Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Program Manual For Craftsman 53555
On 27 December we will Sant'iGloo.
Last year, as we all recall, we did it on Dec. 26.
The next year, as appropriate, notify will fall on December 28.
in 2010 will be 29 and so on.
If the calculation is difficult there, started badly. It's called
Sant'iGloo, but there is not a particularly irreverent iconoclastic minds: But we remain convinced that stuff like the igloo should be canonized in a sense, could end up in a liturgical calendar, observed as a solemn holiday.
Remember to keep holy the igloo. When
understood. When there.
In this case it happens on December 27, outside the home.
Because, as in all the holidays that are observed, including the Igloo goes to dinner with the family.
cousins \u200b\u200bof the vices of Pellicano.
Then the coordinates become: x cocktail hour
at 22.00 Concert:
- Andrea Rottin + Princesa
the only Italian folk singer in the Czech Republic on a permanent basis
Princesa and accompanied by his acoustic melancholy autumn
all under the benevolent wing of collective Madcap records.
- Pilar Ternera
trio of labyrinthine soul, ram and delicate, light-hearted and sad,
where each instrument is from a different province
battery Rovigo, Ferrara guitar, rhodes from Verona.
- Rue de Van Gogh
emo like the good old days. but good ones eh.
- Dj set avec grand guignol AlBiBeLlo (Yess! djset)
There will erbazzone (typical Christmas goodies Reggio Emilia, as always, sponsored by PastaFrescaBellesia), christmas balls, mosses and lichens,
unwrapped gifts if someone door, dressed as Santa Claus Tuna, Tuna
Sollo dress, dressed as Santa Claus Andrea Rottin,
Van Gogh Dress Sollo, 5 € con consumazione.
Se non è un regalo questo, buona camicia a tutti.
capra 3405702119
sollo 3395211519
mail to:
on the web:
P.S.: il 20 dicembre, al Teatro Asioli di Correggio, viene presentato il libro Correggio Mon Amour, la summa della musica rock a Correggio da Antonio Allegri ai Gazebo Penguins. Nel libro c’è pure l’iGloo. E alla presentazione c’è pure il Liga (vai Liga!). E la sera c’è also a party, always a breach of the Pelican. Who is missing is a fan of Vasco.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Can Low Blood Pressure Cause Anger
Saturday, November 15 there is an igloo of exception.
On that day there's birthday a veteran staff of the igloo, Marco
Scaltriti in Clever art.
What is a veteran of the igloo because this is the beginning, and because
chronologically - is the most veteran group,
in purely etymological sense, vetus-Veteris , that is the most ancient, less cute older. Most
vez. The threshold for the thirty
embrace our hero, and we celebrate
con la massima cornucopia di splendore e rock'n roll.
Alla mezzanotte tutti i festeggiamenti dovranno terminare,
e l'iGloo sarà annerito da una meditabonda aurea riflessiva sul tempo che vorat omnia, che divora tutte le cose,
"sul tempo che fugge e non s'arresta un'ora" (F. Petrarca),
"sul tempo troppo vasto, che non si lascia riempire" (J.P. Sartre),
"sul tempo elastico perché dilatato dalla passione" (M. Proust),
"sul tempo che libera l'uomo dagli affanni" (Terenzio),
"sul tempo che tutto toglie e tutto dà; ogni cosa si muta, nulla s'annichila" (G. Bruno),
"to make them finally realize that there is only one way to forget the time: use" (C. Baudelaire)
And we will spend so: to the sound of electric guitars,
fires, mulled wine and roasted chestnuts. A rhythm
the countdown will be:
4 - Like a Shadow
more thoughtful in the quartet movement
3 - Three in one gentleman suit
the best trio in circulation
2 - Laser Geyser
the duo most outstanding vez
a Clever
to play some music, accompanied dall'iGloo staff. Do not miss the
ingredienti classici dell'iGloo:
erbazzone, 5 Euri con consumazione omaggio, atmosfera serotina, rugiada,
volume e, se riusciamo, caldarroste e vin brulè olè.
Con, in aggiunta, tutta la classicheria da festa di compleanno:
torta di mars, candeline, carta da pacchi, tovaglie di carta,
giochi di gruppo, regali, pomiciamento.
