... There are people who, after being killed by a vision of life too' romantic ', they become cynical (at least in the eyes of the world). I also keep at a distance all that seems too corny, and I try to not express more affection than I think necessary, and especially not to demean or trivialize it. And hate to appear 'romantic'. Why is this premise? Because I read a book that forces me to leave me a little 'go to an act of deep affection, recalling a long time. There are books that, in fact, life-changing for me there have been: 'Steppenwolf', 'Illusions', 'One man' .... This time it was 'Open up Paideia', had given me one of the authors over a year ago, but obviously I had to read it at this time. I read it for a competition (another coincidence?), Made me reflect on the key to all our education and our life. I understood, or remembered me, because I will not give ever. Because, at least in degraded, especially in human terms, school environment (but it's just an example of what happens out), I can stand "outrages, the slings and arrows of iniquity luck", as well as all those things, even better Shakespeare makes the character say Stefano Benni of his novel:
"I remain just that, a teacher, that dignity which is so small but is enough to lower their gaze, and this is the way, master, where I found myself at the end of the meekness that you teach. Who now will defend offense committed against those who can not defend themselves, and order the soldier scared and deleted or mocked the pain, ask the servants of servants killers whenever you're cynical and talk of realism and common sense will call you selfish and indignation and pipes for the crimes of others while your every day prepared with care, and thanks god I kill because I do not feel anything, but I feel everything, and so here is my dark street, then to me, yes, but not to Leo, you were not to do e neanche a Lucia, non vedete la crepa nel muro, le figure nella polvere, non si può sopportare tutto questo, dio dio come sei lontano da me, dio, non si può uccidere una persona così, questo cambia il mondo per sempre”.
Chi difenderà le offese? Soprattutto, da educatori, chi insegna davvero a difendersi dalle offese? Chi si preoccupa davvero di insegnare, tra le tabelline e la grammatica, a difendersi dalle offese della vita e del mondo? Quelle della vita sono inevitabili, quelle del mondo si potrebbero evitare, almeno in parte. Insegno a tutte le alunne e a tutti gli alunni, prima o poi, il motto “la vita è dura ma noi di più”, se lo ricordano quasi tutte/i anche dopo molti anni. Magari to some or served. But what is really needed, what would really provide for the shield, as well as the sword, all these beings that we face and that really think that we can be of help? This book that I 'should' read, 'he said things that deep down I felt' skin '. 'Open up Paideia' about who changes your life just for her 'being' human, because it puts one, especially in the relationship with the educator and that is why he is remembered, not for having taught some discipline. Why has helped to address and understand a little 'better life, and perhaps he understood better, too.
"Bella, mae '! "# # #, the former student who greets me like a friend with the passing motorcycle while I go out of the garage with the car. "Bella, ###!", answer.
those you meet and you have to do the driving test, I will have to make a supervisor from the university. Both with a little 'pre-exam tension. She has the same smile when it was primary school.
are two among the s many s, I could not stop writing if you were talking all s, because I remember them all / i, remember things they have forgotten. And the exchanges on Facebook, that many times even with my friends ... The
kickboxing champion, that 'somebody' was going to murdering a child in the name of 'good manners', and that always reminds me how lucky we were to meet (I, too, ###...).
What, a few years after the end of school, I was scolded that my favorite, and it was just what I looked more like character. And then, years later, "Creon was right! Those
s coming to visit me at school and reassure my students, and above all my pupils, "he said to us that we were all mussels.
What, for four years, I had to wonder if I wrong to trust (and other 'educators' I suggested to choke it off, I miss it a serial killer), and that now "Mae 'you to let me in the head you have been crucial." I was right to trust, then comes to see me with the scarf Magica Roma, grew well ... I was angry
Those pretending not to believe that writing poetry so beautiful, "up, pulls out the book where you have copied! - "Mae ', the book is not!" (later we published the' Poems of the book that there is' no, of course).
one with whom I have behaved worse than the sergeant in Full Metal Jacket (with different ending for me and his fortune) because it could not find other ways to get him out of a china
dangerous ... What for years has left me letters and poems in his mailbox, I keep all (keep all his writings, sooner or later I'll have to move house).
Those who saw me from a state of shock because it arrived a text message was from my not so pleasant (the puzzled face of # # # that he had just solved a problem on the blackboard: "Mae '... the problem?". I, pale and completely 'out': "What problem ?..."). What
imitated (terribly well) all my girlfriends (real, alleged or frequently attributed only), attaching a tag with the name of your choice and ask to be with intriguing look
question ... those that are with emotion while talking about friendship, taking such a wonderful episode with a friend of mine passed away, pretended to believe that was my really entered a gnat in the eye when I'm away for a moment ...
And the tragedies, sorrows, what adults consider 'serious' (separation, bereavement, etc ...) and those who consider it a 'very serious' (in love, arguments with their friends). I've never been able to distinguish much, I ended up thinking that the pain is always pain, never 'not serious'. And make no mistake, I met and tried to take seriously, and if I could dry all tears, not caring if things were due to 'serious' or 'not serious'.
one that, while I spoke of the feelings and lessons, began to weep. "Mae ', you know why ... I just been dumped." That day I stopped being a lesson, and we talked.
The only lesson that I would do really well this year with my students and future university students / teachers are, is precisely to understand what kind of unhealthy categories continue to maintain in the school (and life). And again ...
Nothing yet, maybe you'll update the list a little 'time, why are so many memories, and faces as well, the ones I see now 'grown up', and those who do not see anymore. 'There is no better account,' says Flack, but one day I will, I'll try to write a book about them all. Or maybe not, not do it, just a really good poet could set the memories of something that was and is so alive.
I never thought the students as children, but as fellow travelers. Future friends here, according to the highest idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship, Aristotle: the friendship ', or find similar or makes similar'. We were not similar, there is no friendship possible if one never has the power and the other not. And I had the power of the teacher (che tante/i maledette/i usano peggio dei criminali). Ora che, rispetto a loro, non ho più quel potere, posso pure andare a farmi una birra con loro o scherzare alla pari. Anche se loro continuano a chiamarmi maestro…ma posso sopportarlo.
E finalmente grazie, ve lo dico come augurio di buon anno e buona vita, vi voglio bene a tutte/i… mie e miei alunne e alunni, ed ex, e quelle/i che adesso sono su Facebook, e quelle/i che ancora devono andare alle medie: le mie e i miei attuali lupette e lupetti (che cercano continuamente di contattarmi su Messenger, non gli basta il reciproco tormento scolastico). La vera comunità educativa siete voi.
Vi saluto da zingaro (ho scoperto che forse, sotto sotto, è one of my intake):
For the heart I gave you.
And for all you gave me you.