panoramic photo of the Conference
Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Press - National Conference
First Defence was baptized by the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa and Mr Franco Cardiello.
First Defence was baptized by the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa and Mr Franco Cardiello.
The June 24 us in the prestigious Conference Room of Palazzo Marino, was held in Rome on the First National Congress of the association of social promotion: First Defence.
Association, presented to the public by the RAI journalist Paul Notari, started work with il Presidente di Prima Difesa , Simona Cenni (ex coordinatrice di Azione Sociale), la quale, ha aperto il Convegno con un discorso che ha commosso tutti i presenti: “Onori al Poliziotto Nicola Calipari, onori al Poliziotto Filippo Raciti, applausi per i caduti di Nassirya e per tutti i caduti nell’adempimento del Dovere in nome della Libertà!”.
Presentazione dal giornalista RAI Paolo Notari
Foto di proprietà: Prima-Difesa®2009
panoramic photo of the Conference
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
If there's classification in a uniform, there is no distinction for the man who wears, "Angels and Demons" in a Uniform.
An Angel too often "demonized " because of the service without providing a schedule designed to elide the risks, " demonized" for the decisions it takes a few seconds, " demonized" for all those decisions " not " could take a few moments.
a man almost always "demonized" But never, never "beatified"!
Police Officer, Policeman, Financier, anyone who wears the uniform as well as being a servant of the state is a Man. 'Man is a Woman, and a father, and mother, and a brother, a cousin and a friend, for many it is simply "the next door," he is a human being every day, driven by a high sense of duty, voluntarily pays his life for a good social life, without asking anything in return. "What's" First Defence "? So
An Angel too often "demonized " because of the service without providing a schedule designed to elide the risks, " demonized" for the decisions it takes a few seconds, " demonized" for all those decisions " not " could take a few moments.
a man almost always "demonized" But never, never "beatified"!
Police Officer, Policeman, Financier, anyone who wears the uniform as well as being a servant of the state is a Man. 'Man is a Woman, and a father, and mother, and a brother, a cousin and a friend, for many it is simply "the next door," he is a human being every day, driven by a high sense of duty, voluntarily pays his life for a good social life, without asking anything in return. "What's" First Defence "? So
you said the President : "First Defence was founded on the will and courage to some women. Women who are mothers, wives, daughters and companions by law enforcement and armed forces. The ambitious project of the latter, almost afraid to approach the institutions, driven by the now famous "esprit de corps, soon joined by many by law enforcement, believe that First Defence is extremely necessary in a historical period marked by confusion. Together, the brave, the ones and the others are addressing this adventure called First Defence, all safe, once again, to be useful in the eternal dilemma that grips the cittadini, paradossale se vogliamo, in cui da sempre si perde la risposta, ovvero: “…Ma, chi difende i difensori?”.
Il Ministro Ignazio La Russa
Foto di proprietà: Prima-Difesa®2009
L’intervento del Ministro On. Ignazio La Russa è stato decisivo, confortante e decisamente pregno di significato e non sono mancate addirittura le richieste.
Il Ministro ha infatti chiesto a Prima Difesa to commit its own resources in civic education also formational of so-called "pockets of resistance" curves of the stage, being the Ultra violent and extremist figures, almost the last bastion of social miseducation, suggesting that attack them culturally.
Another social issue that has touched the Social Centers, the Anarchists and disobedient, delicate band of protesters who see Police a enemy "rather than" friend "of the people.
Picture of the Conference
Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Countless references to the years of protest, to the years of lead, G8 in Genoa.
The Minister La Russa ended his speech by putting ourselves at the disposal of all the initiatives that First Defence undertake arduous path in its capital.
First Defence born in a historical moment in which cen'era absolute need First Defence stems from the desire of civilians who selflessly show friendship and solidarity to all those who give their make better lives for our country , our State.
And speaking of the state, was the extraordinary intervention of Don Found Walter, Chaplain of the State Police who spoke on the topic of ethics out of Man on the uniform.
First Defence born in a historical moment in which cen'era absolute need First Defence stems from the desire of civilians who selflessly show friendship and solidarity to all those who give their make better lives for our country , our State.
And speaking of the state, was the extraordinary intervention of Don Found Walter, Chaplain of the State Police who spoke on the topic of ethics out of Man on the uniform.