Una festa dedicata a chi si sente vez.
Se vieni con un cappellino da festa di compleanno a forma di tronco di cono con le stelle filanti gialle avrai una birra in omaggio.
Ogni volta che qualcuno tirerà le orecchie a Scaltro 30 volte,
Scaltro avrà una birra in omaggio.
" Quando il tempo è denaro, sembra morale save time, especially its "(T. Adorno)
For any info:
Sollo 3405702119 3395211519
mail to:
on the web: / igloocollective
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
How Long Does Hair Relaxer Last
The links between a person and we exist only in thought. Memory, nell'affievolirsi them loose, and, despite the illusion that we would like to be the victims, and with which, for love, for friendship, politeness, respect for human duty, deceive the other, we live alone. Man is the being who can not get out by himself, he does not know the others if not himself, and that, if he says otherwise, lie.
M. Proust's "In Search of Lost Time"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Blister On My Tailbone
beads Beat
"We were a generation of stealth. Do you understand? knew within us that is of no use to show off who you are that level, namely at the level of the public. It was a way to be beat - that is, to engage with us stessi, perché per noi tutti era chiaro a che punto eravamo: stufi di tutte le forme, di tutte le convenzioni del mondo"Jack Kerouac
"Ho visto le migliori menti della mia generazione distrutte dalla pazzia, affamate, isteriche, nude trascinarsi per strade di negri all'alba in cerca di droga rabbiosa hipster testadangelo bramare l'antico spaccia paradisiaco che connette alla dinamo stellare nel meccanismo della notte, Ho visto le migliori menti della mia generazione che mangiavano fuoco in hotel ridipinti o bevevano trementina in Paradise Alley, morte, o si purgatoriavano the chest, night after night with dreams, with drugs, with open eyes nightmares, alcohol and cock and ball-bust endless I saw the best minds of my generation that wandered up and down at midnight to train depots me ask you where to go, and went, leaving no broken hearts, I saw the best minds of my generation thrombi in the limo with the Chinese at the instigation of Oklahoma winter precipitation mezzonotturno illampionata provincial I saw the best minds of my generation dangling Houston looking for sun and starved jazz or sex or soup, and the brilliant seguivan English covers of America and eternity, time wasted, and then by ship to Africa ... "Allen Ginsberg
" Beat is the journey of Dante. The beat is Christ. The beat is Ivan. The beat is any man, any man who breaks the established path to follow the intended path. "
Gregory Corso
" The only people for me are the crazy people: those who do not yawn and never never say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles, exploding like spiders among the stars. "
Jack Kerouac
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Kathy Van Zeeland Diaper Bags
Monday, September 22, 2008
Program Template Confirmation Catholic
On the day Bob Dylan, the year 1961, he debuted for the first time in public, he decided to move the igloo
of 5.74 km, of which Highway 00:00 .
More specifically, by way of Fosdondo Ronchi (Fosdondo that is a fraction of Correggio;
and rhonchi were once called the blind alleys;
or maybe those places that needed use of the hatchet;
which is a sickle to cut the leaves pour more woody,
that to be honest i am rhonchi then also the sounds that produce b-rhonchi
when the mucosa is a bit 'decomposed; ALE).
correggese local drive that can boast at the rural aesthetic of the igloo, where the groups have dinner with ceramic dishes and drinking good wine,
where the vaults are sanded to perfection and
are some of the best beers in the region.
The Vices of the Pelican, in fact.
Location difficult to access, but it will be a wandering country roads
- including wineries, bell and earthquake lush vineyards -
worth the time spent in cars.
And when you arrive, to welcome you, we will, from 19.00:
cocktail - buffet throughout the evening
perenne - perennial
DJ set on stage:
- Monsieur Gustavo Biscotti
lashes without guitar Uberto din
- The Tunas
garage'n roll aged in barrels
- Irma Vep
post rock heartbreak sentimentalist and hats for long
Like any self-respecting igloo:
€ 5 a glass and stand upon personal and a drink and a buffet and a perennial concert and sometimes in oak barrels.
