“SIAMO ARTE, non lo sappiamo perché presi troppo spesso a criticare, giudicare, condannare, perché non sappiamo vedere gli altri come una parte di noi...siamo arte, quasi sempre dimenticata in cantine polverose...” m.l.
L'arte contemporanea è presente immanente, è vita afferrata e trattenuta al volo nell'istante del suo passaggio, ci si diverte a vederla perché no one knows how it will end. For those accustomed to the art of the time concluded the meeting with this is a vertigo, a delusion of time, which prompts the most unexpected reactions, because it escapes the "human need to categorize the thought of reducing it by preconceived known . Annoyance, disgust, disappointment, anger, pleasure, emotion, hilarity: all contemporary art is a significant stimulator of conscience.
Art is the red blood in the veins of world history. It 'the same essential core of which is imbued with the logo of this exhibition. There is no society without art, because there is no collective unconscious that can do without the companies that neglect, the tread, which are under the illusion to the contrary, are intended to bleed to death. Art is not a god, but a very human, earthly. To live, you do not need initiation rites and even priests. We serve ourselves, our awareness of being men of the present. Who despises, regretting the past, does not include those who also speak the undisputed masterpieces of their present. Regret the art of the past is to deny the present and give to the future. It means giving up the fuel, free of progress and civilization.
Contemporary Art WE then: SoWeArt! Are we, as we can see in the mirror of this, sometimes it's hard to support the look, but neglect to look remains a missed opportunity. Art is a necessary expression of the reality of the world and attempt to understand it, is communication. That is why this review, which begins here, you may ideally never-ending, since when this will never end. E 'imagined and designed with four eyes, or so, but we hope to be seen with many different views, how many will be visitors.
or not you share the vision that will emerge from this meeting, Stroll around in this white space by concentrating the mind, slow movements and do not miss the bustling energy that emanates from the relationship alive between the place where art is born is the place in which art is shown. The transition has not been in vain if you are able to think with your head and enjoy the art knows that the more excited. Emotions and opinions are never the truth, but leave a trail. Welcome to
SoWeArt! Free review of Visual Arts by ELISIRart / g
The participating artists: Roberta
Demeglio - Edith demroby@hotmail.it Dzieduszycka - edith@mclink.it Emanuela Fera - Tito emafera@tiscalinet.it Gargamel - tito.gargamelli @ gmail . com
Gianluca Garrapa - Maria Listur g.garrapa @ libero.it - \u200b\u200bmaria.maria @ tiscalinet.it Elizabeth Losi - Lamberto www.incisionielisabettalosi.com Melina - www.lambertomelina.com
Mauro Pallotta - maupal2000@yahoo.it Marco Severini - www.marcoseverini.com Emanuele Sgarbi - www.emanuelesgarbifotografo.com Caterina Vitelli - www.caterinavit. Com
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