Don Walter Fountain.
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Photo of property: First Defense ® 2009-
Don Walter said the primary asset of the State, namely the family. "Do not else state without a family! " and again: " We have already lost their identity for human consumption defined "resources", since man is not a resource, the Man is the end, not half the man! " , referring to the redefinition of ' Personnel Office of the State Police in : Office of Human Resources. These statements of
Religious who received the most moving and heartfelt applause. And yet the technical operations of Lawyers Piero Porciani, Eugenio Pini and Constantine Cardiello on sensitive issues related to daily difficulties and professional about the risks and relations with citizens in the mode of action, not always focused or included by the user.
Religious who received the most moving and heartfelt applause. And yet the technical operations of Lawyers Piero Porciani, Eugenio Pini and Constantine Cardiello on sensitive issues related to daily difficulties and professional about the risks and relations with citizens in the mode of action, not always focused or included by the user.
Lawyer Porciani
Photos of property: First-Difesa2009C
And yet the theme of "Protecting the Operator during the service to finish with a sad note, that the management of media events: the organizational strategy to contain the manipulation of the media. It was debated on the possible liability journalists' interpretation of the facts and the obvious differences in the interpretation of the news by the press.
L ' Lawyer Porciani concluded his speech with a question: "Who defends the defenders? Who defends the defenders of the defenders? We hope that this policy will allow us to defend you! " referring to all Lawyers who defend the filthy sub by law enforcement, victims themselves of certain terrorist retaliation and, not least , a degree of adversity judiciary "biased".
Finally, the intervention of ' Honourable Mr. Franco Cardiello has encouraged and reassured the tens of by law enforcement present, the' Mr fact, focusing his intervention on the judiciary shameful episode the G8 in Genoa, eviscerated several inconsistencies and illogic objective ascribed in the judgments of convictions of the 7th Police Riot Unit Mobile Unit of Rome, almost all present to agree .
Minister Ignazio La Russa, President First Defence Simona Work
Mr Franco Cardiello. Photos of property: First Defense ® 2009-
L 'Mr concluded his speech by ensuring that lawyers would have done more than a First Defence, indeed, he stated: "Dear Agents, Inspectors, and friends, some courts have decided adversity and condemnation to the work of the Police Force of the G8, our lawyers right now, we guarantee that we will not just" First Defence ", we guarantee you right now that will appeal to the barricades, yes, we in the classroom faremo le barricate di difesa affinché veniate assolti, così com’è giusto che siate!”; “Noi ci siamo schierati come si sono schierati alcuni giudici, noi siamo schierati con le Forze dell’Ordine, noi Avvocati difensori dei Poliziotti del G8 abbiamo deciso di difendere i difensori perché voi e solo voi ci garantite la libertà, ora sta a noi Avvocati garantirvi la libertà con la migliore difesa!” .
Un lunghissimo applauso ha congedato l’ Onorevole Cardiello , il quale, sentitamente commosso, dopo il convegno si è intrattenuto con i vari Operatori delle Forze dell’Ordine presenti.
Among these may be mentioned and thanked the Secretary General of the various police unions (fearing that perhaps the most curious and really interested ...) and all those who, by their presence, have supported the first real adventure First Defence .
Among these may be mentioned and thanked the Secretary General of the various police unions (fearing that perhaps the most curious and really interested ...) and all those who, by their presence, have supported the first real adventure First Defence .
Singles, last but not entirely unexpected, the absence of some politicians and some journalists invited (such as Giuliana Sgrena) regularly invited to the conference by ' Press Office First Defense .
The social role played by them, the mere physical presence at the conference would confortato tutti gli Operatori delle Forze dell'’Ordine presenti con la speranza del dialogo.
Purtroppo però, molti di loro (se non tutti…), sono andati via disillusi dalla forte motivazione della ricerca dialogo che li ha spinti a presenziare.
Ed è noto che dietro le semplici apparenze, si celano sempre grandi misteri.
Forse è il caso di citare Morgan Forster , egli disse: “Avere dei segreti presenta questo inconveniente: perdiamo il senso delle proporzioni e non ci rendiamo più conto se il nostro segreto è importante o no!”
Il Direttivo Nazionale
Ufficio Stampa Prima Difesa
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