Monday, May 19, 2008

Sideways Peace Sign What Does It Mean

i-Gloo 3.0 Fest CANCELLED! . . . i-GlooCollective Night CONFIRMED!

us to communicate the unpleasant news.
Unfortunately it did not go.
The bad weather made it impractical igloo space (parking, lawn, path), and the next would not be enough sunny days to fix everything ...

Nothing to do for this time.
we try again in June or July, we see these days.

To console us, Friday, May 23 ci si potrebbe vedere in Galera a Correggio, con la prima serata iGloo Collective, di cui potete leggere il comunicato qua sotto.

Un grazie sentito a Agatha, Amavo, Kelvin, Ne Travaillez Jamais, Three in one Gentleman Suit, The Death of Anna Karina e ai djs che si erano resi disponibili...

Speriamo a presto.


" La gente ha la peste quando non lo sa ."   W. Defoe

L'iGloo si allarga. Ingrassa.
Suppura come un bubbone e va ad infilarsi altrove, come la peste, come i ratti delle chiaviche.
Oltre alle serate iGloo in quello che è diventato il covo degli amanti di concerti sanguigni e succosi, quel casolare disabitato con una vecchia pompa di benzina e una sala prove in condivisione, l'iGloo dà i natali all' iGloo collective.

Già si era intravisto qualcosa, quando ci mettemmo all'opera durante Pink Sound of the Moon, con una mostra di artiste nell'agosto 2007.

Ma ora il gruppetto sparuto di missionari, di predicatori scalzi, alza la cresta e si fa veicolo della pasteurella pestis, come untori infettati intabarrati incravattati infumanati, che si muoveranno per far sì che la filosofia dell'iGloo diventi, finalmente, endemica.

In un altro covo, la Galera di Correggio.
A portare la fiaccola dell'iGloo stavolta sarà

Musica da Cucina
progetto del poliedrico artista Fabio Bonelli (già noto per aver militato nella storica band morbegnese, MILAUS),

"Tintinnio di bicchieri o fischio di bollitori, canzoni che crescono piano piano aprendoci le porte della cucina di Fabio e svelandoci, come pietanze appena uscite dal forno, la perfezione di alcuni gesti quotidiani, e per ricordare quanto i fornelli siano elemento portante di quel che, nella nostra breve e sincera esperienza, stiamo cercando di portare avanti" 

Prima e dopo  My Awesome Mixtape  Dj-Set.

Occhio behlin, is the beginning of the infection ...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cirrhosis Of The Throat


"... while I so many people that which has the power and water which has the not me who feels anything but. .. " Rino Gaetano

The following I have "borrowed" from MySpace Giulia ... Unfortunately, the event has already passed ... but I still went to give him space on these pages (WEB!) ... Until a few days ago I did not know Evio Botta, did not even know who he was ... by Evio I learned a lesson that I will in my heart and I will use every time in this society so avidly materialistic, consumerist way (I do my part !!!), so hypocritical (money-family-work, produce, consume crack me !!!), find only a fight with a shred of ideals in the suitcase ... I think what I learned can be more or less translated as: "Only after we lost everything that free
to do any thing.

"Evio Botta is a homeless man well known in Rome. 49 years, born in Cuneo, lives in the capital for more than twenty. He began his career as a cook, Later, several events have led to choose the life of a tramp. But do not bum thrown on the floor, on the corner. Poodle feet, square and square fight: he founded the association in 88 "friends", created to find homes for the homeless, and created the University of the homeless and the 'Roll of Barboni Professionals " , in the interests of those who ask alms, issuing a receipt for tax purposes. But Veltroni has also challenged in 2001 by standing as mayor of "the voiceless", a list composed of homeless, evicted, retired to a minimum, part-time workers and disabled, and even adopted a child from a distance, supported by donations from passers-by, sales of its books of poetry and disguises from the ancient Roman Empire. Evio, in short, is an imaginative union of the homeless, a man, but absolutely non-partisan politician. Rome is also known as an artist because Tramp wrote poems, short stories, monologues, which has several times performed at the Teatro Belli. Would it not be a man of letters, or an actor in the academic sense, but it does not matter: the value of what he writes is in the people, events and images that captures its extraordinary sensitivity, even before the words. Evio For twenty years he lived and slept on the street where it happened, preferably in occupied houses. For a year, however, has throat cancer. Last March, he suffered removal of the vocal cords, and as long as he could, he lived in the only dorm "24 hours" of Rome, or in containers. Then her health plummeted: the tumor has grown back another, always at the throat, and began radiation therapy. It 'been a guest Forlanini hospital for several months, since it feeds with a probe from the belly, and we all agree that a container is not considered a suitable site sanitation in his case, but a few weeks Evio is out again. On May 18 the association "I HOLD SMITH" in collaboration with the local organizing sIEVE COUNT "A barrel of life," a concert for Evio support and his battles. By: Rocco Papaleo-Antonio Forcione-JULIAN HINTON-BAND ... AND OTHER SURPRISE GUESTS More than a charity evening will be a great celebration, cheerful and colorful. No rhetoric and piety, just music, HEAT and so much positive energy to give Evio the strength to fight: against the disease that affects and for a house, which has been fighting for ten years. In his story "The Legend of ... 'Evio writes:" [...] Me and my friend steal a smile to people with our jokes. The money we give them, because it made them laugh our victims feel obliged to give us money, without arousing the pity of others asking for charity. " Well these words are pushing "I HOLD BOTTA" and many artists throughout Italy to try to support them with art, humor and warmth, which he sends to those who have always been fortunate to know him.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dance Costume Cataloques


