igloo CIAA
Part I on February 5 @ _ igloo (the usual place) h. 22:00
Part II _ @ Ekidna February 13 (the usual Ekidna) h. 22:00
Summary of the previous episode:
Some time ago I had planned Sollo and vocabulary essential for bar talk or musicians - improbably similar types. The vocabulary consisted of three words, which - according to our own - would be enough to weave and carry out any kind of discussion.
The three words were:
1. CIAA (both as a greeting, and as "Leave it to stay '")
2. 'n fact
3. Fear
So the first episode dedicated to Fear was made. Now it's up to the second word. Do you have a 50% chance of guessing. The title of this message can help you. That's right: the second word is chosen CIAA .
- I was wrong to do the washing machine
- Now I have all the pink underwear
- Last night I had a plots
- Yes, but it was a process
Things like that, in fact.
And since we are the grassroots cultural agitators, we will apply a news to be left stunned. With high penalty
cabal, the second part of the trilogy is divided into two parts.
And this is the first story in two episodes of the igloo. Ovate, friends, ovate.
The first part takes place Friday, February 5 from 22:00 igloo. And he sees the field:
1. Michele Bomb (VR) - http://www.myspace.com/bombatomica
2. Thunder bomber (MN) - http://www.myspace.com/thunderbomber
3. Kelvin (PD) - http://www.myspace.com/kelvin667
4. Valerian Swing (resident) - http://www.myspace.com/valerianswing
The second part is held instead on February 13 from 22:00 all'Ekidna, who lives in San Martino, who is on the river Secchia, through the common Carpi all at no more than 24 km dall'iGloo. It takes all'Ekidna thanks to the collaboration of the brave warrior Gnappo, which is one I respect a lot because it always responds to email within 8 minutes of sending. There you will find:
1. Laser Geyser (BO) - http://www.myspace.com/lasergeyser
2. Monsieur Gustavo Biscotti (MN) - http://www.myspace.com/monsieurgb
3. Gazebo Penguins (Correggio / Zocca) - http://www.myspace.com/gazebopenguins
4. Nicker Hill Orchestra (PD / MN / MO) - http://www.myspace.com/nickerhillorchestra
I get bored a lot to write the kind of bands playing, so go listen to yourself and decide. You assured us € 5 toll, and we can guarantee an undisputed amount of wood, about 80 pedals (except those of the battery), more than 30 people playing (except for engineers), erbazzone on both occasions, beer at low prices, a milk churn in the sizzling heat of igneous parterre in front, a priceless pat on the shoulder to individuals participating in both evenings, joie de vivre and a baganana scunsubio fear. CIAA.
- the igloo is small. In winter take up to 80 people. 100 Even if insiders love the rub. So if you arrive there is no place ... fat. But outside there is a milk churn. And maybe even a fungus escapes those sburi. We igloo, to make the igloo non ci guadagniamo una mazza eh, giusto per non dimenticarlo.
- l’Ekidna si trova in via Livorno 9, San Martino sul Secchia, 41012 Carpi (Modena). A me GoogleMaps questo San Martino sul Secchia non lo dà. Però se mettete San Martino + Carpi lo becca.
Se ve lo becca potete dirmi: ‘nfatti.
igloocollective@gmail.com / capra@gazebopenguins.com
3405702119 - 3395211519
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