Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Letter To A Depressed Friend

Preparations for the unification of Italy in Libya

While Japan held their breath the whole world and Colonel Gaddafi in Libya regains ground on insurgents at home getting ready to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the next day. The
almost every city in the beautiful country are planned events, cultural events, concerts, and remember to greet one of the highest moments of our history. Obviously there are spoilers in the green shirt, leaving the classroom at the sound of the hymn, or prefer to go to work, failing to find reasons to celebrate.
Apart from the few dissident voices, I hope that March 17 is really a time of renewed and genuine national unity against an emergency cultural and social which now surrounds us at least fifteen years. For this reason, I would like to echo the proposed Civati \u200b\u200bthat site Next Stop Italy to March 17 suggests an act of civil obedience. Ask for a receipt, a clean handkerchief park, do not steal the queue at the supermarket, a small report abuse, visit museums and places never seen before.
What do you think? we try?


Monday, March 14, 2011

Schutt Air Xp Vs Dna Pro

Gehddafi now seems to have regained almost all the cities have fallen into rebel hands. It seems that the "terrorists " as defined them as the youngest son of Colonel using a term so dear to the West, have been defeated and then the status quo in Libya has been restored. Read: Dictatorship is back.
But at what price?
the price of silence and the West, especially Italy, that land which has enormous economic and commercial interests. Unlike what happens with Tunisia and Egypt. So much so that we are willing to suffer the blackmail of the tyrant who threatens us saying that we have betrayed the cause, and then, once peace is restored (to the sound of bombs), the streets of Tripoli and our dear country will pay the setback.
In all this our government says? Silent. Berlusconi silent, as the puppet Frattini dens, while the cronies goliards leaguers are unleashed against the invasion of immigrants.
We are a country in disarray, dominated the mood of the other guests because Judah did not propose any prospect for the future development for new generations? I think so.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Much Does Laminating Cost

War A Country's Struggle

Today day of great protests across Italy, not so much against Berlusconi as against the model that embodies and that set us over the past fifteen years. The protest of the common people, in defense of the Constitution and Public Education, both recent victims torn dall'esondante arrogance of the Premier.
A people fighting for their rights, in the hope that this will slowly but surely be the wind of the Italian revolution.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Product For Mexican Hair

merged Administrative and Referendum? No thanks

view of the fact that March 17 would anyone want us to work, and while we're also on May 1 (true Minister Calderoli ?!?), because there is a crisis and the country struggles to again because of the workers, who always want to party, Maroni well thought of giving a hand to the nation not amalgamating the local elections and the Referendum (privatization of water, such failure and return to nuclear power).
Total expenditure of the estimated 300 million euro.
Something does not add up, someone will think. In short, we are in crisis, there's no money for anyone, and the government decides to spend some centinaio di milioni dei nostri euro, non accorpando queste consultazioni? Tutto potrebbe trovare un senso se, così come nel caso del referendum contro il federalismo di qualche anno, si decidesse di non votare tutto lo stesso giorno per non correre il rischio di raggiungere i quorum sui quesiti refendari. In effetti negli ultimi anni, ed in occasioni di possibilità di accorpamento analoghe, i governi Berlusconi si sono sempre comportati alla stessa maniera: sai mai che un quesito referendario proposto da quei comunisti, che ancora credono nelle consultazioni popolari, possa passare.
Ma questa appare come fantapolitica... o no?!?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Congenital Syphilislong Term Affects

Happy Birthday Grandma

Oggi vorrei dedicare un pensiero a mia nonna, che dopo una vita di difficoltà e stenti è arrivata al traguardo dei 93 anni.
Una memoria storica ancora in vita, un'esperienza enorme, della quale le nostre generazioni hanno irrimediabilmente bisogno, soprattutto vista la povertà delle classi che dovrebbero educarci.
Auguro quindi a mia nonna ancora cento di questi giorni, e che abbia sempre la forza e l'energia per raccontare ancora storie (soprattutto ai nipotini che un po' alla volta stanno arrivando), per tramandare ancora esperienze e pezzi di vita vissuta.

