Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Dance Songs For A Talent Show

Rosy Bindi candidate for prime minister? Why not!

Rosy Bindi Premier candidate? And 'the fan, more or less explicit and official, and Nichi Vendola that Romano Prodi. The proposal seems quite attractive, not just to the left value of the potential candidate, but for at least two good reasons: she is a woman (and how women are perceived today, in our country, it can not do good to the Company), and the secular state. Add as a result of readings of "The Lobby God "by Ferruccio Pinotti, which I have already spent a couple of occasions, Rosy Bindi is adverse aComunione and Liberation and the CDO. So much so that some members of the PD, especially near Veltroni, shaken by the proposed Nichi Romano and propagate themselves Mario Monti, as a candidate for Premier of the coalition, which would defeat Berlusconi. That same Mario Monti, CL, elected MEP in the ranks of the PDL. I hope this is a bad joke or a mistake Republic of the journalist who drafted the ' article, but it would be really curious to propose a CL Premier of the PDL as a candidate to defeat Berlusconi.
Thinking This Company si schiera con deciso favore ad un'apertura verso la Bindi, per una coalizione di centro sinistra, che finalmente possa ritrovare la strada della politica e delle riforme. Proprio per questo si fa fatica a capire il gelo del PD, in primis di Bersani.
Ad ogni modo, per una volta mi trovo d'accordo con Ferrero, Segretario di Rifondazione: sì alla Bindi ma no a Fini.



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