This, plus or less, is what. The
when, instead, is: FRIDAY
'September 26
c / o The Vices of Pellicano
For any info: Eddy
goat 3405702119 3385450243 3395211519
mailto: info @
ivizidelpellicano . org
on the web: / igloocollective
To get there:
reach Correggio, followed Bagnolo, reached Fosdondo we leave the pizza on the right-hotel "garden of the Roses "(which identifies the" center "of the village) and the first street on your left you come to is via Fosdondo rhonchi. the circle is at number 11 and is going drittto for 800 meters along the way. Machinery and lights + the small sign usually do the rest.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
List Of Small Legendary Pokemon
There are moments in life when you want to escape from this shit company, from the usual places, greed, corruption conventions, there are times when you are tired of feeling part of a puppet show, of having seguire sempre lo stesso copione; sei stufo di sentirti dire che è una colpa non sapere cosa fare della propria vita a vent'anni... ci sono molte persone interessanti che a quaranta ancora non lo sanno; ci sono momenti in cui ti senti solo con te stesso, sei triste e ti fa schifo l'ipocrisia che alberga nelle persone, la pochezza con cui affrontano sentimenti come l'amore, l'odio, l'amicizia... ci sono momenti in cui non riesci a sottrarti a questo squallido giro di giostra: allora strappi il tuo biglietto e sali a bordo, diventi schiavo delle convenzioni e dei luoghi comuni, pensi che in fondo non sarebbe così male mettere la testa a posto: pensavo alla strana coincidenza secondo la quale il momento in cui una persona mette la testa a posto è lo same as stop dreaming! Curious is not it?
... find a decent job, maybe to me, do what you wish for you your parents (but parents should not wish for the good of their children?) about a simple girl, maybe too cute not break my balls, buy a maybe close to home that your parents just to keep her, get married, raise a family, bake the babies ... No more sex with your wife, to live on certainties: Wake-office-coffee-lunch with colleagues in double-breasted whores-glances that go to the secretary-back home-your-children who are crying and your wife crazy undone-that you sink into the couch and you watch your TV news or the game sipping a blonde and she stands in front of the screen you ...
There are times when you choose life, choose to be happy ...
and who cares if you have to accept the arrogance of your head for fear of being able to contradict a kid because you were told (bastardi!), which is not ideal field ... VAF-FAN-CU-LO! you've got it right fucking slave, FUCK!!
who cares if you kill yourself working and not seeing your children grow ... because the salary of a month, those wretched € 1000 you'll need to dress them, now thirteen, misled by advertising that made it necessary to follow fashion, and told him how the big bad wolf to Little Red Riding Hood does not follow that if you're a loser and other non ti accettano... STRONZATE!!! S-TRON-ZA-TE!!! alla fine i tuoi figli neanche ti ringrazieranno anzi... ti manderanno a fare in culo!!!
chissenefrega se poi la fiamma con tua moglie si è spenta e lei ha pensato bene di riaccenderla magari con il tuo migliore amico che ha sicuramente più ambizioni di te: ti chiederai se quella che hai davanti è la stessa donna che una volta ti diceva che ti avrebbe amato per quello che sei, anche se fossi stato uno "straccione"... IPOCRITA!!!
chissenefrega se qualche anno prima ti eri trovato di fronte ad una scelta: ascoltare gli altri ed sentirti felice con il tuo lavoro e la tua famiglia e il pranzo la domenica dai tuoi e le vacanze sotto l'ombrellone o dalla famiglia di lei... oppure go around the world with a backpack and who knows what would have happened ...
who cares! You have chosen to be so happy and you have no regrets!
You chose the life ...
Okay ... this thought is steeped in clichés ... but it is deliberately provocative: choosing to travel with a backpack or choose to take root, no one can tell you what to do with your life, feel free to follow your way: the only thing that really matters is the knowledge that the true happiness is the revelation of the experiences we share with others.