Un Saluto

Prom Dresses Under 60 Dollars

Galleria RILIEVI . Via della Reginella 1a . Roma
02/16 . 03 . 2011
a cura di ELISIRart
ingresso libero



Friday, February 25, 2011

Forgot My Master Sphere Lock

Interesting immigration

Uno degli interessanti cablo della diplomazia statunitense nei confronti dell'Italia, che Wikileaks ha reso pubblici nei giorni scorsi, tratta del rapporto Italia - Immigrazione Clandestina.
La redattrice del cablo (vecchio di due anni) è la Sig.ra Elizabeth L. Dibble, allora numero due dell'ambasciata USA in Italia ed oggi alla guida della sezione European and Eurasian Affairs del Dipartimento di Stato (quindi non proprio un funzionario di terza categoria, come l'aveva dipinta Berlusconi), che sostanzialmente esprime le sue forti perplessità nei confronti della politica sull'immigrazione del Governo italiano, denunciando un uso improprio e quasi criminale della televisione e di certa stampa allineata, per creare nell'opinione pubblica paura e tensione. Questi sentimenti, osserva la Sig.ra Dibble, rischiano di sfociare (ed in affetti sono sfociati), in xenophobic sentiments, ridden by the League of Bossi and some members of the Berlusconi government, which instead of giving concrete answers to the migratory flows prefer propaganda.
Ms. XXXX noted an interesting fact: the Ministry of Interior has confirmed that only 15% of illegal immigration comes from unseaworthy vessels, while the majority of non-regular stragande is made by people just arrived in Italy with a tourist visa and never allontanatasi from the country. Despite these data, continues Mrs. Dibble, the Italian government has never done anything to make borders more secure and waterproof, to improve and speed up procedures for repatriation, cards diplomatic agreements with the countries of origin of most immigrants, or to increase controls at airports (there the balls to break a bottle of water, but, on balance, a good percentage of illegal immigrants comes from there), and has preferred to invest money (public) and resources (public) in a propaganda war through television and newspapers against the desperate, who come in boats. From this
the concerns of today's Dibble and the EU on the bogey raised by Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and by the Government on the risk of invasion ships of shame as a result of civil wars, which currently squotono Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
Mr Berlusconi, how it responds to the people Italian to everything?


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Green Pus On Gum After Tooth Extraction

percentage embarrassing silence

First did not want to disturb the dictator in this delicate phase of transition and rather quiet (at least according to him), now rides the wind of democracy, and says that Gaddafi is a crazy that bombing ' Italy. However, it still does not reach a clear and official complaint on the part of our knight on the work of the National Libyan tyrant. And that is that in Libya, to date, you are engaging in unacceptable violence against the protesters, who were the only fault to complain a bit 'of freedom. The freedom that we take for granted and that someone has attached to the name of his party in style propaganda. That freedom in the name of which you can accept the bombing of an event, because there are multi-billion dollar contracts to preserve supplies of oil and gas, and there is the fear of retaliation on the Islamic religion Catholic.
Apparently, in our way, we are still in the era of the Crusades.


