Some of the information contained in this release are false.
On 26 December there will be an igloo last year.
On 27 December is a Thursday.
We will exchange Christmas gifts.
will not be a Christmas party. It will be an igloo like everyone else, only that it falls during the Christmas holidays.
Earlier this year the team of the igloo is located in a cellar in the countryside of Correggio with 6 liters of marzemino and giving away what will be the dates of the igloos to be implemented during the year.
attended last igloo 1314 persone.
Questa volta l’iGloo vedrà potenziato il reparto gastronomico: chi viene entro le 22.00 potrà degustare montagne di falafel fatti in casa, verdeggiante erbazzone casereccio, cornucopia di torte salate, focacce variopinte, confortante zuppa di fagioli. Fino ad esaurimento.
Regaleremo una bottiglia di Negramaro a chi verrà senza scarpe.
I concerti cominceranno alle 23.00.
Avevamo pure costruito un bagno enorme con vasca, ma una mandria di cinghiali ce lo ha devastato.
Sotto le volte a botte dell’iGloo si alterneranno (nel senso che faranno un pezzo a gruppo a rotazione, come a pallavolo)
Gazebo Penguins … www.myspace.com/gazebopenguins The Rituals
... www.myspace.com / therituals
GoDownMoses ... www.myspace.com / godownmoseshq
and now "must" group by surprise! (The group is one of them a surprise: Sting
Hell Demonio
Sex offenders seek salvation
Don Caballero and guess who wins the group in advance of a surprise)
Dj set_ EnzoPolaroid ... www.myspace.com / polaroidblog
All groups will play blindfolded.
Lefties have to do without the thumb.
As always, conterremo 80 people: better book.
Who is father of his cap Christmas does not enter.
Who is Santa Claus with the cap does not pay.
info and reservations: igloocollective@gmail.com
goat: 3405702119
Sollo: 3395211519
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