Candless Christopher Mc ...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Red Dots Roof Of Mouth Strep
" A quei tempi era sempre festa. Bastava uscire di casa e attraversare la strada, per diventare come matte, e tutto era bello, specialmente di notte, che tornando stanche morte, speravano ancora che succedesse qualcosa, che scoppiasse un incendio, che in casa nascesse un bambino, o magari venisse giorno all'improvviso e tutta la gente uscisse in strada e si potesse continuare a camminare fino ai prati e fin dietro le colline"
Questo brano, tratto da "La bella estate" , capolavoro letterario di uno dei più grandi scrittori italiani, Cesare Pavese, è il mio augurio di buone vacanze a tutti i lettori del mio blog... da quelli che "perdono" tutto il giono a leggere my posts until you get to those that have "stumbled" by accident ... and curse the day they met "Artificial Paradise" ...
Happy holidays!
Luca ...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
How To Cleean Emu Boots
Friday, June 6, 2008
Labeling Parts Of A Pirate Ship
tried again.
Sunday, June 15.
The old story of the introduction is the same as before (games of society, the shared plan, Hans Bellmer, prenatal life, etc), so postponed the.
therefore say that:
at 16.00 beginning of the story.
Concert starts at 17.00 and DJ sets.
at 20.00 end of story.
The Death of Anna Karina (M) / thedeathofannakarina
Lucertulas (M) / lucertulas
I loved (F) / loved
Agatha (F) / agathatrio
and why not?, maybe even a surprise team ...
the disks for 30 minutes each:
Just like Monday ( J. Clancy + Polaroid ) vs Music is my boyfriend ( Anais + MissT )
LugaG vs Mara ( Julie's haircut )
I quote: "There will be a banquet where everyone can fix their own, a space with the game of the week draw with chalk on the ground, space with a football if someone takes him, a space where one can drink beer and cocktails and Trade Fair, a space with the original incorruptible Erbazzone of Belles and a space where, after or during the concerts, there will be a fully home- which will prepare the social dinner. " In the kitchen tries again
Maol vs Agnese.
Erbazzone + full + cup concerts + + cornfields sexuality shared = 5 €
Who fills a car will be honored.
Whose Birthday June 15th will be honored. Who is
bike will be honored. You
a glass as a witness at the entrance, like birthday parties, to preserve with zeal oily throughout the afternoon.
Repetita iuvant: Who gains? None. Just to not forget, from time to time, that money does not bring happiness. At least not all.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Is The Sansa Clip Bluetooth Enabled
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sideways Peace Sign What Does It Mean
us to communicate the unpleasant news.
Speriamo a presto.
" La gente ha la peste quando non lo sa ." W. Defoe
Oltre alle serate iGloo in quello che è diventato il covo degli amanti di concerti sanguigni e succosi, quel casolare disabitato con una vecchia pompa di benzina e una sala prove in condivisione, l'iGloo dà i natali all' iGloo collective.
A portare la fiaccola dell'iGloo stavolta sarà
progetto del poliedrico artista Fabio Bonelli (già noto per aver militato nella storica band morbegnese, MILAUS),
"Tintinnio di bicchieri o fischio di bollitori, canzoni che crescono piano piano aprendoci le porte della cucina di Fabio e svelandoci, come pietanze appena uscite dal forno, la perfezione di alcuni gesti quotidiani, e per ricordare quanto i fornelli siano elemento portante di quel che, nella nostra breve e sincera esperienza, stiamo cercando di portare avanti"
Prima e dopo My Awesome Mixtape Dj-Set.
Occhio behlin, is the beginning of the infection ...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Cirrhosis Of The Throat
"... while I so many people that which has the power and water which has the not me who feels anything but. .. " Rino Gaetano
The following I have "borrowed" from MySpace Giulia ... Unfortunately, the event has already passed ... but I still went to give him space on these pages (WEB!) ... Until a few days ago I did not know Evio Botta, did not even know who he was ... by Evio I learned a lesson that I will in my heart and I will use every time in this society so avidly materialistic, consumerist way (I do my part !!!), so hypocritical (money-family-work, produce, consume crack me !!!), find only a fight with a shred of ideals in the suitcase ... I think what I learned can be more or less translated as: "Only after we lost everything that free
to do any thing. ..."