Monday, February 21, 2011

R&b Songs For A Retirement Party

The Middle East explodes and the Benz always more expensive

After Egypt and Tunisia, Libya is now to be the scene of violent riots. The people, tired of regimes, dictators and comic-opera characters, is screaming that they can not anymore. The best response that our government can give? Here it is: "Violence is unacceptable . But who said the same words with the same strength, when Qaddafi and his henchmen were those who expressed opposition to disappear dictatorship? Where were these same people, always ready to side with the powerful and kiss his hands, when it was evident that the fundamental human rights were trampled? They were hiding in the best salons, among big smiles and hugs, protected by security cordons. That's where they were, as always in history. Today
screams scandal, more in Libya and Egypt, because Libya is a land of conquest for Italy. And I'm not referring to the ridiculous attempts of the colonial dream of the Duce, who has brought only death and despair, but of large private and state enterprises, which in Libya build roads, infrastructure, oil wells and sell boats and patrol boats. Here then is that the rights of the People, as always, falling in second place to the interests of the Exchange. We say " gasoline prices rise further, because Libya is Revolution." As if to say " see what happens if you complain, if you raise your head? The system will bar even further."
Then head down and work with the dream of one day being able to buy the biggest car without a mortgage bank.
But I say it just is good for the people to protest, even violently, if necessary. Our grandparents would not partisans liberated Italy, unfortunately, never without his rifle. This does not justify excesses, but most are not even willing to accept the blackmail: If gasoline is too expensive I'll go by bike, sooner or later the oil will end.


Getting Caught In Spain With Fake Id

Massimo Benucci imprime di sé quel che dipinge. Interno verso esterno: l'affronto diretto con la realtà avviene nello spazio sottile che separa autore e superficie, dove la coscienza si scontra con la materia viva del presente. Uno scontro sanguigno, drammatico, violento, esorcizzato the plan of action. The outcome of the game is before our eyes, there is support for the encounter with the ghosts of their communication which repeat the same message, clear and sharp, as is the faint outline of the image that paints them.
Maximus is up to their ears to the problem of reality, the skin feels the weight of those who are in a different position in society, alienation, diversity, rejection of those who break the ranks of conformism and pay for this duty, Christ as a martyr ... but victorious. If these are the protagonists, his works have addressed the hypocrisy of thought common curses and the message is still evidence of a tragic human condition, always different ... the same.
must do justice to any intellectualism seems to yell Massimo, find the rudeness and embarrassment, but also the profound spirituality of the natural and raw materials make up till their thickness does not give off a spark, a truth, which becomes weak but pure light. To turn it on is the physical weight of media consumed, colors slipped and needed image from the wretchedness which frees the rhythm of a transcendence that does not stop beating. In this regard, the technique works by Massimo is a metaphor for poetry.
The art of this exhibition materializes a state of conscious but irredeemable negativity of modern existence, but the ghosts do not stop speaking, is a subtle pleasure to hear ... as taught GCArgan, "if the sublimation maybe just drinking to the dregs the cup of despair, the invective is prayer."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Dance Songs For A Talent Show

Rosy Bindi candidate for prime minister? Why not!

Rosy Bindi Premier candidate? And 'the fan, more or less explicit and official, and Nichi Vendola that Romano Prodi. The proposal seems quite attractive, not just to the left value of the potential candidate, but for at least two good reasons: she is a woman (and how women are perceived today, in our country, it can not do good to the Company), and the secular state. Add as a result of readings of "The Lobby God "by Ferruccio Pinotti, which I have already spent a couple of occasions, Rosy Bindi is adverse aComunione and Liberation and the CDO. So much so that some members of the PD, especially near Veltroni, shaken by the proposed Nichi Romano and propagate themselves Mario Monti, as a candidate for Premier of the coalition, which would defeat Berlusconi. That same Mario Monti, CL, elected MEP in the ranks of the PDL. I hope this is a bad joke or a mistake Republic of the journalist who drafted the ' article, but it would be really curious to propose a CL Premier of the PDL as a candidate to defeat Berlusconi.
Thinking This Company si schiera con deciso favore ad un'apertura verso la Bindi, per una coalizione di centro sinistra, che finalmente possa ritrovare la strada della politica e delle riforme. Proprio per questo si fa fatica a capire il gelo del PD, in primis di Bersani.
Ad ogni modo, per una volta mi trovo d'accordo con Ferrero, Segretario di Rifondazione: sì alla Bindi ma no a Fini.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Pokemon White Clonar Pokemon

