garage'n roll aged in barrels
- Irma Vep
post rock heartbreak sentimentalist and hats for long

Like any self-respecting igloo:
€ 5 a glass and stand upon personal and a drink and a buffet and a perennial concert and sometimes in oak barrels.

This, plus or less, is what. The
when, instead, is: FRIDAY
'September 26
c / o The Vices of Pellicano

For any info: Eddy

goat 3405702119 3385450243 3395211519

mailto: info @
ivizidelpellicano . org

on the web:
www.myspace.com / igloocollective

To get there:
reach Correggio, followed Bagnolo, reached Fosdondo we leave the pizza on the right-hotel "garden of the Roses "(which identifies the" center "of the village) and the first street on your left you come to is via Fosdondo rhonchi. the circle is at number 11 and is going drittto for 800 meters along the way. Machinery and lights + the small sign usually do the rest.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

List Of Small Legendary Pokemon


There are moments in life when you want to escape from this shit company, from the usual places, greed, corruption conventions, there are times when you are tired of feeling part of a puppet show, of having seguire sempre lo stesso copione; sei stufo di sentirti dire che è una colpa non sapere cosa fare della propria vita a vent'anni... ci sono molte persone interessanti che a quaranta ancora non lo sanno; ci sono momenti in cui ti senti solo con te stesso, sei triste e ti fa schifo l'ipocrisia che alberga nelle persone, la pochezza con cui affrontano sentimenti come l'amore, l'odio, l'amicizia... ci sono momenti in cui non riesci a sottrarti a questo squallido giro di giostra: allora strappi il tuo biglietto e sali a bordo, diventi schiavo delle convenzioni e dei luoghi comuni, pensi che in fondo non sarebbe così male mettere la testa a posto: pensavo alla strana coincidenza secondo la quale il momento in cui una persona mette la testa a posto è lo same as stop dreaming! Curious is not it?

... find a decent job, maybe to me, do what you wish for you your parents (but parents should not wish for the good of their children?) about a simple girl, maybe too cute not break my balls, buy a maybe close to home that your parents just to keep her, get married, raise a family, bake the babies ... No more sex with your wife, to live on certainties: Wake-office-coffee-lunch with colleagues in double-breasted whores-glances that go to the secretary-back home-your-children who are crying and your wife crazy undone-that you sink into the couch and you watch your TV news or the game sipping a blonde and she stands in front of the screen you ...
There are times when you choose life, choose to be happy ...
and who cares if you have to accept the arrogance of your head for fear of being able to contradict a kid because you were told (bastardi!), which is not ideal field ... VAF-FAN-CU-LO! you've got it right fucking slave, FUCK!!
who cares if you kill yourself working and not seeing your children grow ... because the salary of a month, those wretched € 1000 you'll need to dress them, now thirteen, misled by advertising that made it necessary to follow fashion, and told him how the big bad wolf to Little Red Riding Hood does not follow that if you're a loser and other non ti accettano... STRONZATE!!! S-TRON-ZA-TE!!! alla fine i tuoi figli neanche ti ringrazieranno anzi... ti manderanno a fare in culo!!!
chissenefrega se poi la fiamma con tua moglie si è spenta e lei ha pensato bene di riaccenderla magari con il tuo migliore amico che ha sicuramente più ambizioni di te: ti chiederai se quella che hai davanti è la stessa donna che una volta ti diceva che ti avrebbe amato per quello che sei, anche se fossi stato uno "straccione"... IPOCRITA!!!
chissenefrega se qualche anno prima ti eri trovato di fronte ad una scelta: ascoltare gli altri ed sentirti felice con il tuo lavoro e la tua famiglia e il pranzo la domenica dai tuoi e le vacanze sotto l'ombrellone o dalla famiglia di lei... oppure go around the world with a backpack and who knows what would have happened ...
who cares! You have chosen to be so happy and you have no regrets!
You chose the life ...
Okay ... this thought is steeped in clichés ... but it is deliberately provocative: choosing to travel with a backpack or choose to take root, no one can tell you what to do with your life, feel free to follow your way: the only thing that really matters is the knowledge that the true happiness is the revelation of the experiences we share with others.

Candless Christopher Mc ...