"Evio Botta is a homeless man well known in Rome. 49 years, born in Cuneo, lives in the capital for more than twenty. He began his career as a cook, Later, several events have led to choose the life of a tramp. But do not bum thrown on the floor, on the corner. Poodle feet, square and square fight: he founded the association in 88 "friends", created to find homes for the homeless, and created the University of the homeless and the 'Roll of Barboni Professionals " , in the interests of those who ask alms, issuing a receipt for tax purposes. But Veltroni has also challenged in 2001 by standing as mayor of "the voiceless", a list composed of homeless, evicted, retired to a minimum, part-time workers and disabled, and even adopted a child from a distance, supported by donations from passers-by, sales of its books of poetry and disguises from the ancient Roman Empire. Evio, in short, is an imaginative union of the homeless, a man, but absolutely non-partisan politician. Rome is also known as an artist because Tramp wrote poems, short stories, monologues, which has several times performed at the Teatro Belli. Would it not be a man of letters, or an actor in the academic sense, but it does not matter: the value of what he writes is in the people, events and images that captures its extraordinary sensitivity, even before the words. Evio For twenty years he lived and slept on the street where it happened, preferably in occupied houses. For a year, however, has throat cancer. Last March, he suffered removal of the vocal cords, and as long as he could, he lived in the only dorm "24 hours" of Rome, or in containers. Then her health plummeted: the tumor has grown back another, always at the throat, and began radiation therapy. It 'been a guest Forlanini hospital for several months, since it feeds with a probe from the belly, and we all agree that a container is not considered a suitable site sanitation in his case, but a few weeks Evio is out again. On May 18 the association "I HOLD SMITH" in collaboration with the local organizing sIEVE COUNT "A barrel of life," a concert for Evio support and his battles. By: Rocco Papaleo-Antonio Forcione-JULIAN HINTON-BAND ... AND OTHER SURPRISE GUESTS More than a charity evening will be a great celebration, cheerful and colorful. No rhetoric and piety, just music, HEAT and so much positive energy to give Evio the strength to fight: against the disease that affects and for a house, which has been fighting for ten years. In his story "The Legend of ... 'Evio writes:" [...] Me and my friend steal a smile to people with our jokes. The money we give them, because it made them laugh our victims feel obliged to give us money, without arousing the pity of others asking for charity. " Well these words are pushing "I HOLD BOTTA" and many artists throughout Italy to try to support them with art, humor and warmth, which he sends to those who have always been fortunate to know him.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Dance Costume Cataloques
"El pueblo unido Jamas será be defeated"
makes anger to think that our parents were angry young men who have not been able to grow anything and you are merely "comply." Even more angry to think that we young people are doing their very end: we have lost the desire to dream, the desire to fight and the possibility of hope.
Alarm! We
products a system of artificial needs stuns us to make us forget the real ones!
The only ideal of today's youth is the image ... image is everything for us ...
Bambocci I have it with the children of fathers, who in life have chosen to live as parasites on the backs of parents (who experienced the same in '68) ... I imagine them: Alan Flusser's full, full chest and back scoop of soft aspects ... polka dot silk tie by Valentino Couture ... A. Testoni Crocodile Shoes ...
And then home-house-style in alcove of consumerist IKEA Sonata Salton toaster, cuocipane Panasonic, Cuisinart Little Pro food processor, juicer the Acme Supreme Juiceator, jug stainless steel tea for two and a half liters whistles "Tea for Two" ... "Spread spend and what they are."
Why everything you own in the end you have: we live with the fear of being able to look poor and even with a meager holiday villages Alpitour, discos and tangled to the teeth and Daje Daje and Daje ...
But this is only half the story ...
I have it with the young protesters, in the sense that clearly belong to the middle class and upper middle class make it through the smallness of their appearance, lost in the wake of Che Guevara, revolutionary in their frenzy to spit only good judgments, teens going for thirty, living on false ideals, con le spalle coperte da papà: forniscono un'immagine trasandata di se... un immagine che costa anche più di quella dei figli di papà, dei bell'imbusti pieni di grana e vuoti di ideali. L'I-pod, la macchina fotografica della Canon e una massiccia presenza al concerto del 1° maggio perchè questo è l'unico modo che hanno di scendere in piazza.