If not now when? Padova

Ieri sera, durante i vari telegiornali che commentavano la Piazza di domenica, si ribadiva il fatto che " le manifestazioni non vogliono essere politiche ". Perchè? solo perchè negli ultimi dieci, dodici anni, questa parola ha assunto significati pesantemente negativi grazie (o a causa) especially the Berlusconi-Thought?
Once, when we did and we talked about politics, that word along with social and cultural variations were of similar aspects of community life. Not synonymous, of course, but words could and should move in the same context. Why, then, now "political " would have a negative effect so that even a protest should wear a dress "non-political"? might be more accurate to say non-partisan, non-political but I think its nonsense. Politics is what we do every day, for our society and to improve our condition, or what we believe is right and fair to correct a common life and clean. Politics is not the salary of members of parliament, nor the blue car, nor on the power play.
If we're not going to understand this, but we continue to passively rely on what we propose (or propina) the leader in office through the TV, we will never awaken our consciences.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can I Play With My Clitoris

Let's be clear: If not now when?

Yesterday was a day of events. The day of the square that, after so long, returns to star as the common root of that part of the Company which does not recognize itself in the super macho values \u200b\u200bfrom the President, who believes that women should have equal rights and dignity to men, some values \u200b\u200bthat cultivated fondamentali di uguaglianza e rispetto, ormai (dis)persi da una certa politica.
Io c'ero, con mia moglie, con mia figlia, con mia mamma e tanti tantissimi amici. Perchè la protesta è intergenerazionale, perchè speriamo che, sull'onda degli Stati Uniti prima e dell'Egitto poi (anche se non in maniera così violenta), si possa finalmente mettere la parola fine a quello stupro politico e sociale rappresentato da Berlusconi.
L'atmosfera era festosa, anche se pacata e, in un qualche modo, preoccupata. Sul palco di Piazza dei Signori si sono susseguiti interventi e musica, perchè è anche sulle note di qualche canzone che si può spiegare alla gente il proprio punto di vista. Ma quel che più conta, è that yesterday there were no parties. Ideological affiliations, yes, but no abbreviations and symbols, to show that, beyond the camps, people can and will organize to improve our country insulted and vilified by years of bad policy. Greetings

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Are The Rules To Frusteration With 20 Rounds

Here we celebrate the transformation. In the ravine which our conscience is deterministic hidden wonders of the butterfly? We think we know, metamorphosis is the silent engine of life, thoughts, words and actions are working as agents of becoming ...
Metamorphosis is the trajectory of art, with the trail before and after her. the artist's thought takes shape, change of state, trans-form Actress in a creation of itself, whose constituent material - even virtual - door at the bottom of the signature of the time. The point marked by the author is not the end of the opera! And if the transformation becomes the characteristic of his DNA, the work becomes a mirror of what he has given: the metamorphosis, implementation, may be taken by surprise, carp because there is one synchronic, the different eyes, a diachronic, time, and sometimes a hero of the work. Three sides of the same metamorphic diamond.
Each sign and gesture launched in the world are neither static nor final, their meaning, and state, soak the eyes and thoughts that have crossed them. The knowledge of reality includes the dynamics of the flow, the stagnation of the rarefied now is useful to know the machines. Then the art, and free up the lead in forming and separating form becomes an instrument of knowledge, right! The artist as a researcher investigates the features of such phenomena of his time and the time constant, as we can not see them, but as could be, as they are. The knowledge open and moving, that art teaches us, accompanies the essence of reality, the eternal unchanging change ... and when the artists themselves to visibly witness the transformation in their own way to tell is the case for devoting attention!
The Event "METAMORPHOSIS" accolto nel magnifico contesto del Chiostro degli Agostiniani di PIAZZA DEL POPOLO a Roma si propone come occasione di dibattito sulle forze che operano nella produzione del divenire naturale delle cose, in una visione in cui Arte, Filosofia, Scienza e Spiritualità si possono e si devono dinamicamente integrare. Perché se è vero che niente è statico, il modo in cui le cose cambiano dipende da noi. Oppure no? Qui si celebra la trasformazione.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brown Discharge Smelly Pee

