KOSAKAOS . dis harmonies in art
collettiva di arti visive
a cura di ELISIRart
19 novembre . 19 dicembre 2010
ORE 20.00 : "DEMENTIA" . performance musicale di JOHN B. ARNOLD
Dal catalogo della Mostra: "...Il tempo scorre in una sola direzione, in avanti. L'esperienza della realtà è accompagnata da un segno comune: la nostra coscienza registra in continuazione la variazione di energia che avviene nel mondo attorno a noi. Vediamo il nostro corpo invecchiare, la polvere accumularsi, gli altri morire e le braci roventi diventare cenere fredda. There is harmony of this becoming. But the century old mindset that we persist to wear continues to give us the illusion that the human dimension is a process free from the laws of nature, the earthly history as a passage from disorder to a perfect presentation made on future orders. The perfection of the "form" is still a substantial value, yet something does not: the world is falling apart and the efforts to press into the reality makes them obsolete ideological trabboccare containers of waste as a reaction, we are in and we continue to press. It would be enough to lift the veil surrounding the mystical anthropocentric thinking to realize that any reaction that concerns us is the transformation of the natural world. When the whole world begins to crack and crumble, in the case of reflecting on how it was conceived and organized then, because therein lies the core of understanding. In this sense the chaos of today is fruitful, it needs to expand because of the failure of 'Western man order deemed to have been unavoidable, as the gears of a lethal machine. Art has long been accepted, perhaps first of all, the situation and tried, as his vocation, to give it a shape, an order of interpretation. The theme of the exhibition is the artists' reaction to provocation in front of the case, dell'indistinto, likely, the wide range of values, the reaction of contemporary sensibility in response to suggestions raised by the scientific, mathematical, philosophical, preceded by a vision of a human world that seems to burlesque design its end. You do not want to explain anything here, because accepting and trying to dominate the ambiguity of our times do not mean to imprison an order that is foreign, rather than reiterate and illustrate the need to develop an awareness and help in this regard, can come from art. Those who communicate the results to follow are ways to see and treat a human universe, interior and social, in which the traditional patterns were shattered, while new opportunities are emerging with difficulty that call into play the relationship, not reject them, the assumptions of past cultures. From this point of view, in the following pages we find more statements about our relationships in life that can test any speculation. Guess the reality is a way to understand it. As a mirror of this, art can still help the world, after all, is going towards something ... "eg/11.2010
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