beads Beat
"We were a generation of stealth. Do you understand? knew within us that is of no use to show off who you are that level, namely at the level of the public. It was a way to be beat - that is, to engage with us stessi, perché per noi tutti era chiaro a che punto eravamo: stufi di tutte le forme, di tutte le convenzioni del mondo"Jack Kerouac
"Ho visto le migliori menti della mia generazione distrutte dalla pazzia, affamate, isteriche, nude trascinarsi per strade di negri all'alba in cerca di droga rabbiosa hipster testadangelo bramare l'antico spaccia paradisiaco che connette alla dinamo stellare nel meccanismo della notte, Ho visto le migliori menti della mia generazione che mangiavano fuoco in hotel ridipinti o bevevano trementina in Paradise Alley, morte, o si purgatoriavano the chest, night after night with dreams, with drugs, with open eyes nightmares, alcohol and cock and ball-bust endless I saw the best minds of my generation that wandered up and down at midnight to train depots me ask you where to go, and went, leaving no broken hearts, I saw the best minds of my generation thrombi in the limo with the Chinese at the instigation of Oklahoma winter precipitation mezzonotturno illampionata provincial I saw the best minds of my generation dangling Houston looking for sun and starved jazz or sex or soup, and the brilliant seguivan English covers of America and eternity, time wasted, and then by ship to Africa ... "Allen Ginsberg
" Beat is the journey of Dante. The beat is Christ. The beat is Ivan. The beat is any man, any man who breaks the established path to follow the intended path. "
Gregory Corso
" The only people for me are the crazy people: those who do not yawn and never never say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles, exploding like spiders among the stars. "
Jack Kerouac