March 17: Feast of the Unification of Italy

What squalor, Mr. Prime Minister, your Government can not even seem cohesive on holiday for the Unification of Italy proposed for March 17. Before
all agree, apart from the Marcegaglia (and this may also be, by a contractor), to celebrate the proclamation of the unification of Italy March 17, 1861. Then a few League, prior anesthesia, realizing the slips began to inveigh against the Tricolore and the Republic, mindful of his Celtic roots. To this, a few days late, were added in the Calderoli and Bossi, who has annotated "In some areas of the country the party is perceived differently." And also why we can stand by the exponent of a breakaway party. But the only question that should hearten his celoduristi, after the failure of federalism, is strong. It is especially strong frustration for the Italian people receiving different directions every day by members of the government itself: there is no common line and everything is translated into a statement and in his sudden correction. Last
in chronological order è arrivata la Gelmini, che dopo aver dichiarato scuole chiuse per il 17 Marzo, ci ha ripensato.
Ma le pare serio, Presidente del Consiglio? Lo Stato dovrebbe essere tale per tutti e non in balìa di schizofrenie tristi, di persone che non sanno più da che parte sbattere la testa.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jesse Jane Vidéo Clip

L'autore del reportage fotografico qui proposto is an eyewitness to the truth, partial truth ... eye of the facts, what you see from land, where that data inevitably occur and are equal to themselves. Ugly Truth. The images of registered marks of looks on the common world, the long chronicle of a sick, corrupt, problematic ... there, on the verge of implosion. A truth. Observed significant signs that give a voice to cry on city walls, which glide between the branches of trees, to traces of human despair passages. Here is today Bulgaria, as one sees it, a study of seven images brings us back to the concrete social, political, economic, human, the here and now, to us, not to denote a specific country, as a common status a large slice of the urban and global human .... The dreamer John was not the only one, maybe today it would be more, or his eyes started from higher up: John was not looking, he imagined. "Who Are You," called one of the photos shown, a young man stands on the brink of a crossroads, the old, wide dirt road, or what? Who are you?: new thoughts, new way of thinking about ourselves and the world, remains the only possibility of transformation, which is already there in the road that branches off, choose a boy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dark Flaky Skin On Dog Belly


Come sempre chi governa questo Paese, crede di poter fare quel che gli pare, fregandosene delle Istituzioni e delle regole del gioco democratico.
E' successo di nuovo.
Dopo che la cosiddetta " bicameralina " (ma dove diavolo li tirano fuori 'sti nomi), aveva sostanzialmente fermato il federalismo fiscale, poichè la votazione si era conclusa in parità and then, according to the rules, the proposal would have to return to the Chambers for a more thorough discussion, the Prime Minister well thought of entering a leg straight and still promote a legislative decree. Of course this was a necessary condition for him to placate the League and avoid last-minute reversals, so much so that Bossi said "p ortiamo home the result." Series: no matter how we got here, but we got there.
Knight's move is not liked it at the Quirinal Palace (fortunately there is still the President of the Republic), which is interventuo preventing this unfortunate process.
As yet we put up with this bad habit? This sort of soft dictatorship where, who's in charge, think they can afford everything that goes around your head? Obviously
Berlusconi has thundered from Brussels against a country " paralyzed from the attorney." Of course, when you're allergic to the rules and you do not like to hear you say no, t'incazzi with those who enforce the rules and try to convince the rest of the world, and these rules are useless.
We want to give us a cut?


