Gegory Crewdson, "Untitled . From the series "Twilight", 1998-2002
Courtesy of the artists and Luhring Augustine, New York
When Gregory Crewdson, angry teenager in Brooklyn, an aspiring musician, with a suitcase full of dreams of rock 'n roll founded the band "The Speedies " would never have imagined that the song "Let Me Take Your Photo "was prophetic about what he would become in his life.
After a journey through original and imaginative re-discovery of the works of Stanley Kubrick abstract expression of Mark Rothko, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, the area of \u200b\u200bculture and ideas proposed by the photographic exhibition of the American who wanted to become a rock star (from 19 December 2007-2 March 2008).
A non-stop journey that propels us through his photos in suburban seasoned with references to films and legends of Hollywood: the Hollywood productions (often accurate indicator of the emotional state of the country), and movies David Lynch and Steven Spielberg have impacted particularly on his work.
His images have something special. Looking at them, fact you have the feeling of watching a scene from a movie, with the difference that we can see what will be the only frame you'll see. Il fotogramma di un mondo apparentemente idilliaco come in un sogno cinematografico inquietante, pervaso di oscurità e mistero. Sulla scia del saggio sul perturbante di Freud (“Das Unheimliche”), Crewdson riesce a creare mondi fotografici complessi e particolareggiati, in cui l'iconografia del paesaggio e dell'America suburbana appaiono come metafore delle nevrosi, delle ansie e dei desideri del fotografo stesso, specchi di una società intenta a confrontarsi con gli abissi della propria coscienza collettiva. Una società ipnotizzata, alienata da se stessa quanto dalla fragile realtà in cui si aggira come sonnambula.