Peter Falk, Wings of Desire. He said rubbing his hands, holding a hot cup of coffee.
If you do that is good .
If there are groups that play to play and nothing else, it's nice .
If you write the name on the cup, and it supports the filing glasses on a strip of adhesive tape, and then you remember where you put it, and reuse it again. E ' beautiful.
The brew house is beautiful .
An old country house, uninhabited, a little 'shabby, remained uninhabited for several decades, whose owner is named Aldo, near St. Louis, where in December we make a crib-sized man, the clearing behind the house , across from the cornfield in the background of the aqueduct Mandriolo. E ' beautiful.
Rake the grass mowed to prevent the exhaust of cars appicchino fire, and do so at one-half of a Sunday in May, a small blister on the first phalanx of the thumb to remember for four to five days will not make the farmer. Very nice .
Twenty still be deleted mail in the Inbox to determine where to put the bar, where to buy the glasses, as erbazzone this time, whether or not to take a chemical toilet. Very beautiful could almost not gate.
My dog \u200b\u200bat his first concert.
Cooking in the store next to the builders of the test room, the grill sizzles, the scent of moldy cheese crumbles in the Tuscan hills to keep my grandmother, my legs a bit 'begin to give in, to make room for hot plates in 'only remaining power strip comes off the first refrigerator. Beauties.
See Julie's that load amps in the light of a single neon hanging from a branch, the faces of Zoe Lea that they apologize for not being able to stop for dinner, Albi Bello dividing the pasta with his girlfriend, who becomes FedeMc a lamp before the fire a hot sausage.
The last exchange of glances before you start putting it all in, including me, relief, liga, coffee, beautiful, architect, cunning, Chiussi, tuna, to establish that it is made. There are still a couple of hours of stuff to move, but it is made.
Why all this? Why is
If you do that, it's nice .
Bella history
ps: pictures? here
pps: you have photos? would be nice to share not? ... beautiful
PPPS: a guide really nice of FedeMC? here