Monday, January 31, 2011

Wax In Bucks County,pa

Regime Revolutions from Middle-earth

North Africa is now a powder keg ready to explode. People to the streets in Egypt, where they continue the protests are expected today and a million people in Cairo, against the government and in favor of Mubarak El Baradei, l'uomo dell'opposizione. Che questa rivolta sia colorata di islamismo a qualcuno farà tremare le gambe, ma forse la storia chiede il suo rendiconto. Un Presidente troppo vicino alle posizioni cattoliche, troppo vicino all'America, troppo vicino all'Occidente come Mubarak, in una terra di cultura diversa, alla fine non ha pagato. Un po' come i nostri reclamano le radici cristine dell'Europa, loro pretendono le radici islamiche del Nord Africa. Mi pare legittimo, soprattutto se visto in un ottica di multinazionali, fin troppo vicine a quel vecchio presidente che ha fatto più i suoi interessi, che quelli del Paese.
La storia si ripete e chiede, per l'appunto, il conto.
Speriamo che il vento di rivoluzione soffi un po' north, the warm and hot Sicilian salt, through the Mediterranean Calabrian, Neapolitan landfills, the palaces of the Roman power, the Tuscan hills, the rich and polluted northeast Milan. We hope that this new desire to invest ourselves and we can once and for all, to close another ugly page of Italian history.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Do I Masterbate When I'm In My Period

Why continue to tolerate?

Really, Italian, why continue as nothing had? As if your Premier, democratically elected of course, is not only a vile little man devoted to the interests (and fun) private? "Why as if he were not there would be another ? this is what you think? You become so buried in cynicism, that you do not want to raise their head in a gesture of pride? Certainly it is easy to think that anything will change, and then all the better, too bad.
So, to change things you have to speak, one must ask, ask yourself the probemi, and it seems those who struggles to make ends meet has more to think about. Legitimate. But this is Italy, which want to give your child? Are not you ashamed? After all he is the son of your system and you have been shaped, in twenty years, from his own.
Last week the New York Times has opened an interesting online forums, in which you asked the question: "Why do Italians cotinuano Berlusconi to tolerate? . "They were asked to write their views on a variety of professionals, from psychologists to political scientists, economists and journalists through, most Italians. The common argument is that, despite the Italian people will have the full boxes, Berlusconi holds the power because it satisfies the lobby. Industrialists, first, with tax relief and subsidies, and then half the rich men of the country, with decriminalization and tax amnesties, not least the Vatican, delivering more and more money to private schools.
My theory, however, is unfortunately another: the Italians are not really sick of Berlusconi, because the Italians having to break pose problems and questions on the future, Italians prefer to complain about every day, but knowing that their problems are always the same, in a comforting daily life, rather than having affronatre the unknown of tomorrow. Italians like to delegate their own choices and decisions, and voting is only the expression of this sentiment, not a moment to really determine who will lead the country, but only an opportunity for delegates to full-time, so you can remove the brain and think about something else.
How sad.
Luckily, and this is the only positive note, a good slice of the Italian people has really filled cans. Serve? Greetings

Two Blue Dots Clear Blue

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ear Throbbing From Toot Ache

Memorial Day

Today is the Day Holocaust Memorial, not to forget the Nazi concentration camps, the mass murder, the horrors of war.
solto This day should not be the day for some, but of all, why certain values \u200b\u200bshould be universally shared and recognized, regardless of political color or skin.
Thinking Through this company I would like to invite their parents (now I sound like that), but not limited, to bring their children in Nazi concentration camps: the examination is painful and not for pleasure, but deeply instructive. I personally have been to Dachau and Mauthausen, and the tightness that you feel when you enter the "showers" or in the basement with the crematoria can not be described: must be tried. Greetings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does Tooth Whitening Gel Expire

