Uno degli interessanti cablo della diplomazia statunitense nei confronti dell'Italia, che Wikileaks ha reso pubblici nei giorni scorsi, tratta del rapporto Italia - Immigrazione Clandestina.
La redattrice del cablo (vecchio di due anni) è la Sig.ra Elizabeth L. Dibble, allora numero due dell'ambasciata USA in Italia ed oggi alla guida della sezione European and Eurasian Affairs del Dipartimento di Stato (quindi non proprio un funzionario di terza categoria, come l'aveva dipinta Berlusconi), che sostanzialmente esprime le sue forti perplessità nei confronti della politica sull'immigrazione del Governo italiano, denunciando un uso improprio e quasi criminale della televisione e di certa stampa allineata, per creare nell'opinione pubblica paura e tensione. Questi sentimenti, osserva la Sig.ra Dibble, rischiano di sfociare (ed in affetti sono sfociati), in xenophobic sentiments, ridden by the League of Bossi and some members of the Berlusconi government, which instead of giving concrete answers to the migratory flows prefer propaganda.
Ms. XXXX noted an interesting fact: the Ministry of Interior has confirmed that only 15% of illegal immigration comes from unseaworthy vessels, while the majority of non-regular stragande is made by people just arrived in Italy with a tourist visa and never allontanatasi from the country. Despite these data, continues Mrs. Dibble, the Italian government has never done anything to make borders more secure and waterproof, to improve and speed up procedures for repatriation, cards diplomatic agreements with the countries of origin of most immigrants, or to increase controls at airports (there the balls to break a bottle of water, but, on balance, a good percentage of illegal immigrants comes from there), and has preferred to invest money (public) and resources (public) in a propaganda war through television and newspapers against the desperate, who come in boats. From this
the concerns of today's Dibble and the EU on the bogey raised by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and by the Government on the risk of invasion ships of shame as a result of civil wars, which currently squotono Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
Mr Berlusconi, how it responds to the people Italian to everything?
La redattrice del cablo (vecchio di due anni) è la Sig.ra Elizabeth L. Dibble, allora numero due dell'ambasciata USA in Italia ed oggi alla guida della sezione European and Eurasian Affairs del Dipartimento di Stato (quindi non proprio un funzionario di terza categoria, come l'aveva dipinta Berlusconi), che sostanzialmente esprime le sue forti perplessità nei confronti della politica sull'immigrazione del Governo italiano, denunciando un uso improprio e quasi criminale della televisione e di certa stampa allineata, per creare nell'opinione pubblica paura e tensione. Questi sentimenti, osserva la Sig.ra Dibble, rischiano di sfociare (ed in affetti sono sfociati), in xenophobic sentiments, ridden by the League of Bossi and some members of the Berlusconi government, which instead of giving concrete answers to the migratory flows prefer propaganda.
Ms. XXXX noted an interesting fact: the Ministry of Interior has confirmed that only 15% of illegal immigration comes from unseaworthy vessels, while the majority of non-regular stragande is made by people just arrived in Italy with a tourist visa and never allontanatasi from the country. Despite these data, continues Mrs. Dibble, the Italian government has never done anything to make borders more secure and waterproof, to improve and speed up procedures for repatriation, cards diplomatic agreements with the countries of origin of most immigrants, or to increase controls at airports (there the balls to break a bottle of water, but, on balance, a good percentage of illegal immigrants comes from there), and has preferred to invest money (public) and resources (public) in a propaganda war through television and newspapers against the desperate, who come in boats. From this
the concerns of today's Dibble and the EU on the bogey raised by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and by the Government on the risk of invasion ships of shame as a result of civil wars, which currently squotono Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
Mr Berlusconi, how it responds to the people Italian to everything?