was November 18, 2006 when there was the first igloo.
Now we are in May, and May 20 is the igloo fest.
We chose May 20 for four reasons.
First, because in 1874, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis received a patent for blue jeans with copper rivets. According
, in 1902 Cuba gained independence from the United States (sic).
Third , 20 May have been born Damage Aiello, Cher, Diego Abatantuono, Joe Cocker, John Stuart Mill and Pietro Bembo, and they are also dead Cristoforo Colombo, Stephen Jay Gould and Paul Ricoer.
Fourth, it's Sunday.
wanted to finish the season with a Festivalino igloo made of crepe paper like we do with erbazzone, tall grass, the bags of trash in the yard yet, crates of bottles hydro, mice that shit into a glass of beer (joke).
But no. No, I do not think it will be closing. And to mark this step we will make a hybrid Festivalino hybrid crepe paper.
half in and half out, as the sirens. Desinit in piscem, mulier formosa supernal. A little 'because it starts getting hot, and inside you sweat more, and probably will play those who want to sweat more, and a little' because three days I have a dog, puppy, that pisses and shits of great vigor, and outside is better.
Here's the point: there are 7 groups.
3 of them will play indoor, outdoor and 3 of them will play a sound that no one knows where.
groups of Festivalino are: Julie's Haircut
, Zoe Lea , M? , Afraid! , Irma Vep , Wolther goes stranger & Calorifer is Very Hot
All comincerà alle 16.30, e le 16.30 saranno le 16.30, e comincerà così:
La scaletta dei gruppi della giornata verrà estratta prima di cominciare.
Mancare al sorteggione sarebbe come mancare al funerale di tuo nonno, alla prima apertura della tua gelateria preferita, alla sagra del borlengo di guiglia, e perciò non mancare o ti mancherà.
Ogni 40 min un gruppo, di filata, dentro e fuori, e mentre da dentro si esce o da fuori si entra, FedeMc e AlbiBello renderanno pingue di dischi il transito e non solo.
Apertura cancello (se riusciamo ad aggiustarlo) ore 16.00.
Alle 20.30 (max 21.00) il gong finale decreterà la chiusura del festivalino, followed by staff groups and the social dinner in memory of Christopher Columbus, but of course nobody will prevent the dj to continue to entertain you.
As always opt for a € 5 entry (the last igloo has gone below 5 €, to 'mo'), with a complimentary drink (the food is free of course).
There will be some young Correggio FreeSBIE team that will sell beer from the hops of the window sills of Corso Mazzini.
The driver that comes with a car + 4 people in and who was present at all previous igloo will have another drink for himself and his friends.
Since we are outdoors, and there's space is something to desire, there is no reservation required.
But if you want to call us for a chat on hot, the independent scene, Paul Ricoer el'ermeneutica demystifying as it gets igloo, or you can not find parking (in which case service will be made a "shuttle") go ahead:
hcapra@alice.it - \u200b\u200b3405702119 - Capra
charly_seccone@yahoo.it - \u200b\u200b3395211519 - Sollo
Yes, one last thing. To make the igloo, igloo us, we do not earn anything, I mean in monetary terms. Some groups have told us though that was the best opportunity in which they played.
just say, not cheap. Forward as well.
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