Here we celebrate the transformation. In the ravine which our conscience is deterministic hidden wonders of the butterfly? We think we know, metamorphosis is the silent engine of life, thoughts, words and actions are working as agents of becoming ...
Metamorphosis is the trajectory of art, with the trail before and after her. the artist's thought takes shape, change of state, trans-form Actress in a creation of itself, whose constituent material - even virtual - door at the bottom of the signature of the time. The point marked by the author is not the end of the opera! And if the transformation becomes the characteristic of his DNA, the work becomes a mirror of what he has given: the metamorphosis, implementation, may be taken by surprise, carp because there is one synchronic, the different eyes, a diachronic, time, and sometimes a hero of the work. Three sides of the same metamorphic diamond.
Each sign and gesture launched in the world are neither static nor final, their meaning, and state, soak the eyes and thoughts that have crossed them. The knowledge of reality includes the dynamics of the flow, the stagnation of the rarefied now is useful to know the machines. Then the art, and free up the lead in forming and separating form becomes an instrument of knowledge, right! The artist as a researcher investigates the features of such phenomena of his time and the time constant, as we can not see them, but as could be, as they are. The knowledge open and moving, that art teaches us, accompanies the essence of reality, the eternal unchanging change ... and when the artists themselves to visibly witness the transformation in their own way to tell is the case for devoting attention!
The Event "METAMORPHOSIS" accolto nel magnifico contesto del Chiostro degli Agostiniani di PIAZZA DEL POPOLO a Roma si propone come occasione di dibattito sulle forze che operano nella produzione del divenire naturale delle cose, in una visione in cui Arte, Filosofia, Scienza e Spiritualità si possono e si devono dinamicamente integrare. Perché se è vero che niente è statico, il modo in cui le cose cambiano dipende da noi. Oppure no? Qui si celebra la trasformazione.
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