Ce l'ho con quelli di lotta comunista, che vogliono cambiare il mondo ma non se stessi: giovani borghesi che comunque vada hanno un'alternativa sociale, che lottano per i diritti umani e che ai piedi portano scarpe da ginnastica ed un baffo cucito prorpio vicino alla parola N-I-K-E... ce l'ho con questi "giovani" che non bevono coca cola per ragioni ideologiche(ce l'ho con le multinazionali, say!) and then you see them from Mc Donald's family and a pack of Marlboros that comes out of the pocket of the vest that he bought the first snow to go skiing: the frightened air, the ideal broken .. . IN SMOKE!
I've got all those young people with intellectual snob, locked in their worlds unhappy with the film titles were printed in the head as a leitmotif and shelves filled with books that do not open anything, a 'past existence to lick your ass to the professors, to become more committed to what parents wanted ... piano lessons, theater and sitting ... tea, pastries and "niches" dusty
I have it with young people who have given up dreaming and enlisted in the navy or the army e ne sono usciti sfatti e impazziti o quei giovani che sono finiti dietro uno sportello bancario o una scrivania prima ancora di poter mettere la testa fuori, prima ancora di poter affogare nel mondo. Mediocri!!!
Ce l'ho con i giovani qualunquisti che non vanno a votare... ce l'ho con quelli che non sopportano chi non parla la nostra lingua e nonostante una laurea in medicina nel suo paese viene a fare lavori che noi viziati del cazzo non avremmo mai l'umiltà di fare...
Ce l'ho con chi non si gode le piccole cose meravigliose della vita ... le stronzate con gli amici, qualche amichetta, la musica, il tramonto, l'alba... il liquore al cioccolato, la sigaretta dopo il caffè... viaggiare, mangiare e fare all'amore!!!
I have it with young people because we are throwing the toilet all our dreams ... I have it with young people because I just can not identiìficarmi in their ... I have it with young people because now I have confirmation that this ... It is a COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What's Strep Throat Look Like
a scene from " a Bout De Souffle" by Jean Luc Godard
Amo la vie bohème and all that it is connected. Friendship.
Small wonderful things of life.
Small emotions that may be immense and eternal.
Madness, as it is pure art.
The chocolate liquor!
Write. Laugh.
dream, to travel with the imagination ... talk, listen.
playing and singing.
Seize the moment and follow your heart and instinct as much as possible.
and psychoanalyze psychoanalyze.
I love life!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Are There Boobs In Dragon Ball?
Teen spirits
La vera storia degli Alchemyq
Fumo di sigaretta e lunghi capelli confusi nel delirio frenetico delle Vic Firth; dita piene di anelli che scivolano sicure ed energiche sulle quattro corde; la camicia strappata sul petto nudo esposto alla fame del pubblico, già ebbro del torrenziale fiume di decibel. Il led rosso che non smette di pulsare, le valvole che gemono di rabbia in a roaring orgasm watts or skins stretched to spasm, the strings continuously raped by the fury of the pick.
These were the Alchemyq: I can never remember them differently.
all began during a history lesson as there are so many, I saw them sitting, three of them, visibly bored and already inseparable, each intent to do anything else; Luke avidly read "On the road, lost in his delusion newspaper Stars and Stripes; Fancie under the table sipping a Heineken listening un vecchio disco dei Sex Pistols, sognando di cavalcare la sua chitarra purosangue come Steve Jones: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!
Roy aveva già finito di spennare a poker i due gonzi del banco avanti; tutto come al solito, insomma. Fu in quel momento che ebbe l’idea di fondare una band, lui e gli altri inseparabili compagni: il temibile professor Padovani stava discorrendo di magia ed alchimisti…
Stop! Alchimisti: sarebbero stati i nuovi alchimisti del rock!
The name, Alchemyq, all three were in agreement, not on who would be the leader. Francisco decided that would be the charismatic virtuoso to be consecrated to the crowd, drummer Luke damned, beautiful and soulless, Roy driving the silent darkness, tormented genius and visionary.
still remember that on November 16, many years ago, those notes still immature but already impressive that arose from the room of their high school. Did not last long: after a couple of months tried to suffocate them, closing the room to make another gym. The three had to seek asylum in their old friend Serge, who agreed to become their patron and lodged them in his study of St. Peter Park, struck by the incredible talent of the three.