"El pueblo unido Jamas será be defeated"

makes anger to think that our parents were angry young men who have not been able to grow anything and you are merely "comply." Even more angry to think that we young people are doing their very end: we have lost the desire to dream, the desire to fight and the possibility of hope.
Alarm! We
products a system of artificial needs stuns us to make us forget the real ones!
The only ideal of today's youth is the image ... image is everything for us ...
Bambocci I have it with the children of fathers, who in life have chosen to live as parasites on the backs of parents (who experienced the same in '68) ... I imagine them: Alan Flusser's full, full chest and back scoop of soft aspects ... polka dot silk tie by Valentino Couture ... A. Testoni Crocodile Shoes ...
And then home-house-style in alcove of consumerist IKEA Sonata Salton toaster, cuocipane Panasonic, Cuisinart Little Pro food processor, juicer the Acme Supreme Juiceator, jug stainless steel tea for two and a half liters whistles "Tea for Two" ... "Spread spend and what they are."
Why everything you own in the end you have: we live with the fear of being able to look poor and even with a meager holiday villages Alpitour, discos and tangled to the teeth and Daje Daje and Daje ...
But this is only half the story ...
I have it with the young protesters, in the sense that clearly belong to the middle class and upper middle class make it through the smallness of their appearance, lost in the wake of Che Guevara, revolutionary in their frenzy to spit only good judgments, teens going for thirty, living on false ideals, con le spalle coperte da papà: forniscono un'immagine trasandata di se... un immagine che costa anche più di quella dei figli di papà, dei bell'imbusti pieni di grana e vuoti di ideali. L'I-pod, la macchina fotografica della Canon e una massiccia presenza al concerto del 1° maggio perchè questo è l'unico modo che hanno di scendere in piazza.
Ce l'ho con quelli di lotta comunista, che vogliono cambiare il mondo ma non se stessi: giovani borghesi che comunque vada hanno un'alternativa sociale, che lottano per i diritti umani e che ai piedi portano scarpe da ginnastica ed un baffo cucito prorpio vicino alla parola N-I-K-E... ce l'ho con questi "giovani" che non bevono coca cola per ragioni ideologiche(ce l'ho con le multinazionali, say!) and then you see them from Mc Donald's family and a pack of Marlboros that comes out of the pocket of the vest that he bought the first snow to go skiing: the frightened air, the ideal broken .. . IN SMOKE!
I've got all those young people with intellectual snob, locked in their worlds unhappy with the film titles were printed in the head as a leitmotif and shelves filled with books that do not open anything, a 'past existence to lick your ass to the professors, to become more committed to what parents wanted ... piano lessons, theater and sitting ... tea, pastries and "niches" dusty
I have it with young people who have given up dreaming and enlisted in the navy or the army e ne sono usciti sfatti e impazziti o quei giovani che sono finiti dietro uno sportello bancario o una scrivania prima ancora di poter mettere la testa fuori, prima ancora di poter affogare nel mondo. Mediocri!!!
Ce l'ho con i giovani qualunquisti che non vanno a votare... ce l'ho con quelli che non sopportano chi non parla la nostra lingua e nonostante una laurea in medicina nel suo paese viene a fare lavori che noi viziati del cazzo non avremmo mai l'umiltà di fare...

Ce l'ho con chi non si gode le piccole cose meravigliose della vita ... le stronzate con gli amici, qualche amichetta, la musica, il tramonto, l'alba... il liquore al cioccolato, la sigaretta dopo il caffè... viaggiare, mangiare e fare all'amore!!!

I have it with young people because we are throwing the toilet all our dreams ... I have it with young people because I just can not identiìficarmi in their ... I have it with young people because now I have confirmation that this ... It is a COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN!