MAURIZIO Lamorgese
16.12.2010 / 16.01.2011 gallery
RAISE. Via the first princess. Rome
"Drawing the world is a way to investigate the structures of being, is tying his conscience with the rest of the universe, drawing is an instrument of knowledge, a kind philosophy.
The geometric shapes are the measure of that relationship, mental tools with which makes the experience of reality. Who can come to the purity of the synthesis has identified a relationship between the infinitesimal and the whole of reality, a figure that represents and is a form Space, that expression of wholeness.
But in the genesis of these drawings lies a core mysterious, enigmatic, mystical, that does not let them. As if a breath more than he had given so unstable equilibrium ready to be re-generated. Each creation has a real strength of independent living, the ability to act, beyond time and consciousness of those who gave it to light. It has active energies, and there contributes to the growth of spiritual life. The sign is the shape, the color is. The semantic content of the forms are like strings of a guitar, Maurizio Lamorgese makes them vibrate, aware of the infinite possible combinations that the meeting between interior and exterior can generate. These
designs have achieved a harmony between the emergence of the whole world and all of the self, between the infinite variety of appearances and the completeness of being. Nothing may change in these compositions without compromising its balance. And it is a balance soft, sweet, curvilinear, satisfying the ever-changing appearances. There is no break between outside and inside, the author is in the world the world is in him, I do not conquer the outside and is not conquered. E 'identity. "(G / December 2010)
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