The country where nothing ever changes

new scandals, new revelations, new trenches anti judiciary, a new wave of insults, a new rise of shields to defend against ethics and the Premier.
Always the same old story, which now goes unnoticed to most people, usually tired of all this chatter, that the real problems of the country has little to do. Indeed, perhaps that is the cause of the real problems of the country, which have no solution because the Parliament and the policy are to inghisati heavy boulders blocking every idea, every process. But people now, all this does not care. Emblematic phrase of my colleague, who recently told me "I do not care that the Premier is a mafia or a piduista: if you have good ideas and implement them for me okay. "Here is the symbol of Italy, that ethics and morality has replaced the loss of democratic compass, a sense of civilization that our parents and grandparents tried to teach us.
In all this, however, Berlusconi's own right: even this storm will pass. Why do you always complaining despite all the average Italian asks only to live quietly, without headaches, without having to raise the question of new elections or who knows what other important decisions.'s salary, the usual routine, perhaps a loan (of which we complain), but at least gives a fixed expiry, a certainty in its inevitability , from time to time a pizza. A simple life calls for the average Italian, with no pain in the ass and completely disinterezzata the common thing: what you think about someone else.
To quote The Best of Youth " Italy is the country where nothing ever changes . Greetings

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Aerobic

The books are still afraid

E 'news these days, that would be disappearing from public libraries in the Veneto region of Northern League's Roberto Saviano and the volumes of some writers in favor of espressisi Cesare Battisti.
Everything 'began when, on January 20 last year, the regional minister for education, Elena Donazzan (share in the Northern League), had commented, "We do not ask any burning books, mind you. Simply invite all schools not to adopt the Veneto, to read or store the texts in libraries morally harmful. "
Who can and should feel entitled to consider whether certain texts are morally harmful or not, and 'matter to be discovered, especially if expressed by a party whose members (eg RLO or at least some of them), have often proudly declared that he never finished a book in their lives. The Donazzan us then required to make matters worse "A boycott is the minimum civil that can be asked in front of intellectuals who would like to impunity for crimes of a convicted aberrant
These statements have appeared on an article Republic its January 20, and show that in Italy it still is hard to distinguish culture from censorship, and two themes that run agomenti necessarily on separate tracks, but that too would overlap. This blog
instead firmly believes that a free and democratic State should give all the information on its citizens to be able to judge what is right and wrong. This should be based on true education. What
Battisti, convicted of four political murders, must serve a just punishment and 'out of discussion, but this should have nothing to do with the free expression of thought or with the publication of a book.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

P90x Windows Media Player C

Big Merdaio

Sorry, could not resist. I'm not following this whole thing a lot of Ruby & Co., of puttante coming and going in Milan, Villa Certosa, the moon offered by Berlusconi. Impassioning I'm not much for gossip, the gossip, the rumors in the newspapers and on websites, full-addirittua votes on who can be the woman Berlusconi. I can not.
I can not accept a similar degradation, maybe I'm one of those others, with glances and smiles, call a "virgin", a naive, but I just can not swallow such a merdaio. That I will not even define "Italian" because this is not Italy, is simply the limitless power that manifests itself in its usual forms, irrespective of color, nationality, membership policy. This is simply the worst merdaio in which man can slip, and we are still here to debate whether such a character no, if such a system should and can still survive and govern. If we accept, then the merdaio be Italian, because we will be complicit. If we punish and purge the system, then, somehow, we will have moved away.
Now, however, by new parents, I pose a question, but mothers and fathers of these poor women, where the hell were their daughters while they were beat by blennies old pigs, with the only value of having a sea of \u200b\u200bmoney?


Monday, January 10, 2011

Nursing Diagnosis For Acute Gastro Enteritis

a medieval church Led

Pope Ratzinger, in his speech earlier this year to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See expresses concepts oscurantisi to say the least. First he painted as a threat to sex education and civil, who suggests the State School (enough) to students because, according to the Pope, these teachings threaten religious freedom. Another and perhaps greater danger to religious freedom is in fact the state monopoly of education, and ethical choices and decisions, such as end of life and abortion. This company
Thinking never put special foreclosures against religion (any), provided that it could live with and know some basic concepts such as the secular state and the right of every person to be able to decide their own future. One can therefore say that foreclosures are not so much against religion itself, but against human institutions that spreading the creed. Well, the ways in which the Pope expressed the Vatican's positions on the issues mentioned above I would say that is quite alarming, because the logical consequence that one might draw is as follows: either the state changes course or you need some body or agency included in the company developments antagonistic forms to stem the risks that religiosity runs. What's more, the better private schools (Catholic) public. Password: subsidiarity.
do not know if it's because I am conducting a passionate reading of "The Lobby of God" by Ferruccio Pinotti, but those above seem to me to own some land so dear to Communion and Liberation and the CDO, which in social make tons of money on the pretext of bringing the Word of Christ among the people.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Chemical Burn Benzoyl Peroxide

