Teen spirits
La vera storia degli Alchemyq
Fumo di sigaretta e lunghi capelli confusi nel delirio frenetico delle Vic Firth; dita piene di anelli che scivolano sicure ed energiche sulle quattro corde; la camicia strappata sul petto nudo esposto alla fame del pubblico, già ebbro del torrenziale fiume di decibel. Il led rosso che non smette di pulsare, le valvole che gemono di rabbia in a roaring orgasm watts or skins stretched to spasm, the strings continuously raped by the fury of the pick.
These were the Alchemyq: I can never remember them differently.
all began during a history lesson as there are so many, I saw them sitting, three of them, visibly bored and already inseparable, each intent to do anything else; Luke avidly read "On the road, lost in his delusion newspaper Stars and Stripes; Fancie under the table sipping a Heineken listening un vecchio disco dei Sex Pistols, sognando di cavalcare la sua chitarra purosangue come Steve Jones: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!
Roy aveva già finito di spennare a poker i due gonzi del banco avanti; tutto come al solito, insomma. Fu in quel momento che ebbe l’idea di fondare una band, lui e gli altri inseparabili compagni: il temibile professor Padovani stava discorrendo di magia ed alchimisti…
Stop! Alchimisti: sarebbero stati i nuovi alchimisti del rock!
The name, Alchemyq, all three were in agreement, not on who would be the leader. Francisco decided that would be the charismatic virtuoso to be consecrated to the crowd, drummer Luke damned, beautiful and soulless, Roy driving the silent darkness, tormented genius and visionary.
still remember that on November 16, many years ago, those notes still immature but already impressive that arose from the room of their high school. Did not last long: after a couple of months tried to suffocate them, closing the room to make another gym. The three had to seek asylum in their old friend Serge, who agreed to become their patron and lodged them in his study of St. Peter Park, struck by the incredible talent of the three.
He also rushed to their school, repenting of them away, and invited them to the prestigious year-end event with the guest star Max Ceciolo, famous jazz pianist Italian-American. The refusal was immediate and irrevocable. Only one thing could make them change their minds: the warmth and affection of the older fans. Eventually they accepted.
I still echo in mind the notes of their music sublime. It was a huge success, but tragically ended too soon: Francisco after just twenty minutes he collapsed unconscious on the stage drunk whiskey and rock, hit by an alcohol coma. Alchemyq the height of his success were forced to separate pending Francisco win its battle with the enemy that can be a rock star.
least three hundred people, was thronged in front of St. Peter Park Studios, nearly a year on: dream girls tore their hair, willing to do anything to cross the gate, and members of their cover band hails them loudly, showing off the t-shirt the group's official: the Alchemyq were back!
few nights later was born their greatest success. He was born entirely by chance, during one of the usual wild party at the home of Francisco. Luke casually smoking his Camel as yet another Jo, his favorite groupie, was reading a collection of Irish ballads; Francisco instead idly strumming his guitar at the poolside, for once sound, along with Chloe, his wife: he left as a game, became a success: he was born, "Molly Is Alive."
Gli alberi fioriti di Primavera furono la cornice del loro album, realizzato insieme ad uno dei più richiesti produttori di allora: Alex Tokyo, già al lavoro con gli Unforgettable Fire di Andreas Gentle, loro grande amico e rivale, e con il virtuoso percussionista di origini castigliane Manuel de la Vega. L’immediato successo in classifica contribuì a rendermi ancora più impaziente di vedere finalmente di nuovo gli alchimisti all’opera sul palco.
Il 25 Aprile di quell’anno così bello e così maledetto ero uno dei 25.000 che assiepavano il Joe’s Garage, per un concerto destinato ad entrare nella leggenda. Accompagnati da ospiti straordinari come Andreas Gentle alla seconda chitarra, la vocalist Tina Nuzzo e per l’occasione Sander Beat alla batteria, per permettere a Luke di calarsi alla perfezione nei suoi nuovi panni di vocalist, i tre eseguirono tutti i loro classici e chiusero nel delirio generale con la trionfale “Molly Is Alive”, con il nuovo, strepitoso duetto di Luke e Tina.
Sembrava l’inizio di una nuova gloriosa stagione, ma finì troppo presto. Non posso dimenticare quel maledetto trillo che I announced that Francisco had been found lifeless, strangled by his own vomit, and the desperate voice of Chloe, the woman who had loved him more than any other, always at his side in his battle. But it was all over, and Francisco had lost that battle.
personally supervised the organization of the concert tribute to Francisco, the only occasion when it was played "Lady Of My Dreams' latest work was never completed and dedicated to the ideal woman that everyone is looking for and perhaps Francisco was found in Chloe. I was there the day that Roy and Luke swore in tears, full of flowers on the grave, which Alchemyq erano morti insieme a lui.
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