It 's a personal opinion, of course. dips, however, by a curious sense, and pervasive optimism.
Well we do not understand what for, but there is, and we enjoy it.
The most beautiful things of the evening were two.
The first, self, was to finish a gig and be able to leave everything where it is, without slamming the disassembly and loading and unloading etc imports and exports.
The second was the considerable amount of credits (say, almost 2 / 3 of those present). In person or online.
He says thank you or when someone asks you a favor, or when you're happy because you happen to something unexpected. This is something very strange. That is not to think that if you spend a nice evening, putacaso, the Cove, you get up and go by the owners to say thanks.
happens if the spirit that has set up it took a deflected path, albeit tangential, to the usual. This deviance, we, we hope to pursue it.
sparingly, or it would wear off deft particular enamel.
"Eheu fleeting posthumous posthumously,
abuntur years nec pietas Moramo
rugis et instants senectae
adiret indomitaeque dead
"fugitives Alas, dear Posthumus,
slide the years, not a soul
devotee may delay ' pressing
old age, wrinkles, the inexorable death, [...]"
"Absumet heres Caecuba dignior
ved et centum clavibus mere
inget pavimentum superb
Pontificum potiore cenis "
" A most worthy successor to drink those wines Cecubo,
Serbati hours with a hundred keys,
and put it on the floor of a fine wine,
best in the cells of the popes [...]"
conclusion with more pragmatic tone, the evening was counted in a deficit of EUR 60 cash penguin.
Money we have spent extremely well.
Since it was about a 60In the next time the entry will be increased, obtorto neck, just just 1 euro :-)
or just be a little 'closer!
Cheeeers, thank you ...
i-Gloo staff