a cura di ELISIRart
in collaborazione con Jelmoni Studio Gallery
Galleria RILIEVI . Via della Reginella 1a . Roma
dal 6 al 17 novembre 2010
Margherita Calzoni รจ nata a Bologna nel 1983. Sin da bambina asseconda la grande passione della pittura, che negli anni nutre con studio ed esperienza. Dal 2003 partecipa numerous personal and collective exhibitions and events, publishing articles in catalogs and magazines.
Rome presents a summary of the most recent production, works in which the expression is necessary, urgent, cheerfully bossy, is the result of the inner need of manipulation of the material world of concrete, which is awareness, interpretation of reality , the meaning of things, this movement from outside to inside, is the principal agent of the creative young artist, said, screamed, also revealed in words. And understanding does not lie in giving a global order of appearance static, but in giving a sense of being the fragment of the universe, the universe itself, which is the space of the canvas. There is no place for cultural fearful masks in the works of Margaret, a clear research in motion is the beginning and "end" of each job.
"The matter is not cold and expressionless, the artist may make it come alive, responsive, interested in the human sphere. Forge Matter according to my emotions, I do not let me She governments: I stop thinking about my ideas, problems, feelings and seeking the object that can carry them on canvas. Paper, plaster, metal? From the most humble to the best materials together with me, we are a team! I am also a curious person and a perfectionist, always seeking something new and better me, do not ever hesitate to make the material more "strange" and to use it. Do not think that my paintings, maybe not easy to read, there are compounds with a basic idea: a passion for painting and the subject pushed me every day and trying to create. Life is a path composed of curiosity, passion and research, and my hope will be entirely so! I think the man should be the focus of art: So what are the best of ideas, feelings, fears the man at the center of my paintings! Emerge from this soul searching my work. They are like an explosive material, ready to explode, pouring out an ocean of creativity. All I want is to paint, will never be hard for me: the joy is matter in motion! " MC