Paolo Minelli
JUST MARILYN. tribute to Marilyn Monroe
by ELISIRart
Gallery RAISE. Via the first princess.
Rome on November 26. December 8, 2010
opening Friday, November 26, 19:00
JUST MARILYN. tribute to Marilyn Monroe
by ELISIRart
Gallery RAISE. Via the first princess.
Rome on November 26. December 8, 2010
opening Friday, November 26, 19:00
"There is a space outside of time thinking of a historicizing in which things, people, events are estranged from their meaning can result. There is a dimension in which signs and gestures take on meanings autonomous unpredictable, so abhorred by the dominant ideological patterns which, by definition, require meanings recognizable. There is, in other words, a private and spiritual dimension of art that escapes predetermined guesses without losing any of its constituent dignity. E 'in Show from 26 November to 8 December in Rome a statement of research "Homage to Marilyn Monroe" by Paola Minello.
The sign of Marilyn art belongs to the unconscious in artistic culture of the pseudo mass, which brings us back to a time machine alienating the 60's Pop Art, collage dada to the components present in the first manifestations of this. And again, the dynamics of the signs background conjures up the informal gesture. But Paul Minello is far away from these noises. The events are not made of earthly form only in the sense mechanistic. Paola
That is not the icon Marilyn reported in commercial art, it is the essence that remains after these overcrowded breeding operations, a more emotional way of a clear sense of femininity. These visual signs are intimate, not collective. Personal Art, you might say. Removed pulses to record a consumer society, placated critics charge or commitment to change, everything remains the "inside" to be investigated. The mix of Paolo Minelli is induced by inner motivations. The background is not decoration, the demiurge who creates ritual is one example: it is emotional connotation of the icon, the features, enhances a well-known expression, like his shadow remote, a fate again to confirm him. There is first of Marilyn, as the context is first of all, agent of the subject, a form of thought is not in play a scale, the movement of the sign is born with the body, but only after you know. These icons are at the center of a universe in place in evolution, that was waiting. Quell 'universe speaks of them, almost expressionistic way. The figure is a sign that distorts the impression he becomes the protagonist: these are the accents that make the difference. The game research of the subject is objectified is astonishing feature of the work of Paola, challenge the viewer and signature of the author. You get lost in his own universe, but only to find himself. "
Paola Minello (www.paolaminello.it) è prima di tutto musicista. Nasce a Roma, frequenta il conservatorio e da allora sono tante le esperienze artistiche nel settore, e tutte di alto livello: musical, spettacoli e collaborazioni con celebri direttori d'orchestra e artisti internazionali.
Da qualche anno c'è anche la pittura, a fianco della musica. Il suo sguardo in arte è accompagnato per un certo periodo dalla mediazione del compagno, indiscusso esponente dell'arte contemporanea. Ma Paola inizia a dipingere e cammina da sola. Nel Marzo 2008, a Cagliari, la prima personale “Infinito Pop”. Da allora, la sua strada d'autore è tutta in divenire.