He also rushed to their school, repenting of them away, and invited them to the prestigious year-end event with the guest star Max Ceciolo, famous jazz pianist Italian-American. The refusal was immediate and irrevocable. Only one thing could make them change their minds: the warmth and affection of the older fans. Eventually they accepted.
I still echo in mind the notes of their music sublime. It was a huge success, but tragically ended too soon: Francisco after just twenty minutes he collapsed unconscious on the stage drunk whiskey and rock, hit by an alcohol coma. Alchemyq the height of his success were forced to separate pending Francisco win its battle with the enemy that can be a rock star.
least three hundred people, was thronged in front of St. Peter Park Studios, nearly a year on: dream girls tore their hair, willing to do anything to cross the gate, and members of their cover band hails them loudly, showing off the t-shirt the group's official: the Alchemyq were back!
few nights later was born their greatest success. He was born entirely by chance, during one of the usual wild party at the home of Francisco. Luke casually smoking his Camel as yet another Jo, his favorite groupie, was reading a collection of Irish ballads; Francisco instead idly strumming his guitar at the poolside, for once sound, along with Chloe, his wife: he left as a game, became a success: he was born, "Molly Is Alive."
Gli alberi fioriti di Primavera furono la cornice del loro album, realizzato insieme ad uno dei più richiesti produttori di allora: Alex Tokyo, già al lavoro con gli Unforgettable Fire di Andreas Gentle, loro grande amico e rivale, e con il virtuoso percussionista di origini castigliane Manuel de la Vega. L’immediato successo in classifica contribuì a rendermi ancora più impaziente di vedere finalmente di nuovo gli alchimisti all’opera sul palco.
Il 25 Aprile di quell’anno così bello e così maledetto ero uno dei 25.000 che assiepavano il Joe’s Garage, per un concerto destinato ad entrare nella leggenda. Accompagnati da ospiti straordinari come Andreas Gentle alla seconda chitarra, la vocalist Tina Nuzzo e per l’occasione Sander Beat alla batteria, per permettere a Luke di calarsi alla perfezione nei suoi nuovi panni di vocalist, i tre eseguirono tutti i loro classici e chiusero nel delirio generale con la trionfale “Molly Is Alive”, con il nuovo, strepitoso duetto di Luke e Tina.
Sembrava l’inizio di una nuova gloriosa stagione, ma finì troppo presto. Non posso dimenticare quel maledetto trillo che I announced that Francisco had been found lifeless, strangled by his own vomit, and the desperate voice of Chloe, the woman who had loved him more than any other, always at his side in his battle. But it was all over, and Francisco had lost that battle.
personally supervised the organization of the concert tribute to Francisco, the only occasion when it was played "Lady Of My Dreams' latest work was never completed and dedicated to the ideal woman that everyone is looking for and perhaps Francisco was found in Chloe. I was there the day that Roy and Luke swore in tears, full of flowers on the grave, which Alchemyq erano morti insieme a lui.
Friday, March 14, 2008
When Do You Slip Into A Coma
La redazione del mensile “SupergaCinema” nella incantevole sala Detour di via Urbana 47 (fermata metro Cavour) avrà il piacere di presentarvi giovedì 20 marzo alle 20.45 (circa) l’horror independent "The Mark." At the end of the screening followed by a discussion with the producer and screenwriter David Mancori Andrea Materia ...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Preparation H Wrap For Fat Loss
Gegory Crewdson, "Untitled . From the series "Twilight", 1998-2002
Courtesy of the artists and Luhring Augustine, New York
When Gregory Crewdson, angry teenager in Brooklyn, an aspiring musician, with a suitcase full of dreams of rock 'n roll founded the band "The Speedies " would never have imagined that the song "Let Me Take Your Photo "was prophetic about what he would become in his life.
After a journey through original and imaginative re-discovery of the works of Stanley Kubrick abstract expression of Mark Rothko, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, the area of \u200b\u200bculture and ideas proposed by the photographic exhibition of the American who wanted to become a rock star (from 19 December 2007-2 March 2008).