, Stand-By and energy consumption

The Thinking Companies, sooner or later had to deal with the age-old question of energy consumption from all the lights red or green at night, make our homes look like trees Christmas, despite gli elettrodomestici siano spenti.
Il televisore, lo stereo, il lettore CD e/o DVD, il computer, i monitor, ecc, una volta spenti mantengono un led acceso, il famoso " stand by ", ad indicare che sono pronti per essere riaccesi, senza dover attendere le lunghe procedure di avviamento dettate dall'elettronica. Queste piccole lucine, che ormai sono diventate la consuetudine, sono foriere di consumi elettrici che nemmeno sospettiamo. O forse sarebbe meglio dire: che conosciamo benissimo ma che siamo troppo pigri per evitare.
La Norma Europea 2009/125/CE (Eco Design Directive for Energy Using Products, più spesso nota come EuP), a partire dal 7 Gennaio 2010 limita a 1 W la potenza dei led indicators of standby, which should be further cut down to 0.5 W from January 7, 2012.
Until 2010, however, led these came to consume up to 2 W of power.
If we consider that there are 8,760 hours a year, and that our favorite appliances remain idle for at least half the time (how many hours a day we use computers, television, stereo?), One can easily calculate that consumption for each of these lights are around 8-9 kWh / year, probably more. Of course, the number may seem ridiculous, but if multiplied by the number of LEDs that we have at home and the number of houses that are there in Italy, we understand what kind of contribution can dare ognuno di noi al consumo energetico.
La soluzione è semplice: vincere la pigrizia e spegnere gli elettrodomestici con il tasto on/off ogni qual volta non li usiamo.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Love Quotes In Samoan

Cesare Battisti: moralism and hypocrisy all Italian

Cesare Battisti, almeno per il momento, non tornerà in Italia. Questo lo sottolineo con una certa nota di rammarico, perchè la giustizia dovrebbe essere uguale per tutti e la certezza della pena una cosa scontata, non un tira e molla politico dettato esclusivamente da interessi di calsse o categoria.
Lo dico con una nota di rammarico, anche alla luce delle manifestazioni di ieri a Roma e Milano, delle dichiarazioni di fuoco di Ministri Ignoranti come Frattini and Russia, and the propaganda outlets of the Premier, hunting for votes and credibility for himself and his circus government. If you really
all, regardless of their political ideology or by membership, were convinced that the Law should be equal for all, because Di Pietro, the demonstration in Rome yesterday, was apostrophe with epithets like "Terrorist " and " Fool "? The same girl comrades of Santanchè woman so fascist as vulgar and coarse, which are, however, always been allergic. Why the protesters against the reform Gelimini are even advised not to waste time and think about studying or working, while the nostalgic Republicans do a flip like a bit of masclazoni 'goliards?
But this is not the point.
The point is that people, including Premier, should be careful in the selection that is accurate in deciding who should be punished and who is not, because you risk ending up like those Valley, ready to lynch the Maghreb guilty of murdering Yara , to discover a few days after the publication of "interception " that he had not, and that investigators had done a wrong translation. Cesare Battisti
must be brought in Italy and has to pay for what he did? Certainly. But they should also pay the Premier and all his friends in collusion, as well as ordinovisti (Terrorists of the New Order), which produced the great slaughter of Square in those years in which Cesare Battisti was the armed proletariat.
short, in Italy you do not waste the chance to be hypocritical and selective in the reviews, so is our collective memory that our ability to judge are now to a minimum.
