KOSAKAOS. dis harmonies in art
collective visual arts
by November 19.
December 19, 2010 ARTS FOUNDRY. Via Assisi 31. ROME
OPENING FRIDAY 'November 19,
18.30 20.00: "Dementia". musical performance by John B. ARNOLD
Fernanda Andrea Cabello / Bernabei Filippo / Paul Buzi / Daniele Camaioni /
Frank Ciavarella / Giulio De Mitri / Giacomo di Castri /
Edith Dzieduszycka / Marco Filippozzi / Luigi Filograno / Annalisa Guerri /
Lanni Franca / Daniela Leghissa / Ruggero Maggi / Nani Marcucci Pinoli /
Michele Pisicchio / Andy Salzman / Maria Savino / Sergio Trevisan /
Barbara Vistarini
Catalogo disponibile in Mostra
Il Caos globalizzato, connotazione dell'oggi, segna anche i linguaggi dell'arte. Impossibile prescinderne,
per comprenderli: la disamornia del nostro tempo e l'arte, contenitore del presente, che la rivela in trasparenza.
The discontinuity of the phenomena has definitely put in crisis the illusion of a 'complete and unified image of reality. Along with traditional security lapse and vibrate fruitful centrifugal forces. The field of interpretive possibilities is endless, the proliferation of conflicts and oppositions are the result: a 'diversity that nourishes our civilization as precious value, because all the facts of global culture lead us to conceive and therefore see the world in the category opportunities. Thus, the grids of interpretation with which it is customary to reverse the arts, and their context, are partially lost: flock reviews of denial to expressions that can not be understood by applying historicized ideology, or it is limited to definitions that frame, without understanding. But there is really the core of understanding? In this disorder due under the grid structures of thought that belong to times gone? Now we know that Chaos is not indecipherable, is the secret order underlying everything that does not appear because it is beyond the visible, cause and effect of universal and individual reasons, as a form of absolute, timeless is immanent.
The exhibition will attempt to illustrate the harmony underlying any external dis.armonia and, conversely, that the universe contains any apparent calm, in the space of expression of each author and the interaction of form-content-language, of artistic, diverse and distant, but intrinsic to the present. Opportunity to reflect on a theme in art and its spiritual and physical life of each and everyone, no longer ignore.
The Foundry Arts (www.fonderiadellearti.com), which hosted the event, is the best container possible. Building housed in an old metal foundry, renovated and transformed into a multipurpose cultural and artistic education. Interactive space, is illustrative of the contemporary art itself. The artistic project of Maurizio Boco and Giampiero Ingrassia, arose with the aim of concentrating on the same edge music, theater, and visual arts, has become a reference point for culture and not just the Capitoline. Serie trade publications, newspapers and television, critics and observers, have already committed widespread recognition.
"dementia". JOHN B. ARNOLD. Battery
John B. Arnold is a musician of international standing. Born in New York City, worked for years as a drummer, programmer and composer, now in his fifth solo album.
grandson of the great American composer Hoagy Carmichael, John has several collaborations and recordings with the names most 'American jazz greats including: Greg Osby, John Abercrombie, John Pattitucci, Larry Goldings, David Binney, to name a few.
has published records and electronic projects in collaboration with musicians of the supreme level, participated in international festivals, while continuing to teach in Rome, New York and Berlin. Here
propose the project, alone, insane. With the use of keyboards and thousands of loops created by him, the performance is based on the use of television and advertising themes of the era, but picked up and distorted to the point of no recognition. These sequencers and drum machine, will be the basis for the live performance .. Sound waves, twisted voices, "noise" abstract and electronic rhythms, will accompany the theme of the exhibition in the territory of the best contemporary music.
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