A non-stop journey that propels us through his photos in suburban seasoned with references to films and legends of Hollywood: the Hollywood productions (often accurate indicator of the emotional state of the country), and movies David Lynch and Steven Spielberg have impacted particularly on his work.
His images have something special. Looking at them, fact you have the feeling of watching a scene from a movie, with the difference that we can see what will be the only frame you'll see. Il fotogramma di un mondo apparentemente idilliaco come in un sogno cinematografico inquietante, pervaso di oscurità e mistero. Sulla scia del saggio sul perturbante di Freud (“Das Unheimliche”), Crewdson riesce a creare mondi fotografici complessi e particolareggiati, in cui l'iconografia del paesaggio e dell'America suburbana appaiono come metafore delle nevrosi, delle ansie e dei desideri del fotografo stesso, specchi di una società intenta a confrontarsi con gli abissi della propria coscienza collettiva. Una società ipnotizzata, alienata da se stessa quanto dalla fragile realtà in cui si aggira come sonnambula.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Connections On A Bolsa Wood Bridge
Di Luca Imperiale
There are authors who, finding great inspiration in their universe and unassailable from the outside, build paths that unusual always leads, even when changing the place, time and space of the narrative, the original suggestion that triggered them.
the genius of Tim Burton, his hyperbolic dream world mad with melancholy vocals and vibrant imagination, we can find traces in the two courts - one in fact is a medium-length film - who have captured the attention of the magical world of cinema: Vincent and Frankenweenie . Two little gems that differ in duration (the first five, the second twenty-five minutes) and technique of visual storytelling, but who find commonality in summarizing the reasons for the imaginative and literary poetics of film director in California. Vincent is the father of all the wonderful, bittersweet, almost titanic characters burtoniani, ideally one who begins to carry with them the seeds that have fueled the blossoming of Edward , from the young Scissorhands. Edward is the story of those feelings that end up being destroyed, after too many wounds to those souls who may have not only something human, and men must flee in order to breathe and be in solitude, and there create;
Tim Burton is a director of extraordinary sensitivity to the "different": a wish to establish a parallel with an Italian artist, the correspondence can be recognized in the truest spirit of the works of Tiziano Sclavi, creator Dylan Dog. Naturally and happily inclined to the Gothic, are artists able to perceive, recognize and represent the poetry and the sweetness of the "monster".
So the film "Above Suspicion" Over the years, like a modern Peter Pan took us by the hand and led us in his Neverland : that part by surreal, wild and extravagant "Beetlejuice," Spectral comedy in which the ghosts are up to having guests to "Corpse Bride" film that verges heights of poetry and enchantment are difficult to overcome. A magnificent story, bittersweet and melancholy, as befits the great director, declined in a timeless and donated to the public through plasticine characters embodying real actors.
It 's like, as I wrote months ago at the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement won in Venice, this dark punk brilliant and lucky, take the hand of the spectator and renew a promise ring something like this: "With this hand your worries dissipate. Your cup will never empty, because I'll be your wine. With this candle will illuminate your way in darkness. With this ring I ask you to be mine. " We can only say that it was hoped, fervently, che questo amore vero non abbia mai fine.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hacks For Soul Silver
Ogni blog è la libera espressione di una persona, del suo stato d'animo dei suoi ideali, delle sue paure, dei propri sogni... Grazie a Francesco per le parole di Charles Bukowski...
Charles Bukowski
I have to react and shoot fast / to protect my own world / from the mouths of those / who would chew / eat and prevented their own food / make new sounds sounds from old / and new words from old words / and not worry about the rules / because I still have not been made /
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Does Gaviscon Help With Bloating
Rino Gaetano help dig deep and find yourself in a bitterness almost impalpable.
addition to a great void left Rino Gaetano songs all still relevant today and revisited by many interpreters. Rino Gaetano ironic but not trivial was always close to large and small matters of every day. Defender of the farmers and Southern Italy, the enemy of political games and power split tells of life that after 26 years have not changed at all.
If "Heaven and 'more and more blue" is creepy, the story of Rino Gaetano even more'.