_ Sept. 27, 2009 from 16:00 to 23:00
Some time ago I had planned Sollo and vocabulary essential for bar talk or musicians - types improbably similar. The vocabulary consisted of three words, which - according to our own - would be enough to weave and carry out any kind of discussion.
The three words were:
1. CIAA (both as a greeting, and as "Leave it to stay '")
2. 'n fact
3. Fear
For example.
- Oh good.
- Heard of the new Fine Before You Came?
- Fear.
- Split.
- 'n fact.
- Day of shit, look
- Fear?
- I was planting the pc, I lost 5 hours of work
- I'm going to ubricarmi
- 'n fact
After a hiatus, September 27 we want to restart is essential vocabulary is the igloo, kicking off a trilogy that will see three festivals each in each of the three archetypal words. The first will be dedicated to
Fear . And so we will
Fine Before You Came (MI) - who have made a record of fear
Buzz Aldrin (BO) - a disc that will be afraid of
Crash Rhinos (UK) - Fear!
Gazebo Penguins (Correggio-Zocca) - che hanno paura dj Set Federico Bernocchi (Dispenser Radio2)– che fa paura
e Vinn Manfuoco (riff) – da Berlino, Furcht!
Apertura cancelli: ore 16.00 .
1° gruppo: 16.45 / 2° gruppo: 17.30 / 3° gruppo: 18.15 / 4° gruppo: 19.00
Ogni gruppo suonerà insindacabilmente 7 canzoni .
Ingresso: 5€ con consumazione e assaggio di erbazzone.
Dobbiamo tirar su qualche soldo per pagare la trasferta agli inglesi. Perciò avanti popolo, diffondete.
Ci saranno pure dei banchetti con robetta fatta a mano, dischi, verdura, ghiaccioli, various types of tape. If you want to come with a banquet let us know: it will be an indescribable joy for us to feast with you. If someone wants to eat must be booked until Thursday, September 24 . After dinner there will be music, drink, and campfire activities.
All even in the event of rain, except the harvest. Yo.
Sollo 3405702119 3395211519
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on the web:
www.myspace.com / igloocollective
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