Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Letter To A Depressed Friend

Preparations for the unification of Italy in Libya

While Japan held their breath the whole world and Colonel Gaddafi in Libya regains ground on insurgents at home getting ready to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the next day. The
almost every city in the beautiful country are planned events, cultural events, concerts, and remember to greet one of the highest moments of our history. Obviously there are spoilers in the green shirt, leaving the classroom at the sound of the hymn, or prefer to go to work, failing to find reasons to celebrate.
Apart from the few dissident voices, I hope that March 17 is really a time of renewed and genuine national unity against an emergency cultural and social which now surrounds us at least fifteen years. For this reason, I would like to echo the proposed Civati \u200b\u200bthat site Next Stop Italy to March 17 suggests an act of civil obedience. Ask for a receipt, a clean handkerchief park, do not steal the queue at the supermarket, a small report abuse, visit museums and places never seen before.
What do you think? we try?


Monday, March 14, 2011

Schutt Air Xp Vs Dna Pro

Gehddafi now seems to have regained almost all the cities have fallen into rebel hands. It seems that the "terrorists " as defined them as the youngest son of Colonel using a term so dear to the West, have been defeated and then the status quo in Libya has been restored. Read: Dictatorship is back.
But at what price?
the price of silence and the West, especially Italy, that land which has enormous economic and commercial interests. Unlike what happens with Tunisia and Egypt. So much so that we are willing to suffer the blackmail of the tyrant who threatens us saying that we have betrayed the cause, and then, once peace is restored (to the sound of bombs), the streets of Tripoli and our dear country will pay the setback.
In all this our government says? Silent. Berlusconi silent, as the puppet Frattini dens, while the cronies goliards leaguers are unleashed against the invasion of immigrants.
We are a country in disarray, dominated the mood of the other guests because Judah did not propose any prospect for the future development for new generations? I think so.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Much Does Laminating Cost

War A Country's Struggle

Today day of great protests across Italy, not so much against Berlusconi as against the model that embodies and that set us over the past fifteen years. The protest of the common people, in defense of the Constitution and Public Education, both recent victims torn dall'esondante arrogance of the Premier.
A people fighting for their rights, in the hope that this will slowly but surely be the wind of the Italian revolution.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Product For Mexican Hair

merged Administrative and Referendum? No thanks

view of the fact that March 17 would anyone want us to work, and while we're also on May 1 (true Minister Calderoli ?!?), because there is a crisis and the country struggles to again because of the workers, who always want to party, Maroni well thought of giving a hand to the nation not amalgamating the local elections and the Referendum (privatization of water, such failure and return to nuclear power).
Total expenditure of the estimated 300 million euro.
Something does not add up, someone will think. In short, we are in crisis, there's no money for anyone, and the government decides to spend some centinaio di milioni dei nostri euro, non accorpando queste consultazioni? Tutto potrebbe trovare un senso se, così come nel caso del referendum contro il federalismo di qualche anno, si decidesse di non votare tutto lo stesso giorno per non correre il rischio di raggiungere i quorum sui quesiti refendari. In effetti negli ultimi anni, ed in occasioni di possibilità di accorpamento analoghe, i governi Berlusconi si sono sempre comportati alla stessa maniera: sai mai che un quesito referendario proposto da quei comunisti, che ancora credono nelle consultazioni popolari, possa passare.
Ma questa appare come fantapolitica... o no?!?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Congenital Syphilislong Term Affects

Happy Birthday Grandma

Oggi vorrei dedicare un pensiero a mia nonna, che dopo una vita di difficoltà e stenti è arrivata al traguardo dei 93 anni.
Una memoria storica ancora in vita, un'esperienza enorme, della quale le nostre generazioni hanno irrimediabilmente bisogno, soprattutto vista la povertà delle classi che dovrebbero educarci.
Auguro quindi a mia nonna ancora cento di questi giorni, e che abbia sempre la forza e l'energia per raccontare ancora storie (soprattutto ai nipotini che un po' alla volta stanno arrivando), per tramandare ancora esperienze e pezzi di vita vissuta.

Un Saluto

Prom Dresses Under 60 Dollars

Galleria RILIEVI . Via della Reginella 1a . Roma
02/16 . 03 . 2011
a cura di ELISIRart
ingresso libero

